The Archetype of Parental Love

I was really excited about this field. I am soon to be 65 yr. old. My father died in 2003, my mother in 2008. I took care of both of them. I was raised very strictly. My father was intelligent, self educated, logical but also went into frequent rages.

I only played this once and got deeply depressed! Not sad, but very depressed. Hmmmmm Don’t know why this happened.
I had to search and play many of SM vids to get myself back to my “normal”.

Not complaining, but just to let people know of my experience, so if they have similiar they arent “weird”.


maybe a few more consecutive plays may help you see and perhaps make that problem better.


Thanks DW, I will try again tonight.


Yes @SilverZuzu
Same was with me, also we have same story about parents personalities, especially father was very rage man, but thanks to Sapien he is now better and better towards me as my mother
We all finally have normal life lol

Yes, Dream is right, play more like 2,3,4 times
Same was with me
First big depression and then better and better feelings came


Definitely healing our connection with our Source as well, restoring our ability to give and receive Love :heart:

Thank you so much Captain, two amazing release today :pray:


I’m more than lucky to have my parents staying at my place right now (or simply to “have” them): played this field while visualizing love streamed from them towards my direction. Double restoration. Sort of.

Not 100% on topic, but still 100% on topic though:

Yes. I have the “perfect” parents mentioned by _OM previously on this thread. So much so that I had to deal with many folks trying to “steal” them from me until now (semi lol). Envied, you know. People from all ages trying to be close to them. Especially my father who’s always been like a sort of super mate, above all for me. Even our arguments/“fights” have always sounded like “between friends”.

Ok, good. Now the imbroglio is this: one of my ex’s had told me, in the middle of a most romantic moment on the beach (lol) something like “If you only knew how much I love you… You’re like my father!”

(404 Error)

Another one was like “Why do you tell me what to do?!!! You’re like my father!”


Since I’m not a normie, I had first been almost proud of these anecdotes and spent a few years self-celebrating Father’s Day (I’m a woman btw)…

… until I realize what this was all about: I had stolen my own father’s missing role. I’m not talking about simple stuff, like a lack of authority or laxism. No, it’s more complicated than that.

But anyway. What matters here is that I’m busy playing the “Who’s Who?” game with the fields lately and this one’s timing is just perfect. Thank you Dreamweaver.


first play and i’m feeling my spirits lifted!

i love my friends but i just wasn’t feeling any connection.

playing this while playing with friends makes me feel better!

edit: shivers and then after again feeling a bit more better. incrementally and gradually.



listened to it a couple of times, and i feel a different set of emotions, it’s like love is being Induced into my heart but also i feel some sort of healing in that area, also accompanied with some emotional release as i feel like crying lol.

Didn’t think much of this audio when it was released directly but now I’m really seeing how it will hopefully help me out.


perhaps this also heals you in your ways of parenting. like a subconscious guide.


I think this is the first time I wont have hyped comment about the field.I used guided meditation for forgiveness from dreamseeds(too short,and narrator seems rushed,also too much talking and instructing for my taste,whenever I would intuitively get visions about memories or detailed image of specific scenery from the video,I would be cut off by the voice reminding me to move on to next mini task so to say.)So after using this I went on to use Parent field,I mentioned this field just so it is clear I was in primed state for using it(relaxed and in the zone so to say).So I play it,lie in bed and focus so to say.
Personal experience:I probably expected too much.I could feel suported by these archetypes and even though I teared up and this definitely helped,I just couldnt shake of the feeling of it being fake.I could see myself having palm of each parent on my shoulders,but since I could feel those arent my biological parents,it seemed to only serve purpose of helping me through rough time(again failed exam today),but in the long term I need to find higher source of love and be guided by it.This is what I felt as the audio neared its end,also it feels like that love could fall from pleidian or sirian infusion(I seem attuned to both,I know it makes no sense).So yeah those 2 are next on my list.
TLDR:Used guided forgiveness to get into the right state,followed by Parent field,and although I got some result,it felt like I should look elsewhere when it comes to source of love.


Try Unconditional love a few times before parental so the experience feeling that love enhances.

Also re the forgiveness meditation is best to go through it being a detached observer, like if you were watching the movie of your life, dont be the character within the movie be outside just watching the scenes that are shown without you knowing what they would be.

I added torsion and emotional cutter and the experience was highly expanded

But its good that you are following your instincts or higher self so just suggesting here x


Uploaded on patreon!


I had an idea of stacking it with blueprint after Patreon release


I think it’s excellent that you reflect and feel for yourself what you need to listen to. What’s right at one moment can be very different at the next.

And sometimes just throw in something one doesn’t think would give any benefits. Actually a funny thing is that things one resist often is just the things one really, really need…

Saying this to myself as well. ( being so hooked on Blueprint that everything else comes in the shadow of it, for now.) :wink:


Drums playing have entered the room :sunglasses:

Tah dah. This.


This was a very thoughtful much needed release, Dream. Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo


:rofl: I thought this at first but then was honest with myself. Excited to use this!


Thought the same thing. Great minds…

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Will do it next time I feel like playing it.Right after writting that reply,I used Sirian infusion and it filled my chest area like a balloon.Like I am just present and feel it endlessly expanding.After a while I tried talking to the energy just like when I used to try talking to higher self long ago.This time communication was like soo clear,again I know it could just be my subconscious but this was unexpectedly fast and answers werent nice or gentle,but I needed to hear them.


:blush: keep following what you think is best for you x