The Black Panther Totem

I got excited and bought it. Then came back to read the description a second time. Realized I barely saw half the description. Hit the little arrow and holy shit. This does a lot. Sounds really epic. And for this cost.

And it’s not just a lot of stuff. It’s a lot of really bad ass stuff that I basically need. Who came up with this? Because they put a shit ton of all the things I need in one field? How in the… is there another me out here? w t frick


He’s gone full cat man!


Oh come onnnnn, about to get monthly pay and already seeing how it will be spent🧙‍♂. New gems on soundweaver :eyes::eyes:?
Why next 2 weeks, u mean community projects or soundweaver gems?


I was merely poking fun. Never say you’re done spending on Dreamweaver. Never say it. Or else. You never know what might be just around the corner; just about to drop.

2 weeks is a pay period. For a lot of us at least.

:notes: duh nuh nuh nuh Catman :rofl:


me right now


Seriously though. Black Panther + Hardcore. This will be you soon…



I wish. Because then girls would never go back… you know…

Maybe if I had Ninja too. Maybe then.


Does this work in regards to eyesight? I know panthers have good hearing and extremely good eyesight

I had a bad car accident about 15 years ago and my back and neck are quite often in pain. Will this NFT help my back and neck?

I had to make this question, how come a private project as this one, goes from be a private to a public one? I´m so glad this being public :grinning:

So nice job by the way. Congratulations!


Got this, thanks! Empowered me day!


Just bought it, I got number 2/100, thank you @Ugninis + group and @El_Capitan_Nemo! :slight_smile:
Made me think about this great black panther video on youtube,


Got this enchanted masculine NFT no. 66/100 , can’t wait to see what it does to me , :blush:


I got chills watching this video @Mac Thank you.

@El_Capitan_Nemo Thank you for your kind heart making this available to more people.

Wearing this beauty now. First thing I noticed, mind sinking deep. Very deep. Theta? Maybe lower. Super relaxed but no loss of alertness.

Actually, it’s like a waking hypnosis. More alert than usual but more relaxed and centered. And yet, once again, more aware. Usually anything that draws my focal point inward costs me my attention on my surroundings. Somehow it’s doing both. More internal center of attention but more aware of surroundings… is this what a Panther mind is like?

Second thing. Body feeling empowered. A rush of energy in my whole body.

Body and mind feel very calm. But very powerful.

Many of these benefits sound like they’ll take time to notice but I’ll try to update this from time to time.

Got the sexual energy boost like @anon65852628 said. Early on. Maybe the first sign of this NFTs energy. But wasn’t sure if it was just me. I willed it away more or less and it subsided. Because it’s not a convenient time for that right now.

Confidence is going up. Very literally (Self)-confidence. Feeling like my approval of myself is all I need. Similar to the description of Self Respect on Gumroad. But not the same experience as that field.

Feeling more confident with people. I’d still rather avoid them but it’s becoming less of an aversion. The courage to deal with them is there, just not the desire. But that’s just me. I never had the desire in the first place. The courage vs aversion part I attribute to this field.

People in the above paragraph = strangers irl. That’s all I’m talking about. Not friends irl. And not you guys. That’s all different.

Becoming more energetic. It’s like I drank a cup of coffee that I don’t remember drinking. Not jittery though.

That’s a lot going on for the early phases of getting to know a field. And yet I know there’s a lot more to this one still to be experienced. Will be patient.


For me i definitely noticed the increase of seductive energy before opening up the info accordion. I was like 'whoa i shouldn’t be feeling this way, jeez just introduced myself to this sacred nft" then when I opened the info I was like ‘ooo no wonder’


Phew this beats all the bones. Damn impressed. First NFT I got multiple copies …

Great job @Ugninis


this is a steeeeeaaal


Getting acquainted with the image is captivating. When I pull up the picture, I’m drawn directly to the eyes. The energy is very potent! I was #44 for the $88 bucks it’s cost. Pretty cool already :sunglasses:


That furr though! So majestic and beautiful. My favorites nft so far, art wise


Thank you to the group who released this publicly! Just bought it :blush:


@El_Capitan_Nemo It’s perfect. Thank you.


thank you for this. i actually only bought this so fast because i really like what i have seen from ugnis ideas so far, but if it was more expensive i would not. thaank you both, captain and ugnis! i dont regret it!
now, i was testet poitive for covid three days ago .i am not very sick, just a bit a sore throat. but my whole body kept aching like crazy. i had to take painkillers to fall asleep. this morning there is no pain anymore! only a bit like i can feel my arms. legs are fine. maybe this is just normal healing, but i stared at the picture on my phone before i slept. ( i have to admit that it scared me a bit, these eyes in the dark room:))