The Black Sun 🌚



I retract this statement. Today I am experiencing powerful negentropic collapses and am following them all the way through. They have been intense and sometimes have left me almost breathless causing me to take in long deep breaths as I purge and let go. They have been happening non stop rolling on one after the other. After one of these powerful collapses I was left grinning from ear to ear and the one straight after that one caused me to giggle, a happy joyful giggle! :joy: What’s up with that? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I guess my body was very happy to have released and cleared something.
I am absolutely loving this NFT!!! I have errands to run today and I have to drive across town and go visit my elderly mom and yet I can’t seem to stop listening to the audio. It’s like I am on a roll and don’t want to stop! Also experiencing lots of cool tingles across my thighs after each collapse.


add Taoist negentropy - 7 gems :laughing:


Great idea Ugnis!! :clap: I will play it right now!


perfect match


There is something similar to the ascension-naut but in different way.
For me the Black Sun is the inner sun or the microcosmic sun.
I dont feel anything related to saturn here but i’m still discovering this nft.


Hey everyone, I have Pluto transiting my first house and it will eventually hit my Sun at some point at 4 degrees of Aquarius. I’ve had a lot of challenges during this, especially when Pluto crossed the Ascendant in Capricorn and I lost my beloved brother and my job in a matter of months and was unemployed for 8 months (the longest time in my career).

I’m considering this NFT to help smooth out the anguish of this Pluto transit and the losses that keep coming as it looks like I’ll be out of a job again soon. There is so much happening in the skies right now. I already have the Astrologically Inclined NFT and use the Navagraha Homam audio. I’m wondering if the Black Sun might help or make things worse under this scenario. While I know there are no guarantees here, but would love to hear different perspectives to consider. Thanks!


Im so sorry for your loss.

I wont be the best person to give you an opinion, because when i got it, a few days after working with it and researching etc, i strongly felt as if “It” has told me i didnt need it, maybe later on, for another transition but the initial something it brings it was something i have already been through.

Mind this was my experience and waht i felt, might even be far from reality but i strongly felt it. So i traded it for one i was ready for to work here and now.

Nonetheless it is a beautfiul powerfully strong NFT.

I dont want to venture saying much of my feedback or what i think and what not because if there is one thing i felt with it, Its that it opens a full and Personal Journey with it, so i dont think it can be generalized.

However… as i said to Ugnis when i got it, when the student is ready the teacher manifests and if you feel inclined to get it, maybe its a must.

But wait for other owners more experienced in it to chime in.

Also consider checking this new field:

The Probability Wave

See if that resonates with your immediate needs as well.

And all the best!!


Wow! Thank you so much :pray:

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I was using Navagraha Homam daily :( I’ll switch to Nullify negative Planetary effects…

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In my interpretation, the Black Sun also supports inner strength and gives great benefits to the user on his path, working with the inner aspects of the personality to maintain and strengthen them. I never thought it would aggravate or degrade anything, as all of Captain’s fields are as ecological as possible.

I am sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.

I am not very good at astrology, for example the Alchemical Astrology project was developed in consultation with people who are, although the theoretical (basic) framework was formed by me. If you look at your problems from an astrological point of view, perhaps it is better to listen to people who understand it better.


I’m thinking this whould pair well with Karma Crucible.Sadly can’t afford either right now.But soon.


I recommand this field.:dove:

Things we fear are eventually over-powering us. It’s helping me facing it.

Thanks to all people involved :pray::call_me_hand:🪷 :seedling::cloud::mountain::call_me_hand::pray::sunny:

It also feels good to have the symbolism used against you on your side, with its energy being stronger and more powerfull. SO HAPPY :dolphin:❤‍🔥 :sunflower:


Feeling plus mental health nft will allow you to cope more with a healthy mental state :yum:


Praise the sun


Would this be a good purchase for someone who underwent extreme trauma + has fears/paranoia ?


There are more specialized products for these problems: the absolutely available Revision Series (Patreon), the Crucible Series, the Blueprint of the Past audio, the Mental Health Project, for dealing with emotions: the Emotional Mastering Protocol audio

Of course, this project will also help, but if I were you, I would emphasize what I wrote above


Thanks, I actually use all of those already. I suppose this is a good addition then.


absolutely :slightly_smiling_face:


For those of you more curious on the subject of the Black Sun, a while back (maybe a year or two ago) I read a book called “The Black Sun” The Alchemy and Art of Darkness by Stanton Marlan and David H. Rosen. It is a VERY good academic take on this subject for those seeking more information.