The Blueprint of Life

There’s a recent thread about Teespring payment issues ( Cant pay with paypal on gumroad/patreon/teespring :pensive: ). You might find some additional solutions and workarounds that you could try for your purchase, if you’d like.


So will this field help clear away karma from past lives?

Also will this help with reincarnation to much higher dimensions/Loka planes of existence? Rather than having to come back here again and again… And again lol


Just suggestion over this. You can listen to that essence of mantra. There are om mani padme hum mantra that help to clear karma and grand you higher plane for it


Thanks for the suggestion (Essence of Mantras). I remember a while back when this was released but never tried it but after reading the description of it, sounds like it’ll be strong field.

Although would you know of any other fields that will help me get in to the heavenly realms/planes. Honestly… anything to get me out of this s**t hole.

Also is it true that after we pass on we shouldn’t head towards the light? Because I heard that it’s a trap and you end up coming back here again lol


Even if you do coming back. You won’t be having to deal with much of suffering


You may also want to complement with Conceptual Realizations. 2 excellent posts to illustrate how it works:


I’ve decided to start listening to this again and I’m wondering what sort of body restructuring I can expect. Sort of an odd question but does anyone know if 6 or 8 abs are the most negentropic? What sort of muscle insertions are the most negentropic?

For function?

Cuz i’m here thinking hmm the best insertions for bodybuilding would be high peaking, wide, and inserting close to the joint but is that what a negentropic human is like?

I can only speculate for function however, probably would want a little more tendon for good tendon strength. Idk man

And i want to say both 6 and 8 are negentropic but I’m not sure I find a million reasons to believe 6, or that it doesn’t matter, and now i just found out the da Vinci human body had a 10 pack man


You have the muscles for what fitness magazines might call “8 abs.” That’s the way most human beings are built.

Whether each and every one of those muscles are visible (which is what those fitness magazines are talking about when they talk about “8 abs”) and to what degree they’re visible really isn’t “negentropic.” Look at newborn babies (who might be the most negentropic humans around). You seldom see babies with “6” or “8 abs” visible. Or, if you did, their doctors might be worried for the baby’s health.

tl;dr: This field doesn’t operate in that way and is not the best field to achieve that goal of yours. But you have “8 abs,” whether they are visible or not.


I was always under the impression that some people have 6 and some people have 8 abs based on genetics, just depending on how the connective tissue divides up the rectus abdominis. Same with some people having, for instance, a long bicep muscle belly due to low bicep insertion on the tendon and some having a short belly due to a high insertion.
I know this doesn’t build muscle, I’m just asking how it might affect the way the body is structured.

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This is my third day of listening to this Field, after first listening to SLR and Torsion x3. The first days listening was profound in that I felt the Field slowly, lovingly lifting debris from my being that I thought I had cleared years ago.

However, today It is not easy for me to put my experience of listening into words. Oversimplified, what I experienced was an overwhelming presence of Source wrapping my being in such Love, Support, and Appreciation that I was sobbing with Gratefulness. Then, I felt such Compassion, Love, and Appreciation for this being that I am, and what she has endured and accomplished in not only this life, but previous lifetimes. At this point, my Solar Plexus began vibrating, spinning, and filling with energy the likes of which I have never experienced before. It was so intense I found myself becoming somewhat afraid of what would happen in the next moment! Calm came over me as my Third Eye joined my Solar Plexus and the two were dancing together. This feeling of the joining of the two chakras highly activated is continuing even though the Field is finished. I am following up with listening to the Ojas.

Thank You Dream, our Captain! I am unsure what happened to me, but it feels Beautiful!


I just realised, doesn’t this field basically make most fields redundant? If it makes the body as negentropic as possible (I’m kind of imagining it as a Super Soldier Serum in audio form, that promotes peak human condition), doesn’t that cover most health, brain, beauty, etc fields?


It’s hard to believe that’s not true, knowing (somewhat :wink:) the depth of what is at the core of this field. If I could choose only one, this would be it.


I suppose that really depends on what you’re meaning when you’re talking about “redundant.”

Can this field re-install your original blueprint (of mind, body and spirit) which your apparatus will then act upon to realize that blueprint? Yes, absolutely. That’s how I think this field operates.

Can there be instances and situations where we have (for whatever our reasons) gotten away from our original blueprint and realized–say–dis-eases which are unpleasant enough that we want them gone (healed, corrected) ASAP and, therefore, might want to supplement BoL with some fields which are specifically targeted for our conditions, helping our healings to be more thorough, quicker, more comfortable? Yes, I can see how, in cases such as this (and there are others), we might want to supplement BoL with more specifically-targeted fields. In these situations, I personally wouldn’t say that those other fields are “redundant.”

To me, saying BoL is a wonderful or powerful “complement” to those other fields would be closer to my understanding.



If you ever choose between Mythic and blueprint of life which one you buy? Can’t afford both

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Unless there’s a specific issue addressed by one of the fields in Mythic, I would recommend BoL first, for everything, hands-down. To me, it’s more comprehensive and more universally useful for the issues that I see discussed here on this forum.


Yeah from what I read and the testimonies being left in the forum, I think I would go with the blue print of life first. Especially for healing or correcting genetic errors, this is gonna be my purchase next month.


Personally I prefer fields that are a single track

I hear what you’re saying. Another way of looking at that could be “Wow, I’m getting 3 different fields for the price of 1 (BoL),” especially with the Mythic album where the fields are really separate and distinct. In fact, I don’t play the Mythic fields together. They’re separated out, either across my huge playlist for the day or across several smaller playlists.