The Blueprint of Life

According to the FAQ / what Dream/Sammy communicated, it doesn’t matter.
When in doubt, listen to that.

it’s valid if someone feels like it’s better for them with speakers or not with speakers whatever, it’s what they feel 🤷

I listen quietly from phone/laptop in the room, I prefer this.


Personally, i feel they work the best on speakers with the speaker next to my heart ( the center of your torus / subconscious )

But that’s just me :)

See what feels best for you bro


I prefer speakers that way your whole aura absorbs the energy.

The only ones i like with headphones are the millionaire mindset because they go straight to your subconscious :smirk::sunglasses:

Also because i dont want to overwhelm my ears since i listen to so many things and for instance i (myself, only my thought) think that wearing certain tags while listening fields with speakers could nicely mix the energies :wink:

But as others have said just try and follow your instinct


@uial @AkiraTheWild sorry guys…

Maybe split the last comments to general discussion please? This audio is super important to talk about other stuff :heart::heart:


Although subjective to the user, I agree with @ActionGuy. Headphones or speaker work just fine. Dream would say speakers mostly cause back in the day, some of our audios were… very piercing to the ears (like entity removal, testosterone, breast, ext…).

So he would rather people not damage their ears by blasting them at full volume with their headphones, which some people would do thinking that it makes fields work better. Which it wouldn’t btw… low volume works just as well.

So really… that’s mostly a suggestion cause people would choose to over exaggerate things and hurt themselves so speakers was safer option to suggest. I do both speakers and earphones and get the same results from both.

Ok, now lets keep this discussion back on topic :slightly_smiling_face:


I need some guidance from our friends who have experience with both this field and the Plasma Protocol (3 pack audio), please.

I’ve been reading both threads to educate myself. Would it be fair to say that BoL might (in a different way) help the health and aging issues that PP focuses upon whilst also helping with issues of thought patterns, vibration and history as well?

Not to cheapen it, but I’m sort of thinking of BoL as a giant reset button for our spirit, mind, emotional and physical bodies. Is that an accurate interpretation I have?

Thanks in advance!


Yes. Pretty much x


@anon46520955, thank you.


I just purchased it
how many times do you listen to it?


Hi I listen to it all night and sometimes during the day when I have time … because I have more than 100 fields in my playlist … anyway this one in its place for a listen all night … before him it was Plasma light that I listened to all night.
I have felt extremely good upon waking up since using it.
Its been 5 days since I have it.



This field is powerful but you can still listen to it as many times and just check how you are feeling (more emotionally or mentally) not like you are gonna overwhelm yourself energetically no, more like it can be a big catalyst thats all.

Ppl have looped it from the beginning, some just a few times. It really is up to you.

Enjoy it and give us some feed back if you feel up to it :blush:

And you can read others testimonies as well x


Thank you !


Thank you for your suggestion
I generally use sleep timer app while playing my night playlist I set time to 180 minutes so after 180 minutes it automatically stops the player


I think I just got a sign to buy this audio…

Lately, I have been trying to save money recently because I have been spending too much on audios and tags.

Today, I have been reading all of your guy’s wonderful experiences with this audio, and I wanted to buy it so bad, but I could not because of the statement above. Just a couple of minutes ago, I received email about my college awarding me with a covid relief grant…looks like I am getting it!


I’m still piecing together everything that this does but I continue to stand by “it’s awesome and worth it.”

Whatever it does, it really helps with getting results from audios, and making things somehow easier psychic-wise.

I worked in echoes of the past and got the mental image of a slave basically and saw how it connects to how I live my life and the patterns in it thus far.

I hadn’t gotten results from echoes of the past til then and I’ve had it for the same amount of time as this one so that’s awesome


I can’t give a full testimonial yet, but I think this is one of the best fields ever so far.
I felt quite a lot of tension/anger at the first listen but not so much already by the second.

I think if you’re afraid of release you probably need release… if you don’t want to jump, try to play the mental health album (emotional release, trauma healing…) a lot and see how that makes you feel.


I played trauma healing a lot in the past. Emotional release screwed me up good. I had my ass handed to me by it. I’m really afraid to go near that field again. Will blueprint of life also give me similar effects? Trauma healing made me feel really good. But emotional release? I get like an anxiety attack just seeing it in my music player even.


I can’t really answer that :)
Maybe try emotional release just a minute or two and see.
And amygdala healing.


I have used amygdala healing for 6 months and I think the field has reached its functional plateau.


Sounds like emotional release is really going to be a good one for you, then. I agree with MonkeyOwl… just play it in one or two minute increments and see how you feel. You’ve grown over the months as well. You just recently did the curse removal field, which probably will help this time around.

I found the forgiveness and release field to be powerful too. Play around with them in small doses and find the sweet spot for you.