The Blueprint of Life

It is not emotional healing. It goes beyond that.
It is sort of healing you needed just right after you arrived here.

In a sense that: When you start to exist, already have limitations, “side effects” and such. And the field goes and addresses those. If anything, traumas you’ve had ingrained just from existing, really. Not so much the newly acquired through life experience.

I’m sure it addresses those, depending on also the people who have them. But for me, went to the roots of things. Things I do have, regardless of what I’ve done.

And it makes sense for it to be so.
Dream’s fields are smart, but these smart fields he’s now pumping are smart fields that also study. I believe that Blueprint isn’t static, and speaks with your core being. And kind of “negotiate”:

“OK, remember the earlier blueprint we had?”
"I’ve been doing some thinking…how about we also, fix this…or rearrange that?





And beyond that too, I feel…beyond existing… :wink:


I am also interested in regards to what he used to get results when it comes to eye color.Pls dm me all tips and tricks

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Definitely. I also took a break and will be resuming soon. I felt like this really cracked me open and made me very vulnerable. I took a break and started listening to more of OG Sapien med vids that have more specification to continue the path that BPL laid.


Something ive just noticed with this field is that it really increases psychic powers. Because it solidifies your deep connections to ALL that exists, information transfer becomes more effortless without resistance.


It sure does. Very easily.


@Nabs101 I think you’re on to something, as I’ve also felt it with a couple listens. We seem to be discussing the same feeling… I’m still studying BTW,

But can’t put it into words. Can you describe it more?


don’t know where exactly to put this so i’ll put it here.

i’ve been feeling like my mind and the stories it tells itself has been more and more quiet.

(with the help of soul restoration) lately i don’t feel like needing to prove anything to anyone. i don’t need to force myself to do something and just let the flow take me where it needs.

i haven’t played any video games on my own time. i would rather meditate, exercise, or write.

i feel more and more like the fool card with less and less attachments towards the old stories, personalities, and expectations that came along with them.

i also watched The Secret again and this quote got me feeling more calm and at peace with the world:

friendly universe


Yes, connecting with the source. :wink:



@_OM so, sort of an Advanced Advanced Healing? Pushing you to the beginning so you can reach the end of it all? :wink:


so so so much more than that…

let go of trying to compare it to other fields tho.
the labels just limit what it can do/be…


Thanks for reminding of that!
The reason I’m trying to compare it is due to my physical condition.

I will update later on, as I gather more experience with it. :+1:


There is no doubt in my mind that the best thing I ever did for myself was buy the BPIL field.
I had it imbued onto a ring together with the intercession field that I have worn 24/7 for the past year. It was the 1st custom order I made back when Dream was still selling custom fields on the Enlightened States website.

The 2nd best thing I did for myself was enrol in the SEE System course and then being processed through Satori by @anon22855873. Over the past year I was aware of the subtle changes taking place in me but since I’ve done the SEE System course the changes are happening a lot faster. Added to all of this Dream keeps releasing more and more life altering audios like this gem.

I have noticed that lately all I want to do is meditate to my playlist. This of course is not always possible as I do need to earn a living and also find time to sleep, so some audios will have to be played in the background during these times. Having said that I always do ensure that audios like the The Plasma Light, The Internal Alchemical Crucible, The Voice of Gamayun, The Blueprint of Life, Ojas, and The Archetype of Parental Love, Conceptual Realizations are part of my meditation list. These audios are too powerful to just be played in the background, you need to make time to truly listen and allow them to work on you.

As soon as the BoL audio was released I knew I had to have it. I also know that since I’ve started listening to it I have changed. I can’t articulate what exactly has changed, it’s just an inner knowing that I am reconnecting and being reprogrammed with an amazing and incredibly powerful life altering software. Like Pia said

When I meditate to these awesome audios I sense a flow coming from the universe, through my crown chakra and flowing down into every nook, cranny and crevice of my being. I feel like the inner part of my body has become more porous, like I am becoming more absorbent of the information around me, from my higher self and most importantly from the fields. All of Dream’s audios are special but this particular audio is even more special. I love the changes taking place in me and I’m excited about the new me that is transforming and evolving.



Sorry guys this is off topic but I really want to purchase this field, I just tried on teespring but they don’t have Namibia as a country option. Is there any other way to make the purchase?

Use Sapien VPN and choose US as the country.


Thank you @ActionGuy
I tried to connect but it continually says “Other error. Check RequestException constants” I have no idea what that means :sweat_smile:

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If you’re talking about the VPN then you can use any VPN if sapien one is not working.

Try others too.

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