The Blueprint of Life

These an audio file, you can put any country, and you will receive this pure Diamond :gem: :milky_way: by email my friend.


Sorry I have one more question. I changed the country to US but it says my shipping zip code and shipping address is invalid. I guess it could be obvious but am I supposed to change all my info to match a place in the US :eyes:

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Yes change it to any state, city with their respective zip code


It feels like it upgraded my internet speed from dial up to fiber high speed. The psychic information comes into my mind faster and clearly so it doesn’t give me any room to doubt myself. This field combined with conceptual realization would be out of this world. Almost like a marvel superpower


Wonderful gif! :heart_eyes: :dna:

On a related note, recently the ascension process put me in mind of Dan Winter’s charge compression, an image of shooting through the spiral much like your gif!



BoL. Is it better to listen to it with headphones or speakers?

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The whole body absorbs the energy of the field better with the loudspeakers and therefore this remains the most efficient method.


With dream’s morphic fields, you can go with either. It will have the same effect.


It’s early days for me with this field… for now I just wanted to say I wish I bought this the day it came out.

I never really “got” the flower of Life field so I didn’t jump on this one.
I don’t even know why I did in the end, I think just intuition… I was getting the carboxytherapy so figured might as well also buy this (though then I saw it was on a different platform but whatever, my mind was made up by that point :joy:).

This field just seems to be… something else.
I have listened 1-3 times daily and always meditate to it.

It feels like it really enhances my sensitivity to other fields. I put on nerve growth - I listen to that one quite a lot and don’t actually feel anything… now it’s sensations all around… conceptual realizations feels like a brain massage :sweat_smile:
And I feel I have had “enough” of fields much quicker.

And somehow “puts me together”, but I can’t really explain yet.


@Sayen972, @ActionGuy. Who do I listen to?


The way of reason mine, more seriously for the field which concerns the dreams headphones or earphones will have the same effect but for the others field these the loudspeakers … but for me the loudspeakers remain better even for the fields on the dreams.

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It can work either way, but speakers are the most common way to use the fields. Captain mentioned it as well… where listening with ear buds or headphones could be a little too much for the ears.

But again, if done properly, you can listen either way. I use speakers and have gotten great results. Hope this helps.


For me, speakers and earphones have had the same effect.

You can always experiment with it and find out whatever works best for you.


According to the FAQ / what Dream/Sammy communicated, it doesn’t matter.
When in doubt, listen to that.

it’s valid if someone feels like it’s better for them with speakers or not with speakers whatever, it’s what they feel 🤷

I listen quietly from phone/laptop in the room, I prefer this.


Personally, i feel they work the best on speakers with the speaker next to my heart ( the center of your torus / subconscious )

But that’s just me :)

See what feels best for you bro


I prefer speakers that way your whole aura absorbs the energy.

The only ones i like with headphones are the millionaire mindset because they go straight to your subconscious :smirk::sunglasses:

Also because i dont want to overwhelm my ears since i listen to so many things and for instance i (myself, only my thought) think that wearing certain tags while listening fields with speakers could nicely mix the energies :wink:

But as others have said just try and follow your instinct


@uial @AkiraTheWild sorry guys…

Maybe split the last comments to general discussion please? This audio is super important to talk about other stuff :heart::heart:


Although subjective to the user, I agree with @ActionGuy. Headphones or speaker work just fine. Dream would say speakers mostly cause back in the day, some of our audios were… very piercing to the ears (like entity removal, testosterone, breast, ext…).

So he would rather people not damage their ears by blasting them at full volume with their headphones, which some people would do thinking that it makes fields work better. Which it wouldn’t btw… low volume works just as well.

So really… that’s mostly a suggestion cause people would choose to over exaggerate things and hurt themselves so speakers was safer option to suggest. I do both speakers and earphones and get the same results from both.

Ok, now lets keep this discussion back on topic :slightly_smiling_face:


I need some guidance from our friends who have experience with both this field and the Plasma Protocol (3 pack audio), please.

I’ve been reading both threads to educate myself. Would it be fair to say that BoL might (in a different way) help the health and aging issues that PP focuses upon whilst also helping with issues of thought patterns, vibration and history as well?

Not to cheapen it, but I’m sort of thinking of BoL as a giant reset button for our spirit, mind, emotional and physical bodies. Is that an accurate interpretation I have?

Thanks in advance!


Yes. Pretty much x