The DNA Repair System

Iā€™m tempted to put this audio on my daily playlist (between my BOL must-haves and before PMHC). Do you think it is a good decision?

My main goal is to reduce my body fat percentage (I started a trip a few months ago with ā€œThe Swords of Adipose Annihilationā€) and despite looking for information on the net, I canā€™t quite trust to what extent repairing my DNA can help me fight against obesity and overweight that I suffer from since I can remember.
From various medical tests, they believe that it may be related to a hereditary insulin resistance (which may also have manifested my hormonal problems related to PCOS), that with a lot of sacrifice and discipline and Sapienā€™s indescribable audios that for a year accompany my path in life it seems that I am surfing, with its consequent ups and downs. Therefore, since it comes to me in the family package that is DNA, can it be understood as a non-repairable gene?

I think less is more, thatā€™s why I donā€™t like to load my playlist and I limit myself to the essential audios.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and advice :grinning:

Greetings from Galicia, land of witches or ā€œterra de meigasā€ as we say around here :woman_mage: :dizzy:


Hey madobg!

I read through your post and for me: there are a couple of keywords through your post, but it catches my attention you wanting to add only ā€œessential fieldsā€

Iā€™m pretty sure this one has a host of benefits that are essential to your health and overall well being. As your body functions as a whole and not separately itā€™s best to build an environment that also focuses on root healing, and that in your body is the DNA.

Comes after the gene expression and cellular function, you mention a possibility of this being hereditary, in that case you can find in epigenetics and gene expression what gives you leads to your answers. There is a possibility that you have insulin resistance as a mean of subjective environmental and cellular expression, and not as a preset genetic expression.

You also mention that you listen to Blueprint of Life and this will help with insulin fluctuations being either genetic or subjectively genetic. It will help whether itā€™s hereditary or not :slightly_smiling_face:

I suggest you also add direct repairing fields for direct organs like Pancreas Regeneration, Diabetes treatment, and Enhanced Blood Circulation for ease of transportation and general functions of the body (along with the schuman resonance in it). Look into the Plasma Protocol for an extensive all round approach.

And pay more attention to your cellular function.

Greetings to you, nice to have you around :woman_mage:


Thank you so much for your answer :heart_eyes:

I am aware that I expressed myself badly :sweat_smile: You will have to forgive me, English is not my mother tongue and the google translator is my faithful companion to interact in English.
By essentials I rather meant primordial with my intention to reduce my body fat percentage. In other words, I am not ā€œattackingā€ several fronts at the same time how can it be to lose weight, make my hair grow stronger, have a flawless skin, etc.

I agree with everything you advise me and I am aware of it, of the range of benefits that this audio covers and that can help us beyond our objectives, but I was not clear about the chances that my obesity problem was a consequence of a possible inherited genetic load (I have not yet found a healthcare professional who can tell me for sure why I gain weight so easily) could be reversed through DNA repair. But thank you very much again for all the information and knowledge that you transmit to me. All the audios that you advise me are already in my playlist, along with the new audio for the lymphatic system of patreon and also the one related to the kidneys and adrenal glands (it never hurts). It feels good to read that I have my playlist well focused, it only remains to be patient and persevering to see all the good results that they can offer us.

All the best! :hugs:


By the way, I have my up and down experiences with insulin fluctuations :) so I get what youā€™re saying!

I can tell you that this time around with my monthly it was definitely the DNA field that helped with not gaining the kinda usual extra couple pounds and helped release the extra more quick than oftenā€¦ so it definitely helps in that department.

I also use thyroid from time to time so it might have added the hormonal boost, see if you are also inclined to add that since itā€™s the main source of hormones!

You seem to have a solid playlist already! So Iā€™ll be wishing you a smoother healing journey, inside out :)


I think the DNA has field by it self ,and that field is connected to parents fields ,so i think it will affect them without even notice or without been around


Haha, was just thinking on this precise topic and your posts recently! :dna: :heart_eyes: :wink:

They are a very worthwhile read @everyone.


I donā€™t know what exactly this field has done to my body, but after listening 2 times I feel my body much more energetic and lighter, it feels like my body has been rejuvenated on an energy level like when I was 18 20 years old, I even just did my workout at the gym and it feels like I havenā€™t done anything, I could go back and do the workout again, :laughing: :laughing: I was using the plasma field, but I think Iā€™m going to change it for this one, never before a field had made such a drastic effect on my body in such a short time, I recommend this field for all those people who do sport, try it and see.


I have been using this field for just over a week, it was recommended by a member for a question I asked unrelated to me, after reading the info regarding this field I decided to use it myself,

I listen 3 times a day twice in the morning, and once before I go to bed,
I feel surrounded in a warm glow
It is tightening my skin and increasing my muscle mass
Sleeping better
I wear glasses for reading, I am using them less often because my eyes are better
My energy levels are higher
My body generally just feels lighter, more supple, now this is the most amazing thing

I used to do middle distance running, and I fell many years ago and injured my left big toe joint, it never healed, it just seized up and didnā€™t move, I have been unable to bend that joint in years, on my big toe the joint is raised and sticks out a bit, anyway, a few days ago I was doing my leg stretches and my eyes were drawn to my big toe, and I thought ā€˜bloody hellā€™ it is healing, not only that I can now move and bend it wtf :grin::heart:

I have been using
DNA Repair
Joint Regeneration
Skin Regeneration

Thank you :pray: :heart: :pray:


You guys what if daily listen to this fields after ah complete repair and cleaning those these can triggered DNA strand to activated ?


Iā€™m not sure if I understood your question properly but supposing that itā€™s like the one you asked before:

Thereā€™s a DNA Activator on Sapien Medicineā€™s Patreon. I downloaded to test, the link is still active (havenā€™t tested the second file though lol).

Type ā€œmedia fireā€ on the search bar. Also read Dreamweaverā€™s note about it beforehand:

The DNA activator is not my creation, it was made a long time ago by xtrememind, but i am not sure if they still have it for download.

(This one also has affirmations, mostly positive, but there may be some to make you loyal to xtrememind as a company etc)

It is supposed to help put your body into a healing crisis.

The other file is one that keeps being requested.

That being saidā€¦ The link mentioned above has certainly a ā€œhistoricalā€ value BUT using Blueprint of Life, the DNA Repair System in this thread + a few other consciousness-rising fields (along with the proper attitude and additional work) would be better options to cover those requests about ā€œactivationā€ and whatnot.


I use some DNA fields ,but it would be amazing ah sapien version ,DNA activator ,and 12 DNA strand is not the limit ,you can go beyond 144,000 DNA strands ,the end result will be golden aura or diamond ,perfect healing ,perfect manifestation ,body function super better ,is like be truth human form or homo sapien form or light being


Againā€¦ Are you sure that he hasnā€™t done all those already? He may not be always using the exact same ā€œfancyā€ mainstream names as those available on the market butā€¦ You know ;)


i would like to comment on a doubt i have, i am undergoing laser depilation and i would like to know if this field could affect in any way the fall of the hair produced by the depilation, i am finding that this field is very strong and i think that it can even regenerate the hair that falls out again, as laser depilation is a damage produced to the follicles.

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I remember this field came out on the weekend before I went to sleep. The name and the description got me interested, so I listened to it while reading the live chats and comments on YouTube. It was a pretty short read, so I probably only listened to half of the field. Nonetheless, it knocked me out, and I couldnā€™t keep my eyes open the whole weekend. I could really sleep anywhere at that time. The next Monday was difficult, I was half sleeping - half working from my bed. I sat only when I had to eat and when I had a half an hour meeting. Then, I finally remembered to use the three-treasure field, which helped me not to sleep anywhere and anytime anymore. What I noticed in the early days of using the field was that I felt feverish, as if I had a cold, and the detoxification was clearly seen from my urine. Despite using the energy field, I still felt tired from just half to one listen to the DNA Repair. To my surprise, the tiredness was gone after I had listened to the Astral Primer, and I could easily listen to the DNA Repair once or twice without having the detox symptoms.

The detox symptoms came back again when I listened to the DNA Repair from my laptop, and I apparently had the Kinetic Quasi Crystal on loop from my phone. I noticed the tiredness after one listen, so I stopped all the fields from playing. Luckily, I had learned what to do from my previous experience.

My first result with this field was with my eyes. My sclera became extra white, which surprised me that it could be that white. This creates a contrast with my tooth color, but fret not, our captain has released teeth whitening field already :grimacing:. Just today, I saw that the burn scars that I have been having for 1.5 years looks smaller and less dark. I believe with consistent use; this field can remove my older scars as well.

My next result may be related to the Auto-Immune Reversal field. Coffee used to make me feel sleepy. The Sapienā€™s coffee field also put me to sleep. But I no longer have issues with coffee now.

So far my hair that fell out from using Sapienā€™s leg hair removal field hasnā€™t come back.


thanks, the question is that as my depilation is done physically through laser and not through the depilation field, here is my doubt, sapien said that the physical changes produced by the fields the dna repair field does not detect them as damage, but I do not know if a damage produced physically as in my case the field would detect it as damage and repair it, see if someone can answer this doubt that I have.


Oh, you are right. I didnā€™t have good results with physical laser. I guess it couldnā€™t detect the hair well because my body hair color and my skin color are almost the same.

Since there is no one answers your question yet, I guess you can only try and see. We often talk about how subconscious block can prevent us from getting results from fields. I donā€™t know if it is possible to consciously block the hair from growing back @HanumanTrust.


Coffee and tea also makes me sleepy or at least not energizedā€¦
Have to experiment with this field and see how it affects meā€¦



The hair follicles are locally damaged, not genetically.
The potential for growing hair in the areas that were destroyed remains the same,
They usually do not regrow.
But androgenic sensitivity can promote hair growth or hair ā€˜creationā€™ because the dead functional hair cells, would of long been removed from your body.


thank you sapien, then I think I have come up with an idea to solve the problem, since this field does not interfere with the other fields for physical changes, the best thing would be to listen to the depilation field, instead of doing the depilation in a physical way, I will do it in an energetic way so that the dna repair field does not interfere with the depilation process, thank you sapien.


Would listening to the Quintessence of Marrow covers this field as well or should I follow to listen to this also for a full body DNA repair?

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