The Blueprint of Life


In no way, shape, or form am I saying that this will happen to everyone but it definitely happened to me. Because this happened to me in no way am I saying that it will to you as well as I have my own practices that induced the following experience.


Just like my review for Sacred Flower review, this is another field I’ll hold some reverence and give a serious review on, I’ll split it up as the kinesthetic experience I had/have and the experiences I had. Understand that for me to receive this level of detail, I tap into deeper levels of Satori/Direct Experience with Truth (DET) where the only thing you can perceive is consciousness itself and therefore there’s a separation between “Angel” and I, therefore, I can see what the Ego called Angel is attached to which everything that is not “I”.

Kinesthetic Experience

The moment the field begins the first thing I noticed is that it begins to flare up things that need to be worked on or that is disharmonious to my Self/“I”. It magnifies the area and it begins to create layers upon layers of Flower of Life “explosions”, each explosion creating bigger and bigger structures of Flower of Life basically the layers recovers and regenerate optimally the area of disharmony to it’s optimal condition. The part that is trippy is that each “flower of life” structure is vibrating with negentropy. When I got a small gap where the Blueprint of Life (BoL) was locating the next area to be worked, I noticed that it’s the same intensity as when I listen to Plasma Light 4-5x back to back so this is basically extremely negentropic.


Speaking of BoL looking for the next area to work on, this field doesn’t quite wait on you to point out how much deeper you should go but it does allow you to pick the pace. If you want to go at “100mph” then you’ll have it and know that you can go for more. As I was stripping layer by layer it felt like it was working on “holes” in each auric level. In the last session I did, I stopped in a really dense layer that is heavily attached to my ego and it felt like Cold Fire was focused on the areas that needed work. As we know Cold Plasma is what is used in Theraphi but imagine the energy of Cold Plasma directly applied to whatever you need to work on.

This sounds intense enough but me being me I go as hard as I can and I went ahead activating the Sacred Flower…


The above image is not far off from what happened, I would replace every circle in the torus with a flower of life though. This kicked it up at an intensity that for the first since pre-enlightenment, I felt like an immediate “HOLD UP…”, braced myself and just dove in to do a total of 4 loops of the BoL.

Now let’s go onto more specifically what happened and the aftermath…

Deep Healing

One of the things that I remember OM saying is that in the spiritual path you will get to points that there’s nothing else to transcend and even then you will find that there are many other dualities to transcend. I have experienced this now multiple times.

The overall premise is this (dropping this to plant a seed on people that are going through it), your main work will always be:

Who are you identifying with and what is creating the resistance from you being more of that?

Well BoL did two things it first showed me where I am going according to all the work I’ve put in prior to and after DET. It started as an elating experience full of psychedelic like experiences of energy flashes pushing up to my head and spine. Full body twitching, amazing deep joyful experience that caused tears, and then it was like BoL said:

"Yo, so I heard you like that… yes? Well before we get there, this is the pile of manure you have to work on :upside_down_face:… Let’s begin"

Aggressive cycles of releasing some deep insecurities I swore I took care of started popping up, exes, limiting mindsets, memories I’ve thought I released…

The difference is that BoL brings it up but also helps you in completely releasing it along with regenerating the area that was burnt out from holding that energy. One of the principles of releasing is that if you empty something, you have to replace it with a vibration that is logarithmically higher, BoL does exactly that but it gives you the optimal instead of what you think you should replace it with.

After four rounds, I was ready to just press pause and I did what I would normally do to test a field…

Sleeping with BoL

(Add a more tanned complexion and bigger lips and that’s basically me along with what I experienced)

Look, after the four-rounds, I finished with a strong headache which is not rare for me when I’m reaching a new level. I’ve experienced that with Vibration of Transcendence, Plasma Light, Plasma Flower Node, Sacred Flower, and a few other things so it’s whatever for me.

I decided that there would be no harm in just looping it overnight…

5 hours after going to sleep I woke up vibrating BoL, pain all over my body, and with a fever… along with that some very vivid dreams of things I am working on but in a conceptual manner.

It took about 24 hours to recover to 90% and I can tell you this…

I am very different and I am looking forward going into my “cave” with this field for a few weeks.

I’ll do a part 2 in a few weeks…


Beautiful :heart: Thank you


My pleasure

It’s like a job of mine in Sapien Med at this point haha, perks of being extremely kinesthetic I guess.



But you know there is still a lot more goodies in there ;)


You know I know…

Give me a few days or weeks.

I only talk about things that are “confirmed”, let me confirm the rest.


In short this field can affect each and every single cell of the body. At physical, mental and spiritual level which would definitely affect other dimensions. If anyone searches blueprint of life in Google then he will see “DNA” cuz dna is the blueprint of a person. And there are many good reason for it. So technically it can make a person physically attractive as well. And since it works in DNA and genetic level it means it can affect someone’s future generations since it will change the core of a person. I can definitely sense it’s making physical changes little by little. And what’s funny is you don’t feel how strong it is while listening but after you finish listening then you can feel it in every single cells of the body. It’s just completely broken and once in a lifetime field just like VoT…and I’m completely sure 90 percent people won’t think deeply about it as how FAR it could actually go. But I definitely feel the heat of it. Best way to keep an eye on progress is to make a dairy or journal and write down everyday how you feel and then compare day one with day 30 after a month. I bet people would have hard time recognizing themselves cuz of the changes it will cause. What’s more important is consistency…I’d definitely make this a lifetime routine cuz if I miss a day then I’ll be one step behind from my progress and from evolving. Now consider the possibilities of what can it actually do…it’s completely like an energetic plastic surgery in a positive way. Not only it can change physical looks but also mental and emotional outlook overall…and not to mention I’m not using any other beauty field either. It’s meant to transform someone at his best and flawless selves in a divine pattern…and even in few days I feel brand new as hell…and maybe in near future we will be telling stories about a guy named dreamwaver and how cool he was to our kids or grandchildren… definitely a very good time to be alive…and younger people should consider themselves lucky no doubt…




Awsum… You said truth 1000%…

I can’t afford to buy BLUEPRINT.


My One month salary… :pensive:


Never say never, Sapien is booming and will certainly make it even more beautiful.
As a famous car owner said:

"The best car is the one that has yet to be built."
Enzo Ferrari


Yah definitely and fields grow stronger overtime also…I’ll use it everyday no matter what other fields I use…


You can…might take time but definitely can sooner or later…I believe in you man :smiley:


Of course I was joking a bit, however I agree! :wink:


Torsion field before Blueprint of Life good idea?


Blueprint + ojas = perfection


Exactly haha.

To complete the comment above: Torsion + Blueprint + Ojas = :pray::heart:


I get zealous too when I find something that works especially well. I’ve been leaving this field on repeat for hours at a time, today is the third day of this. I’ve also been simultaneously combining it with the Torsion Field and a grounding audio.


Man oh man, the BoL is a hungry little fella.

I’m not sure if it’s the field itself telling me what it wants, or if it’s serving as a catalyst for smoother guidance from other sources.

I probably have 15-hours logged since it came out and lemme tell ya, today has been wild.

I have a giant to-do list full of “life stuff” and I’ve been sitting here since 4:30am (approx. 8-hours) trying to quench an insatiable thirst of fields; like water in the desert sun.

I keep getting a “MORE” every time I try to move onto another project.




Combos I’ve never used. Quantities I’ve never used. Fields I haven’t used in over a year.

Butter Pill now? For 25-minutes? But I’ve never used it for more than 10… MORE… ok.

Ojas now? But for only 3-minutes? But I usually use it for 20.

Back to Plasma straight? But 7-minutes? Got it.

Something is cooking.

It’s like a chef in America’s Test Kitchen creating with a dash of this, a sprinkle of that.

In a way it feels like watering a plant with infinite roots.



And every time the Chef says, “ok that’s enough of that” and calls for the next ingredient…

I feel STRONG, the ESSENCE OF STRENGTH, like a Redwood or Giant Sequoia growing out of those infinite roots.

It’s real friggin’ wild.


I have a question regarding this field, as silly as it may sound I have been reluctant to use it but also very eager to do so at the same time, (I know conflicting)

anyways my hesitation is because I have been doing an eye color biokinesis thing and its turned out real well and wanted to know if Blueprint of life would reverse my eye color back since it makes genetic changes in your being?


Hey @Nytor,
Buddy, please everything about the eye color biokinesis thing(maybe DM because this thread is of BoL), I’ve been wanting to do that forever now.
Please please please buddy
Thank you!:smile::smile::raised_hands:

I have read in a few places that some physical trauma can be a blockage of energy, as surgery is considered a trauma to the body and I’ve had a few minor surgeries will this make fields less effective for me?

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