The Blueprint of Life

Yes less resistance that’s what I feel . :ok_hand:t2:


I’m so sad for not being able to buy this :(((. With my country’s currency, it’s impossible for me to buy it. Plus i can’t even get my student loan any more. All i can do is saving 10-15 dollars per month and buying this after 2 years :joy:. If i get rich in the future, i’ll buy all of them. Thanks for your good fields


Hey man, don’t be discouraged, there is also this album that has already given a lot of positive feedback to various people, take a look at the feedback and try it!


That’s amazing. I was wondering, how does this work on epigenetics or how the environment affects the genes?


Had if afterwards too, when I tried to sleep, seems its part of the field
ups hold up, google translate showed me what aching was haha, nah no pain man, but the energetic body or my physical body was like vibrating a bit

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Enjoy Dream Seeds channel in the mean time, not because Dream doesnt put prices on a lot of audios and are accesible for everybody It means they are not that ‘wow’ there are soooo many gems in all his channels and patreon that get ignored or left behind and ppl is reaaaally missing out.

Stay positive and forward, life can turn around in a blink of an eye if we believe, are humble and specially grateful.

I also too want to suggest you listening to the millionaire mindset album along with others for luck and abundance AND the Magician, wheel of fortune and the Fool.

add SLR plasma light and torsion to boost and speed up results.

Use the mandalas on his ig, live in the present with a happy heart and more things to be grateful for will keep coming your way x

Lets stop here i dont want to get out of topic and get Mr Om mad at me lol


Pray tell which ones?


c’mon that lovable creature can’t get mad at any of us.


/Actual footage of me being a lovable creature/

More Testimonials!


So much nice reviews about that already, I cant wait longer I have to buy it now :laughing:


Ok Day 2…This one brought up alot of insecurities and overall low level stuff that’s coming to the surface. It makes you look at your own shit and it holds it up like a mirror and forces you to look. You think you’re all mature and then this audio kind of shows you that you’re not all that lol…but you can be…you actually are…but there’s work to do. Then after wallowing for awhile, it called me to keep playing it. I actually resisted for awhile but now I’m back with a little more empowerment. It feels like a constant destroy and rebuild. This particular point in time has not been pleasant.

At first I was like “wheeeeee this is awesome”

Then this morning when I woke up, it was like wtf…why do I feel like shit?

It’s a process that I trust and I’m glad that I know I’m going into the right direction.

oh look 216th post and 2/16 is my bday! haha

edit: actually it’s not lol


Its true its the age of aquaris
Its the 3rd after 6 day on the 9th is my bday 369


Actually it wasn’t the 216th post I was misreading it. But for some reason that’s what I saw when I was typing. However your reply was the 222nd, which is a number I’ve been seeing constantly!

Your birthday is very powerful. I’ve heard about 3 6 and 9 being very powerful numbers for awhile!




I can relate to head shape & breath & my thumb a little bit begin to return to be harmonious with my hand …
There’s something going on in my third eye maybe this area begin to expand… lately It became so tight …
But today I smell blood in my nose …
It happened only 2 times when I breath I am so afraid when this happened :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
Also I feel I am elegant again I was like this but l lost it lately…( I was as surrounded with toxic people while is obsessed negatively with me )…
I am so relaxed & happy and the more important thing this make me release feelings of obsession about someone I was stuck with this feelings since August 2020 and it was the story of my life but not anymore . this felid is good but I am afraid I look this symptom up and it makes me afraid, before this I wasn’t healthy I hope everything is ok … this is big transformation and maybe it make other healing works more powerfully … yesterday I was sleep with matrix exit light language I wake up carelessly … & when I listen to inner child video & self love it’s more powerful.

I think I know harmony in my soul and it’s my life mission because i am more Venusan in astrology but also mars is powerful in my chart …

Also I start to smell the good scent l like for second… it was good until I smell blood :sweat_smile:

What is the the best field to heal my head I feel my left side is tired … My type is ISFP I am connected to right side of brain do you guys think Conceptual Realizations can help me to heal ? Please answer me in private .


Are you doing any kind of meditation to calm ego/mind?

Why ?

Cause for your post seems its quite “freewheeling” so to speak.
This wastes a lot of energy that could otherwise be used to heal and usually doesn’t lead to much else


I believe I am born without ego sometimes it’s sad thing sometimes it’s a bliss …
I feel you have some advice for me … I want to hear from u

I am not English speaker maybe this is why my posts seems freewheeling I give myself freedom to make mistakes and just express whatever I think … and feel. Other will benefit and I like to share …


I had already gave you :wink:

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Thanks I will discover this .

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