The Blueprint of Life

Wow, same here! A lot of vivid dreams… and they’ve always involved people that have come into my life throughout the years, ex’s … Old friends whom I no long have contact with, very interesting!

And been seeing heaps of 555 as well!


What do you mean by this?

Sorry I don’t really get it


I think what he means is to put work in.
Like meditate, researching, expanding consciousness and not being lazy.



What do you mean by researching and expanding consciousness? Researching what exactly? And how does expanding consciousness relate to this?

For me I listen to the fields and take action towards my goal to supplement the fields, so I am curious if there is anything else I can do to use sapiens work more effectively.

The general idea I get from your post is that one should be more spiritual to maximize the effects of the fields.

Edit: Nevermind I understand what you meant


Hi guys i have read the description of The blueprint of life but i dont understand what it does do specifcally please any explanation

The Blueprint of Life: New Release

All answers and comments/testimonials are in this thread


even the comments are confusing me lol

Ask a question in the topic linked by LunaMoon and someone will answer


Your time will come or just use superhuman genius.

1 Like

I understand-

These fields are yeah complicated, but come with amazing benefits, and dont think we all just “get it” because we dont at first most of the time 💁 but we just jump and try them because we know we will understand by personal experience what is it about.

These fields have surprises for each individual, they feel different for everybody, because every person is a whole unique universe and what this field does is, it finds what is it that YOU NEED. And work in a way that is almost tailored for you.



boy relax i will use it ok
but you have to use ego dissloution everyone
lacks something in his/her life :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I love you.


king :joy:


@anon17734191 and @lol
Thanks guys. You have completed my answer.
Not everyone follows the spiritual path. And not everyone uses fields for spiritual growth.
Some have more mundane priorities.

When I wrote this statement, I meant health fields. I see from the comments on another resource that people look at their bodies very simply. For example, the pressure has risen, you need to take a pill for pressure. And the problem is “solved”. For a while. But human pressure is directly related to the kidneys and so on. You may need to work and heal your kidneys to stabilize the condition.

Not everyone can buy multi-complex fields like the Plasma Protocol. Many people compose their playlist from free fields.
I meant that the more information person has, the more person develops, studies himself, the more objectively he will be able to compose Sapien fields for his healing. Now there is a lot of literature written professionally and considering the human body as a holistic system.

Many people stop in their development … Upon hearing about the magical Sapien, some begin to use specific fields without understanding the meaning of these fields. I have always encouraged people to be interested in a actual topic, to conduct their own research from various sources, and not just use Sapien’s fields according to a template. This approach develops a person and allows him to make better decisions.


:100: :100: :+1:


I have a very wide consciousness … the only field that calls me is this one, the other fields are not powerful enough on me, because these the one I need. my awakening will be quicker and easier thanks to you all. Thank you.

Lol so arrogant and entitled friend.

it is not allowed to request sharing fields here :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe you could explore Dream Seeds and Energetic Alchemy channels while you save up the money for the ONLY field that calls you and you need. Those 2 channels have powerful audios that can help you get to where you want just at a slower pace.


I would, but I don’t know if there would be something wrong. I recently read from meme thread that malicious/unjust intent can alert the owner, coming from _OM.

I was talking more of the kind to be bought from me and I will reimburse quickly … as an exception to confirm the rule, but hey I must be dreaming too much and being content can be with what I already have …

arrogant? not just optimistic and realistic that I can wear 8 Tag listen to the 20 most powerful fields without any poses for months, no field has the capacity of this one, blueprint life is linked to you to me.

I am Gemini ascendant balance I can store an unlimited amount of energy easily and sleep just 2 hours to recover, so normal fields are no longer enough for me.

I’ll wait even if it’s not my strong suit, but we never do these if the message doesn’t fall on deaf ears. thank you anyway.