The Blueprint of Life

Blueprint of life Vs Blueprint of Power Minor? Which one should I buy?

I still don’t understand this field tbh :smiley:


Follow your instincts :footprints: :paw_prints:


Power it is!


Wondering if it’s my ego lol!


I only understood the field after I bought it. Go for it. You won’t regret it. That’s what everybody told me. And they were right .

I feel like this field doesnt just put something on top of you ,it changes one of the deepest things and can therefore affect everything .

Buying this field could send your whole life in a totally different direction.

This field can change who you are.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Manifestation and fields

To begin with …

Absolutely all his creations have the element of unconditional love and two not allowed to be used or abused in a negative way. Simple as that. It just wouldnt work.


If someone is using blueprint of life, would there be any point in using ’ The DNA Repair System ’ as work is already being done on dna?


Do you think BoL will work on negative thoughts as well then, it will probably require shadow work and changes to mindset for that

Ofc, changes from deep DNA. Its why the detox process happens and why many say its one of Captain most important field

Oh I thought it was more of a physical detox rather than thought related, but I guess dna works on all areas

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The field from BoL is way more complex then this but her is an example of why it looks more physical:

Like the rice experiment, if you send negative energy it turns gross and positive energy it looks fresh. So by changing DNA into its pure divine state it will most definitely change your thoughts to more positive as a side effect


DNA encodes everything about us on EVERY level. It’s not just physical. Our whole history as a soul is encoded in our DNA. It is worthwhile to study the Kabbalistic symbolism behind the letter “Chet”- the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet- which represents the metaphysics behind our DNA. Also, looking into the world of “Archetypes” (Atziluth) of “The Four Worlds” of Kabbalah. That’s why this field profoundly changes us. We have all yet to see what this field can do. Just wait 10 years.

“Deep within those archetypes that exist within our DNA, waiting to be brought to life is the true state of our existence, our true being.”

This can give some insight into this field. And no- Kabbalah isn’t “Jewish.” This isn’t “religious.” Kabbalah is a Universal metaphysical science of numbers/consciousness/existence.


What would happen after 10 years?

Well that’s the question. We will see.


What @Gnosticmedic27 said. (You wouldn’t want spoilers now, would you? :laughing: )


Agreed, this field gives very compelling reasons to do the work by revealing the real you. I also feel it does dissolve some of the junk along the way


Lol changes may appear much sooner, maybe 6 months, 1 year. The field seems to be pretty strong therefore the results may show much faster

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You know the other day i was wondering this too, it takes 7-10 years for the bodys cells to mostly replace itself, so i wondered what would happen if i looped blueprint non stop for 10 years lol

maybe one day in my life I’ll loop it non stop for a month or something and see what happens, would be a cool experiment…


zenith of perfection :innocent:



Yes, probably why we have such a wide variety on how it affects us. What we need/want or give our attention/intention to.

Know that feeling…:slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, an awakening and renewed awe for the creation.

Interesting! Was that a particular important time for you in any way?

Weren’t we all, haha!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Happy for you!