The Blueprint of Life

I have similar results, particularly with the screen time (I had a rather unhealthy addiction to YouTube true crime channels for some time) and iv not smoked tobacco in almost three months. I’m stronger too. Much stronger. Powered up a hill in the Scottish islands this week without even breaking a sweat, despite not having exercised the whole of the week prior.
If this track weighed anything it would be worth that in gold, silver, platinum all put together :rofl:


I was reading about how sociopaths are made instead of born the other day. It got me thinking whether the Blueprint of Life and the Archetype of Parental Love could help them. I know some sociopaths want to change—and statistically there are probably some sociopaths in the forum (or at least lurkers)—so they might find this post and have a path. The Blueprint of Life would help them with the general health issues, as well.

If others have thoughts on this, please share.


this… Yes I can do.
combine it in a new way like this…

email me


I’ve been teaching the fae servitor how to play fields and I’ve been succesful so far, I wanted to teach him this one but I fear it’s too complex for them. Has anyone tried? I will try anyways

Servitors can do much more than the listed abilities if you tell them to learn

Ah ok,
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you think this field can help reverse long covid?


only if you were born without covid

This is all you need. Specifically made for long Covid issues.


You can put this audio along with other medical audio.


Hi everyone,

I wanted to share with all of you what happened to me when listening to this.
I bought it with Plasma Flaunt and started them yesterday but I will concentrate to what BoL did because I listened to it first.

First time I listened to this (yesterday), from the first sound, I was feeling enlightened, I was free from a burden, I was euphoric, free, in communion with the environment, the time was slow, everything was slow around me, as if I was in my own world.

It made me realize how I was sad and wounded from the inside, how I was self saboting myself, how my mind was toxic, and how I forgot who I was, and what my goal was. How physical appearance is the least of my problems. The feeling of love, self confidence, self esteem it gave me, it was as if someone was holding me with the love of the universe.

All of these were released in the same time, I was sad and happy at the same time, scared and confident at the same time.

To not be obsessed with results from audios and to chill, to accept who I am now with all my flaws and my differences, it seems this audio is also boosting other audios, they give me more results and listening to them more don’t give me headache even for hours.

I got immediate physical changes too, it seems to got me golden ratio for my body and face, I felt all my body tingling, it was hurting a lot where I had wounds, it healed wounds that were there for years. It improved my hair a lot too, so maybe hormones too ?

Today, I met with some friends, they all told me how my skin was so smooth, how beautiful I was. We did a barbecue together and I have eaten everything, this audio seems to demand a lot of energy, I’m starving every time and drinking a lot of water. It’s probably because my body needs a lot of energy since there are so much things to “rearrange”.


It 's out of stock? why? Do I have no chance to get it later? Why is it limited in number?

It’s not just this one, it’s all products. I think


It’s not out of stock. Because it’s a “medical field,” it was taken off Gumroad with the other “medical fields.” (You can read more about why that was done here: Charge Back Black List.)

If you want to buy it now, you can. See Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields and follow the instructions in the first post of that thread.


Thanks, WellBeing, :heart:

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It’s on teespring


Yes, I just found that it’s back

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Does this field have the potential to regrow lost hair on bald spots, in the long run?

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It won’t do the “regrowing” itself. It’ll reinstall the blueprint for the head of hair you intended to have so that, if your body has deviated from that blueprint in a way that’s causing you to lose your hair (say, through medical treatment or stress, etc.), this field will reinstall the blueprint and instructions for your lost hair.

So, yes, this field has the potential (really good word you chose there) to assist you in regrowing your lost hair. I wouldn’t say that that would be the main focus of this field but it has the potential to help with that as well as many other things.


Exactly, it could be said that it prepares the ground for the field that deals with this.
In my opinion it could be good at the beginning of the stack before the specific ones