The Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT

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Thank you

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Hi JAAJ, do you think this can replace conceptual realizations? I read in the other thread you really recommend getting conceptual realizations. Thanks.

For a major part yes and it says so in the NFT description.

I use both, for the reason that Conceptual Realization can be looped as much as you want, while Blueprint of Psychic Mastery I don’t loop too often as otherwise it will overwhelm me. Blueprint of Psychic Mastery is a complete become more psychic training package.


Thank you JAAJ. :slight_smile:
I wrote this yesterday, but never sent it due to the fact that a friend of ours was in trouble and all the attention was on him in the correspondence.

Nevertheless, this is roughly how I envision it.
this is the answer to that question

i agree my bro.
but nevertheless, conceptual realisations can be used separately if desired

Conceptual thinking is the basic connection of the human brain between the physical world of reality, our mental inner world, and the symbolic world of words and concepts. Through concepts we transform and summarize our sensory, feeling data into mental schemata

in the physical world we define it as “words” and through which all our daily communication, information transfer, accumulation and modification takes place. Human thinking is conceptual - we think with words. With the help of words we describe our inner states, thoughts, desires, make plans for the future and perceive the world.

The question is how developed your conceptual thinking is for psychic work

A concept is a sensory experience archived in a symbolic code. In psychic work it must have a payoff - a result, you must see and understand integrity. conceptualization is the brain’s ability to encode sensory data into symbols, that is, to archive, summarize and compress data.

it is the identification of informational meanings from the signal system of the surrounding and inner world, and the integration of these signals

conceptual thinking is an ability of an individual (only an individual) to encode his semantic experience into symbols, to unite this experience into systems (sense databases of experience) and to learn the surrounding and inner world by means of archiving and summarizing the experience data

a professional architect sees the project of a huge building holistically, as a single point - but he has to separate each layer and block of the building in order to make a drawing, by means of which the work will be carried out

By the way, the Russian neurophysiologist Pavlov called this the “second signal system,” "signal signals

For example, you know a certain word combination and consider it to be extremely important. But what is it and what meaning is hidden in this code? How can you unpack this concept and discover its connections to reality and to real practical application?

if you can do this with certain multi-complex information, reveal the meaning of the “code” words, show and find its connections with the real world ( on the contrary, compress very complex info into a single point), then you develop strong conceptual thinking

in this project it was initially there, but it is involved in a large alchemical process
to expand your abilities - practice


I was running quite a few brain ones last night and didn’t really feel that good in the morning… I ran the Shen field and now my brain is feeling sooooo good. Would it be correct to assume that fields like Psychic mastery uses up Shen and it would be smart to replenish that?

Maybe I need to get negentropic chi and shen followed by all the restore series. There’s no NFT replacements for those right?


I don’t use brain fields, and I don’t know what combination you used
I would assume that your brain is not getting enough food.
Also, you might want to indulge in some good quality chocolate
This advice was given in this thread.

eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids (clean filtered water)

If you feel resonance with the Shen field - use it, why not

I would suggest this field to you:

but unfortunately it is not available (i checked now)

this concept will be expanded and offered to the captain, but a little later

Listen to yourself and your intuition


Thanks. I started taking fish oil and daily vitamins again. I also play the quasi crystal one that provides some mstate stuff.

I have been doing no/low carb and eating 1 meal a day. I might need to add a bit more carbs in there

I’m curious how the physical nutrition, chakras, 3 energy storage centers, jing/qi/shen, psychic development all relate… seems like I need to balance this very intricately or things won’t go well.


Have you put the mandala into something, like a tag or bracelet? or do you just keep the image on you somewhere? I keep mine in my phone case and i wonder if itd be better to have it even closer.

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Most of the time I do the same. Have my phone usually in my aura so it works for me.

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Actually… I may have… Forgot that this is a thing. Took a break from PM for a bit.


Thank you for this.


So one night I was saying the Lord’s Prayer in my mind before falling asleep. Probably the first time I’ve noticed this: as I was drifting off, it would seem like my subconscious (?) picked up my intent and started to pick up and continue and repeat the words, without me actively thinking them; a voice deeper within, like cementing the words deep inside my mind.



Hey can you please send me the file🥺

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Hey, Victor_222k!
Welc to the Forum


Welcome to the forums, my fine sir!


Yes, it´s not only people showing up in dreams but the overall feeling of being connected with them.
For most it was obvious before, for others it became more apparent afterwards.

In general, conceptual realizations helps me to see through my own bs and that of other people, what they want, if they are serious about the spiritual journey.

It seperates fakes from the real ones.


This reminds me of series called “Manifest”. [Spoiler alert] In this series people who shared plane experience together started to have callings then started to get connections with each other as well.


There’s was worry in me, about becoming oversensitive in the development of psych pathways - not going in public places - for example.

Truth is the more time passes, more I get the hability to drown in people… Places… Anything… It feels good.

Maybe also I dont feel that lonely anymore… I rarely interact in conversations.

Saddly they appear to notice instantly when it happens though, then change normal in a blink aswell (taking the modern distance).

However still leading me to some new understanding lessons in a kinder way.


As time goes by, my thinking becomes more sensitive, and my sense of smell for food becomes clearer. I don’t like the food I liked before(It should be like a cake without sugar)

I’ve been feeling sleepy lately and get tired easily