The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

I have been listening to The Blueprint of Blueprints all day, focusing on shadow dissolution and integration as well. 🪷 :fire: :crossed_swords::milky_way::crescent_moon::nazar_amulet::dove::woman_in_lotus_position::call_me_hand::sparkles:


This would be amazing. Definitely would get this. I personally suffer from constant cording even with smart cord cutter and shield 3.0. Don’t have armor per say. So a blocking mechanism would be amazing. Also just the mental framework of being un-f%#kwithable. An emotionally sensitive empathic person like myself basically welcomes everything to attack me subconsciously. So that would be an amazing added protection. Have always been susceptible to evil eye, bad mouthing causing illness, entity wanting my energy. This could be a life savor for so many! :innocent:


So this is the MoAS!

Mother of All Shields!


Dream is going to get us all levitating with this one :woman_in_lotus_position::dove::crossed_swords::nazar_amulet:



I have been thinking.

I think people attacking are not necessarly jealous or plain bl*od thirsty creatures.
I think many of those people are triggered as well.
(I am not talking about entities or any other type of astro agressors, or energies with an agenda)

Really some of those agressions are trigger based I think. When triggered, some become vulner*ble and victims, and some become, idk, “annoyed” and aggresors.

It is not jealousy or idk, ps¿chopathy.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a feature of annulation of any triggering signal one is sending. Like you can do whatever, trigger nrj would just be erased from it.

Again, if someone is acting negatively because he/she is triggered doesnt mean he/she is not responsable for their actions. The trigger happens and the person decides to act on them. They have full responsabilty of that decision.

(That’s a lot of the trigger word in one post, sorry about that :mountain_snow::sparkles:)

Another interesting feature, and a big one imo, would be to keep your sovereignity always. Never giving your power away. Owning your power. :fire::mountain_snow:🪷 :crossed_swords:

Adding: protection from appropriation. Identity, ideas etc. Thanks :pray::nazar_amulet::woman_in_lotus_position::herb::sleeping::herb::dove::fire::sparkles::mountain_snow:🪷 :nazar_amulet::crossed_swords::herb::dove::dragon_face::two_hearts::herb::nazar_amulet::call_me_hand::dragon::fire::sunny::milky_way::crescent_moon:


Dream can take a look at it.

I see it is heavily DrVirtual inspired, I suggest we add other things like religious conditioning (for those that desire it)

Like his Doomsday dissolver etc.


@anon14224340 it’s possible to jcin? Do I need to be accepted so I can be at the group?.

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It will be Public, so anyone will be able to purchase the NFT.


I will also like to add if possible for consider. @anon14224340

Many people have problem with influence of ghosts.
Is not all humans before us whom die peacefully and thy are around in thy ghost :ghost: form .
Living on astral or in space around us .
Many are angry …or lost .

Sometimes living in old building or even big city where was many before …can be strongly influenced by them .

The Field where if any ghost or more of them is attach to the person is expelled from body and send away … .don’t know in light …or from astral …(don’t know how this works ) .

And to have protection that after expelling them from are body’s …that new ones can’t enter are body or influence are mind or follow person around .

I think that would give much bigger Freedom and Peace :dove: +++ included all previous mentioned.


What about including Fear Dissolution and Ptsd aspects?

And a Lucidity component, like awarness about people’s nature as much as one’s own problematic behaviour regarding danger and abuse in general?
With a specific feature making all Narcisistic dynamics in relationships being impossible to happen. Like Narcisists be gone. Same for Psychopaths and Sociopaths in all the ways they can mess up one’s life. (They were not mentionned in the original post). We need something for emotionnal blackmail :sob:. And protection from our own empathy.

Thank you! :sob::dolphin::call_me_hand::two_hearts::call_me_hand::dragon::sparkles::love_you_gesture:

[Edit: Some protection aspect from racketeering, IRL and spirit-wise, would be nice] :ocean:


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been watching this guys, thanks @anon14224340

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Just reminder, even when this project gets released.

No days unalert.

Keep striving.


I will try to reach out to Dream.

Just been held up with other projects my friend.


Im contemplating all ready a week to write :writing_hand: about Evile eye :nazar_amulet:

it’s very unfortunate …

So funny sone as I started to think about writing about it , sharing experience suddenly my upper spine was painful as something don’t wanted me to share but I will .

The spine problem passed last night after a week :muscle::grin:

So will write :writing_hand: about it in days ahead to rise awareness about it !


I have Naga shield :shield:


Any good feedbacks about it? @Andromeda

Let me please respond tomorrow about it …


Take your time… :)