The Circulatory Engineer

Yeah that might be very well the mechanism of it! Better circulation and oxygenation of the tissues.

Yes I think it has more applications than one would expect at first !


But, back then, before listening, you didn’t know that you would have that effect, so you couldn’t know what to measure then, right?

But now that you know your muscles just look quite big, you’re now aware that your field has this result. Now, you can measure your muscles to track your results for you.

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I could do that. But for several reasons I have no interest in that.

Yeah, I was wondering that too…

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This nearly got rid of my under-eye circles in one listen. They were back the next day because I didn’t listen and also drank too much coffee. Still, it was amazing that it got rid of them! If I use the addiction one to kick the coffee habit and then use this, my eyes will look great!


you can try the Dark Circles Removal


@alexmage @Curious_Cat I had just a little bit of Dark Circles and that one removed them, Dark Circles Removal I mean.

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For someone who has fucked his heart diagonally, vertically, upside, inside, backwards and forwards and every possible thinkable way - this is an absolute blessing and a daily must for me.


I have I report back with an update.
The increased muscle fullness was not caused by this audio. I tried it again and this time i didn’t notice such drastic results. I listned to the vitamin D audio a lot more than normally so I think it was that one. I’ll report In the vitamin D thread once I’m sure about it.

With that beeing said a small part of it might be caused by this audio and it has been shown to increase testosterone and speed up muscle recovery in studies.


So I could just listen to this instead of The Heart Healer right?

As I understand it, the two fields do different things. You could listen to them both and get fuller, broader benefits. It depends on what’s going on with you.

That’s where I was confused, is this field like Heart Healer+ or was it those mechanisms targerted for the lymphatic system, all veins and arteries.

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That seems like a good way to describe it, sure! :+1:

ETA: Here’s where I’m guessing the difference comes in: when fields are combined, Dream has said that he doesn’t combine them wholesale. There are alterations to the component fields because of the combining. (In the past, I’ve used the analogy of the difference between raw carrots and carrots that you add when cooking a stew.)

So, the difference would be this field would be tailored to focus on the whole cardiovascular circulatory system (but, perhaps, the lymphatic system might be a stretch or a downstream benefit), whereas The Heart Healer (Patreon) focuses on the various diseases of the heart (which can be different from problems of circulation, you see?).

Nah, you’re not (IME) a dumb-dumb. And it’s always good to make sure.


That’s what I assumed but I’m a dumb-dumb so I wanted to make sure lol

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(Check out my expanded answer above. It might give you more information about my thinking which may be helpful to you.)

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Thank you. Helpful response!

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Can this get rid of damaged protein in the body ? Or only skin cells ?

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Can this replace any blood circulation field? It sure seems so


does anyone know?

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yes it will help with circulation

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