The Conceptual Conglomerate

Have you read the updated description? The thing I have noticed with brain fields is that the path and results are subjective to a point. What I mean is that it’s an experimental journey. Some play three times, some spam for hours. Their results will vary. I feel like CC is a fully-blossomed rose of great beauty. Its vibration seems totally different, expanded, like a novel compared to a short story. Only trying to put it into words, as CR is a beautiful story all on its own - just a different story.



Yes, I did. And that description also 100% applies to the original Conceptual Realizations in my opinion.

What I would like to hear are the subjective experiences of people who have upgraded from the original Conceptual Realizations to this one.

Only people who have used both fields would have that feeling of how much the upgrade did for them.

I would like to understand whether the ROI of the upgrade is worth the price for me.


This is usefull


Borisju left a review comparing both somewhere above, you can ask him now too

Hmm… ok



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I said this because everything that is written there, I also experienced as a result of the original one. Having Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT might have provided an additional boost too.

I am also aware that all of this is highly highly subjective and not measurable in usual usual intelligence measurement terms. That’s why I am a looking for more (subjective) testimonials from people who have used both versions.


Yes this here.

My line of thinking is that if you can master Conceptual Thinking and Psychic Skills, then you either no longer need any IQ and Intelligence stuff or it comes automatically as a by product of these two skills.

I totally believe that, since the original one is still among my Top 3 most favorite fields ever created.


Yeah, i can only talk for me, i mention my experience of this everywhere but this thread lol, here one from a couple hours ago


Interesting :slight_smile:

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Woah what the heck just happended? @Dr_Manhattan is their a zoning in of some sorts? i might be bugging, i feel like i tapped into somthing? I dont know, i think am just tired. I feel like am tapping into somthing? I might be exterme focus? or somthing

It might be white matter acutally, i have been drinking lots of water while it was looping, i feel like my sense of foucs has just jumpped

Ok so I am not the only one? It was getting repetitive seeing new women every dream, like aight, I get it lol. Can I get a different dream now?

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You don’t have to get it, if you are content with CR, before the release of Conceptual Conglomerate, CR alone was a mastery and gifted field, top 3 field imo. Having played both of them I guess I could give you a comparison and you can take it from here.


• 17 min duration

• Realization unlocked, that was it. I couldn’t understand much deeper. E.g. (“Don’t talk like this”, um ok but why?)

• Knowing their true meaning behind the words they speak and getting some concept of their experience.


• 3 min duration

• Realization unlocked but it goes deeper. With CR, I just get a sudden download about the realization but it never goes deeper, but with CC, I get the realization, but I understand why this realization was unlocked. Concept stacks onto another concept, keeps stacking upon each other which allowed me to see how this realization connects to multiple concepts into my life, which is why I said prior, “answers are always getting updated”.

• I could say imo this speed runs the “lessons” you need, it hits you at once, knowing you and I both want to gather as many lessons in this life so we can level up.

This is just my experience, I had played CR for 2-3 hours in the past everyday and with CC, 5+ hours, and I could honestly say this is a big upgrade. You could stay with CR, but this is the bigger upgrade and I’m pretty sure Dream wouldn’t price this so high if it wasn’t so complex.


Thanks for taking the time.

Btw, I updated the description as fast as I did to avoid confusion if there is another conceptual field. Which may or may not happen before the end of the year.

It’s nice if people can really understand what this one does to differentiate them

Also, I don’t like remaking what’s already been done, the original conceptual realization field is a tiny part of the whole wiring on this one.


Thank you very much :pray:




I’ll just use multiple smart phones as multiple speaker sources :wink:


Welcome to brainmaniacs club :champagne::brain:


What backstory ?

Is it supposed to do that ?
I must have put my foot in my mouth somewhere I guess lol

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Not back story, thats the wrong word to use, but a conecpts layers