The Crucible of the Past

WOW! What a moving thing to read (maybe in part because I related to a lot of the things you describe).

If you don’t mind my asking, can you elaborate on this? I’m curious :slight_smile: You said you left the post deliberately vague so of course no worries if you don’t feel like talking about it!



It feels like these are the most beautiful and necessary tears that I’ve ever experienced. They were flowing within seconds

What kind of magic is this

My goodness…

Should give a warning with this field lol “hugs / tissue/ comfort needed”


I genuinely believe this is one of the best field Dream has ever made to this date…
My experience is even deeper than the Blueprint of Life or the Exalted State.

I still can’t believe all of its work in 72h and how traumatized I was.

This is erasing all traumas, all negativity, everything that is obstructing our true self to come to the surface :seedling:

I’m genuinely feeling like I’m being given a second life since its release, no other field did that so deeply for me.

Thank you so much Cap :pray::heart:

Will be keeping an eye on that thread for the weeks & months to come for sure :blush:


For me, this field is starting 2022 in epic style for our community. Healing some wounds we didn’t even know we had, and giving a sense of rebirth to many of us.

I see this as a message on what’s to come in this new year :slightly_smiling_face:


So far, this one is my favorite among the Crucible series. Thanks @Captain_Nemo.


You guys remember that post from @anon51280824 about the The Smart Cord Cutter Field: New Release - #31 by anon46520955?

I can confidently say this field does exactly the same for our past and anything it entails.

Like for most beings here on Earth, there has been some heavy heavy stuff in my lineage, some of those that happened not so long ago…

I’ve started working on it a few years ago, then assisted my relatives concerned in their own processes, but this would move very slowly in the physical due to how crystalized those traumas were.

I thought it’d take a few more years before it comes to the surface (déjà-vu while I’m writing this btw) and one of the main victim in my family found the courage to open up in our private circle 3 days ago.

Since it has become public and so much more is coming to the surface, with a big part of the family acting as one.

There will be many actions to take in the physical and this is not easy, but I’m truly blown away by this quick unfolding.


Ok, here’s my funny experience with this field. I’ve only had it for 2(?) days. Granted I’ve been playing it a bit during those few days.

This morning I woke up to the music of this field stuck in my head. I can’t remember the last time that’s happened to me with a field. I didn’t even play it last night. But this morning it’s like looping, on its own, in my head. :rofl:


This interestingly has been happening with me too :grin:
In my case I’ve been looping it for some time, but still, it never happened with other melody in the same manner.

This field is just Wow.
I decided to get it as for me it seems to be the final key in my - long - journey of healing.
Other thing that’s been happening while the melody is in my head is that I have a “movie” of my life playing… Wounds I’ve been accessing on my own during the years kind of accommodate themselves in a bigger puzzle of events. It’s a flow.
My mind also feels different so far.


For those who have The Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy try playing that after The Crucible of the Past.

I find The Crucible of the Past to be cathartic and a lightening of being and then The Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy uplifts you afterwards. Letting go of the past and enjoying the present while looking forward to the future. Perfect for ending 2021 and beginning 2022.

I did The Crucible of the Past x3 followed by Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy x3.

The Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy is an enhanced blend of The Inner Pillar of Power and Memories of Joy so you can try those instead if you don’t have The Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy.


listen to “The Black Mirrored Stone Shield” before listening to “the crucible of the past”, you will see it works on another level.


Clearing your cache is what this field does for you.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


So far I notice the inner heat while listening. I am deeply fatigued to the point of my body feeling achy and I’ve been excessively yawning. Also my feet faucets are turned on (cold feet with tingling sensation). I have played grounding/heart coherence but I think I just need to give it time to release.

I’m looking forward to feeling lighter :)


I did two sessions a couple of days apart to see to see what stayed constant and what changed. The main difference was that the second session was MORE., In both sessions, I noticed an electric/vibration aspects throughout my body, and in the second session feelings down to my fingers and toes, while during the first session, the energetic feeling didn’t reach to my toes.

I’ll try to describe the onset of the energetic feeling. Mostly, it seemed more like a switch being flipped on and current going throughout my body. Not quite a latent force activated or a new force introduced. Think of a tuning fork being activated without a kinetic strike. At some moments if felt like a resonance, but other moments seemed electric–and there was warmth that others described. In my first session, the feeling radiated out from the base of my spine, but in the second session, the whole network just “lit” up.

Lastly, there was an image, a truck, from the past in the second session, though not one to which I could attach any particular emotional content. I could sense the overworked crew in my memory trying to correlate the image with a specific person or place. Eventually they did., and I noted to myself that the truck belonged to the e parents of a high school friend. Overall, it was a positive association.

Later in that session, if felt a distinct moment of tension release, like a knot loosening.


Great Testimonial! :hugs: :muscle:


Thank you very much for mentioning this.

This also applies to life topics like “being healthy”, “being abundant”, “getting rich”, “having a great partnership”, “having the best friends” etc.

Most people in our society are literally brainwashed to believe that “all that is good can only come to you through hard work and sweat”.
And so-called “work harder and smarter” motivational videos on YouTube make it even worse and spread the propaganda.

However, as Subsurfer777 stated, this is complety wrong and a severly limiting belief. I wish more people would be aware of this – even here on the forum many belief that “unless you do XYZ a billion times, you cannot reveive ABC” etc.

The truth is, at least in my personal opinion, once the right steps and decisions are taken with the right tools at hand, which basically means to bring your strongest ally and best friend – your Subconscious Mind – in alignment with your goals, then all the good things can manifest FAST and can manifest UNCONDITIONALLY.

Because source knows no conditions when it comes to manifesting.
This is god’s greatest gift – the FREE WILL to be able to manifest absolutey everything UNCONDITIONALLY.

Once you REMEMBER your connection to the source and your OWN INNER POWER OF MANIFESTATION, everything becomes possible.
The source does not need to watch a YouTube tutorial on “how to be more efficient and write better to do lists”. The source simply intents and manifests.

Just purchased this field as well.
Sounds like an extremely powerful tool. :slight_smile:
Might even be the most second-most important field ever made (after Conceptual Realizations).
Because it is never too late to become whom you could have become.
And, it is never too late to be happy.

I wonder what the Light Collapser can do that this field would not do automatically? This field sounds like an audio version of the Light Collapser :thinking:
If anyone can advise please?
Thanks in advance :pray:

Guys, keep in mind that time does not exist and is an illusion.
So when the description uses the word “past”, I can imagine that this field can help with ALL experiences, those already collected and those making waves from the future. Or in other words, the experiences from the past affecting today and also the ones from the future affecting today too.

I am excited to try this field today and see how much cleaning it will provide :grin: :shower: :bath:
Maybe, even like the “big cleaning shower” that you get when you re-merge with your Higher Self after a long adventure of incarnations?

Thank you very much for this field :star_struck: :hugs:
Just out of curiosity, would this also help clean up the experiences collected by our other parallel incarnations?
Or only the experiences of this current particular incarnation?

The state of “having all the experiences but none of the emotional bagage” sounds exactly like the state that the Higher Self reaches before finishing this matrix game and moving on to another one (as like Robert A. Monroe has described it).


If this could be true, even partially, then this is a 100% MUST buy for most if not ALL people! Any hope of this… ? @SammyG


This will definitely be my next field, once the abundance starts rolling in again


That would be nice

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Nope, it doesn’t work on past lives. Only on your past on this life


Just a question but is it possible that things from past lives would effect the past in this life so that while not directly but in some way it works on past lives?
I was just interested in the mechanism on that
Not hoping it would work on past lives