The Deep Facial Remodelling

Good reasoning :wink:


I donno…
I don’t know if it is my place to comment, but I’d like to open the conversation (maybe not in this thread and make it more general)
But this topic has a place in this thread as well.

I’ve been following sapien for years now, personally I feel that if this was the answer of changing facial features and the physical body, we would have way more people reporting it and using it, and also I wholeheartedly think people would share photos of their transformation (with censoring of any disclosing features). I would have shared mine.

But people are putting their salaries into these fields. Hundreds of dollars, buying field after field…
If a field doesn’t help non of the people who purchase it, maybe there is a need of redoing it? Replanning it?

I just think it’s twisted to give people a reason to blame themselves they are not using the field correctly. It makes them feel bad about themselves, it makes them buy more fields with money they probably should invest in other areas…


I don’t agree, and would love to offer another perspective

From my personal issues, I have a clear asymmetry that should have been even slightly better after using the maxilla field, the Marquardt, and this field, the face sculptor field.

It hasn’t helped even with an inch of a movement over two years

So let me guess,
I’m not listening to the correct fields?
Or… I need a specific field for the jaw to corrects it’s alignment…?

I’m a graphic designer, I love nature because of its beauty of mathematics, so logically and spiritually, a field should harmonize those stuff…
But it doesn’t.
And I’m not talking about a week of listening, I’m talking TWO YEARS.

and it is coming from frustration, because I should’ve known better and save this money to maybe get a treatment of realigning it with new physical methods people came up with in recent years

And I don’t want people to spend their hard earned money if it doesn’t really help with what is claims…

Who test the fields before they are available for the public? Like any other product with a test run.


I didn’t want to offend you :slight_smile:. The field as such is of course neutral in a way as is the universe. I feel your pain if a field is not working as expected and others are…

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I’m not offended (your comment was direct at a situation of another member)

Something just doesn’t feel right anymore to me

This may not be the solution that particularly applies to your case, because I don’t really know you, however I have found that people’s results in life, ALL types of results, be it from fields, or from their own behaviors etc. are always limited by their personal levels BASELINE and CEILING of Deserving and Worthiness.

Which is really a self love issue.

Everyone has a certain BASELINE level of self love and also a CEILING, which determines one’s personal levels of worthiness and deserving:

  • The BASELINE is the average level you operate on. This is the level a person always comes back to, enforced by the core beliefs in the Subconscious Mind.
    Example: A broke person who wins a Million in the lottery and after one year is back to their baseline of being broke, because they never shifted their baseline levels. However the Million is their personal ceiling when it comes to money.

  • The CEILING is the maximum level you are able to manifest into your personal reality based on who you are and all your efferts combined.
    Example: Teenager using glow up YouTube subliminal. The Subconscious Mind executes a little bit of the input and only temporary. Temporary there is a small glow up effect up until the teenager’s personal ceiling level. After a few days the Subconscious Mind reverts everything back to the baseline levels.

This baseline and their respective ceiling is different for different life topics and life aspects.
One person can find it easy to make money but difficult to find love.
So, different life topics have different baselines and different ceiling for every person individually.

The good thing about working on self love in general is that you are going to raise the baseline and the ceiling across ALL the life topics at once.

SLR fields alone will not solve the problem of the “Ceiling of Deserving” or “Ceiling of Worthiness”.
SLR fields alone can only move your baseline further up to your personal ceiling, but they will not move the ceiling itself.
Doesn’t matter if you believe “everything is possible” – you also need to fully believe that you really really deserve it and are worthy of it.

There is no way around Trauma Work and Self Love Work!

Especially, when it comes to looks – this topic is HEAVILY tied to personal levels of self love, worthiness and deserving.

If you don’t feel like you deserve the changes, even when the field is physically doing something on you, your Subconscious Mind may simply revert it back to the baseline or ceiling levels.

Moving your baseline and ceiling levels is the most important job you can ever do while being incarnated. Therefore, once again, most of the attention and work should go on increasing your self love levels and everything else Priority #2.


My reasoning is that, if I didn’t love myself I didn’t think I deserve good things in live, I would not have bought the fields… I’m buying the fields from self love and my feeling of worthiness…

And just a note:
If self love is the barrier for getting results, I would’ve love it and prefer Dream to put an emphasis on that with every field.

It’s like buying an IKEA item and not having a screwdriver to actually build it


As I said:

You may feel worthy of having fields in your life and of having the money to buy them.
But whatever topics the fields are working on, each topic comes with their own levels of worthiness.


I don’t have the money to buy them… To be honest

But I’ll give your comment a second read

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Very generous of you :slight_smile:

Chiming in… I’ve been using Remodeling for a while, though it’s been the third field in my facial structure journey, which mapped out like this:

Maxilla / Marquardt (about 10 months of regular use, i think): shifted my facial structure, cheek bones became prominent, palette width expanded and bite corrected from overbite to ideal bite, I look better in photos and I had to reset my iphone face id cause i couldn’t open my phone anymore… this was all before Remodeling was released.

Deep Facial Remodeling (been using since March): I’ve noticed a slimming and sharpening of my lower face/jaw. Improvements in skin. Some buildup of bone on the cheekbones. A maintaining of facial structure changes from the other fields, with a slight widening of the upper face. And I’ve been biting my cheeks less and less. I’m pleased with it and plan on sticking with it.

I’m confident these fields work, but it’s a gradual journey. Keep in mind that facial symmetry is also affected by the sphenoid bone, spine, pelvis and posture. Perhaps combining with Spinal Tapper could help things move along.

Agreed. and of course @JAAJ’s self love stack is great. I also found the Guided Path To Wholeness course by Sammy and Dream to be very helpful in breaking down inner barriers. It’s a good deal too. A whole course + multiple fields for a reasonable price.


Thank you for expanding on your results and reassuring them :white_heart:

Well aware, I’m using body symmetry, spinal tapper and brain hemisphere as a whole body approach


I don’t want to say that you listened to the fields somehow incorrectly. Just information to think about.

Have you noticed facial asymmetry? Would you like to remove it?
I have met patients who corrected asymmetry with plastic surgery and fillers, and then recovered for another couple of years without getting the desired effect
What does the asymmetry depend on?

    When the pelvis is tilted, the shoulders are at different levels, there is a curvature of posture, such body distortions can have an effect on the face through the system of muscle-fascial chains — one half “floats”.
    Tension at the base of the skull, dura mater can come from the embryonic period, childbirth and birth injuries, as well as injuries acquired later.
    contributes to the formation of facial asymmetries, since they are attached to the skull and tension is easily transmitted.

For many, this will be a discovery, but the tension and dysfunction of the pelvis literally deforms all body systems - the chest collapses, shoulders wrap, withers and stoop appear, and as a result, the neck and face age.

Therefore, working with the face may not produce results (or give short-term results) even with skillful execution of techniques and proper care.

Let’s figure it out.
The main function of the muscles, ligaments and fascia of the pelvic floor is to keep the organs in a normal position! This is directly affected by the urogenital and pelvic diaphragm (a complex of muscles that separate the pelvic cavity from the perineum). Between the sacrum and the pubic symphysis, a woman has three organs — the bladder, vagina and rectum.

Why are they going down? Because muscles are weakened and damaged, tension accumulates in the ligaments and fascia. A common cause of this is childbirth, during which injuries to the coccyx and sacrum may occur, namely, muscle innervation depends on them… according to statistics, 70% of women experience trauma to the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth! It can also be caused by various injuries, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

A paradox! Tension and dysfunction in the sacrum, coccyx, and pelvic diaphragm does not tone the muscles, but rather WEAKENS them

In addition, after cesarean section, due to traumatization of muscles, ligaments and fascia, an adhesive process often occurs, which like a knot tightens the face and neck down, provoking asymmetries, “sliding” of the oval of the face, wrinkles on the neck and face, as well as problems in sexual life, female diseases, etc.

Also, these dysfunctions can be the cause of an overhanging tummy, which is not removed by physical activity and diets.


This is actually the information I discovered a few months ago that made me rethink the physical fields…
I started practicing standing meditation and balancing my feet, increasing body awareness… Etc
Within 1 meditation I felt completely different, and after 4 days I could spot differences in my posture(major differences!) . I was amazed. Only 4 days? What is more out there?

Discovered the jaw and pelvis connection, didn’t figure out yet how to really approach it.

Fascia, psoas…
Face pulling…

Many things that make more sense to me then listening hours and hours to fields…

So I’m conflicted

Would love to hear your opinion and more information if you have
(maybe it’s a good idea to have a thread regarding asymmetries and the amazing summary you shared)


I have some information, but I need time to adapt it and translate it into English. Maybe you really need to make a separate theme. These girls are patients of an osteopathic doctor, a specialist in natural rejuvenation.


mmmm, I may give it a try but the thing is this field was advertised as a whole beauty system by itself and its job is to remodel the bones and their surrounding tissues so that it can deliver the drastic changes that it promises. I mean I know that some fields can complement it and faster/deepen the results but I believe that it also should be able to do some changes just by itself. Thank you for the suggestion though.


Hi Sapphire, thank you for your comment and I feel your pain. so, you never got a result from a physical field before? I also wonder how the fields are tests? I know they take a lot of time and effort to be made but I believe that testing is also super important thing in the whole process :)


I did get some results, especially when I started using fields.
Facial hair removal was one that shocked me and made me take fields seriously, those were results I couldn’t deny. It was years ago, back in 2018-2019.

Maxilla and womenly women did help, but only in the first few listens and than I plateauded…

And then some of the results faded and dissappeared… So it’s back to square one, I contemplated if it was all in my head or a slight placebo of my perception…

I just know that when fields work it doesn’t take a while to see improvement in the right direction, gradual change,
When there is no change whatsoever after a month or two… Is where I put a question mark


I see a lot of changes of field and subliminals, but it’s not always a good one :sweat_smile:, at least temporary.
I’ve experimented loads and I’m still not where I want to be, but I see a clear change in pictures and in the mirror.

But as I mentioned before, I have to mix and match to achieve a good outcome, and the same field doesn’t always give the same results. And I have to totally agree to the people who say it’s about self love, self acceptance, worthiness and also your experience in ‘real life’.

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September versus April, I will delete them

And it was loads of mix and match, not only the remodelling