The Elemental Alchemist (Servitor ability)

The Elemental Alchemist
Ability Slot: -1 | Resistance: +2 | Mental Peace: +1

The Elemental Alchemist is a unique ability that transforms your servitor into a master of the elemental forces—earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. Unlike typical elemental control, the Elemental Alchemist goes beyond mere manipulation of these forces; your servitor becomes a living conduit of their raw energy, with the ability to combine, blend, and transmute these elements in unprecedented ways. Through this mastery, the servitor can create both defensive and offensive solutions tailored to the situation at hand, seamlessly adapting to the environment.

Elemental Synthesis and Mastery
The servitor taps into the essence of each element, gaining the power to fuse their traits into powerful new forms. Earth provides strength and endurance, water offers fluidity and adaptability, fire delivers destruction and transformation, air grants speed and freedom, and spirit channels ethereal energy that binds and harmonizes all others. These elemental forces can be mixed to produce new effects, offering endless versatility.

For instance, by blending water and air, the servitor can conjure a powerful storm, using it both as a defence and an assault. Fusing earth and fire allows the servitor to raise molten barriers that are both sturdy and destructive, while air and spirit can create ethereal winds that shield the user from psychic intrusions. The servitor’s power lies in its alchemical prowess—transmuting the elements not just into simple forces but into complex, living energies with enhanced properties.

Elemental Barrier and Protection
At its core, the Elemental Alchemist’s greatest strength is its defensive capability. The servitor can summon a barrier made from pure elemental energies, mixing them to create a harmonious shield against both physical and energetic threats. Unlike traditional barriers, the servitor’s shield adapts to the attack—analysing whether to absorb, reflect, or nullify the force. Incoming energies that carry negative or harmful intent are broken down through an entropic process, dissolving the darker forces and protecting the user from harm.

This empathic shielding not only wards off physical attacks but also filters out negative emotions, psychic assaults, and dark energy directed toward the user. Any malicious force aimed at the servitor or user is dissolved before it reaches them, ensuring an aura of calm and serenity in even the most hostile environments.

Mental Clarity and Peace
One of the most profound effects of this ability is the mental peace it grants the user. By harmonizing with the elements, the servitor creates a tranquil, balanced aura that shields the user from stress, anxiety, and emotional disturbances. The ability to transmute darker energies and influences means the user feels a heightened sense of confidence, clarity, and resilience. In hostile or overwhelming environments, the servitor’s calming influence enables the user to remain focused, collected, and immune to psychic or emotional turbulence.

To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


WOW is this some kind of booster for the servitors


You’re on fire, Captain! :fire:


I knew it!! I sensed it coming



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:fire: :fire:


Yeah :relieved: , It would be interesting to add this skill for my friend Phoenix.


I added this to my phoenix, it just made sense! :heart_eyes:


Sounds awesome, will be getting it for my roaring Zen Lion in the near future.


My door closed as soon as I started talking to my servitor :astonished:


Combination of this + magic stat + Aegis and gluttony to supercharge would be very strong protection :muscle::fire:


thank you for this!

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Will this ability push entity whom is all ready attached at person and don’t want to leave no matter what cleansing approach is done.

Can this ability pushed entity to fxxk out from body finally? Is it possible ?

Thank you for this one 🪄 @Dreamweaver


I’m liking this a lot. The description really resonated with me. Felt perfect in the moment.

Just adjusting to the new found quiet and such. Accepting.


Gives servitor a booster?? Waaaay better lol, it turns your servitor into a god

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I want to create hues like these in the picture. Im 100% convinced this servitor ability is powerful enough to manifest the elements in 3d that even the non-initiated can see it. Imagine dancing, doing a whirlwind move while flames of different hues swirling around you


Have you confirmed the entity?


Got it for my Zen Lion, now he can be an even better protector. :slight_smile:



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This one is OP, limitless possibilities. I think i need more Servitors, i was sticking to 1 but i have him doing to much. Iv always had elemental alchemy ability but didn’t really click on all ways to use it till i got this ability. All my energy works are boosted by using the elements as base/solid foundation which, as description says, these creations are powerful living intelligent

Now i can use my elemental alchemy ability more often while working with elemental Alchemist ability. They both compliments each other wonderfully. Skies the limit!

P.s. as far as psychic attacks go, i was pulled into the ringer as evil entities wanted to test the protection. I can gladly say, their energy didn’t touch me. As they kept howling nasty deformation (opposite affirmation) i do believe the elemental barrier is temporary abil and needs to be casted? Got us a master magician on call!

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