☪ The Embassy of Beauty (Luxury Care: Private)

Now for a few clarifications:

Imagine, a nice little town at the end of the Earth. This town has its own ancient traditions, it is surrounded by stunning nature, and harmony reigns in it. Also, in this town is a not big, but cozy Beauty Clinic, equipped with modern (21 century) medical (cosmetology) tools. It is run by a great master, the Fairy Queen, who provides multiple services to solve numerous problems related to appearance. She is an unsurpassed specialist in her craft.

Imagine the Premium Therapeutic Serum applied to your entire body and hair - you get therapeutic effects on the entire organism on various levels (including the genetic level). Imagine a unique Beauty 360 Technology that recreates numerous amazing processes based on a multi-level suggested scheme, the goal of which is your health and maximum correction of your appearance (with the support of the gods). Imagine, an amazing magical exclusive potion (Alchemical Proprietary Blend) that restores the entire system and adds a huge amount of magical benefits to the user.


Now imagine a solid Beauty Center in a metropolis, such as the Champs Elysees. Such “luxury class” centers exist in the modern world. These are elite institutions, with their own traditions and a clear methodology of individualized comprehensive care, treatment and correction of various problems. Every client is provided with special programs, which gradually treat his/her skin and hair, restore internal balance of the body, normalize blood circulation, metabolism, sebum production, cell renewal. The condition of the body, skin and hair is determined by tactile and hardware diagnostics, and on this basis suitable products are meticulously selected for effective care. The whole methodology allows to regulate the underlying processes, to start the mechanism of self-restoration and self-healing.

Acquaintance with such services begins with a special welcoming massage, providing deep lymphatic drainage and relaxation. Certain treatments will literally breathe life into every cell and restore the body’s own resources on all levels, freeing it from toxins and recharging it with energy. The methodology itself has an impeccable reputation - based on a clinical approach and using pure, highly concentrated energy ingredients in combination with original treatment techniques, this method achieves incredibly effective results in correcting various beauty-related problems.

The diagnosis itself includes consideration of both physiological and behavioral features of each client. This helps to determine the state of the body at a particular moment. Based on the results obtained, the procedure is individually selected to provide the most effective Care. The multi-level methodology, based on the philosophy of authenticity and harmony, is based on the foundation of different systems of analysis, diagnosis and prescription, so its products and care procedures are always in balance. My Beauty DNA technologies are also used (analysis of some markers related to aging, sensitivity to sunlight and environmental factors, as well as skin profile - hydration, insensitive water loss, elasticity, pigmentation, sebumetry).

The preparatory phase is a key moment in body care treatments, as it enhances the result of the subsequent procedures. During the care phase (the active phase of the methodology), various influence schemes (which contain the highest energy patterns, extracts of plant, marine and biological origin, and some others) are used to stimulate regenerative processes. Their action is aimed at eliminating the causes of dysfunctions and problems as quickly as possible.

The project includes the principles of bioelectrotherapy and additional modules to optimize results, to correct the appearance, face, neck, body, etc. For example:




You won’t drive far in your nice, shiny car if it’s rotten on the inside. You can’t count on a naturally beautiful appearance that radiates energy and charisma if you have problems with your body. The anti-aging industry is in a critical state. Without universally recognized standards of quality, this industry is becoming a fantasy. Today, science knows few methods to prolong life with proven efficacy.

Scientists involved in this area (Theranostics) suggest that the main cause of human aging lies in the biochemistry of the intercellular matrix. Computer intelligence has been developed that can increase the number of methods available for individual indications and find completely new combinations of therapeutic agents. To date, more than 3,000 examinations have been organized and several ways to functionally rejuvenate the vessels and the immune system have been discovered. Expert system algorithms look for dependencies by evaluating the effects of external and internal factors on health. Computer intelligence structures this information and shows a complete picture: which lifestyle is associated with the lowest risk of developing age-related diseases. Theranostics are therapies and optimization of bio-parameters that have been shown to be effective in clinical trials to increase healthy life expectancy.

Of course, the details of the project will remain behind the scenes.

Each elegant room of the Embassy is specially designed for optimal treatment. The warm atmosphere, the intimacy and at the same time the excellent technical equipment, all are here to serve the Beauty. The entire staff has been trained in the Methodology and is always at your service.

The artist’s inspiration and the colors he chooses give life to his creation. He who seeks is rewarded by achieving the goal. And may the quintessence of all Captain’s work and research be a tribute to the Beauty and Health that we embody.


Congratulations on your project


Looks absolutely incredible :heart_eyes:
Congrats to all the new Luxury Embassy class members :sweat_smile:


Beautiful project
Gratz, all! :slight_smile:




Another incredible creation!
Congratulations Elena & Ugnis!

Thank You Dreamweaver :sparkling_heart:


This is a project I am very much looking forward to and my hair stylist will definitely be more pleasantly surprised :laughing: :innocent:

Thank you so much dreamweaver and @Ugninis

This nft is printed as a pendant, it is also very beautiful


Congratulations :clap: :tada: I’m guessing no extra copy?


If there is a repair for skin genes , I would also like to participate. Will Ver 4 be available?

1 Like

I wanted to write to you in your thread and congratulate you on your project, but I will take this opportunity to write here

In any educational process, trial and error is the natural way to develop. It is often the fastest and most effective way to learn how to do something. However, many people are used to seeing mistakes as something bad and trying hard to avoid them, which sometimes only slows down their learning and blocks their creative energy

in terms of lateral thinking, they remain trapped within the four walls of their ideas of what is right and what is wrong.

certainly, the cost of some mistakes is very high, and they are indeed worth avoiding. But their complete absence leads to the fact that a person has no opportunity to develop flexibility of mind.

Mistakes only turn into sins if they are not acknowledged. Mistakes do help, but only when we benefit from them ourselves, use them as an opportunity for growth, development and learning, accumulation of experience.

You think I’m a super professional at creating projects?
no, i am not.

when i reread the descriptions of my past projects, especially last year - i realize that some points included in them were just my imagination, a consequence of the process that the user must obtain in interacting with different products

this is not a direct “function” of the project - this one is a consequence, but only when the user is purposefully working in that direction

if i describe those projects now, i would do it differently, in a different format
but experience is formed over time.

when you create a concept, a framework, a base, based on different principles and ideas, you have to see the integrity of the design, and you have to see clear functionality and a final result (results) that you can obtain and evaluate

you’re emphasizing one point-but in this case, it doesn’t matter
because what you want can be achieved in many different ways.

and not just with this project.

For example:

our projects do not include versions 1, 2, 3 and so on

I have always tried to propose completely different concepts and models, without combining holistic previous projects into a single NFT

(in the Alchemical Proprietary Blend project it was proposed to combine some separate components of past projects to complete the scheme and create an interesting design, and for a bombastic effect :grin:)

this project is completed


Thank you for sharing your experience :grinning:

It can only address DNA variations that occur after birth. Do not repair congenital DNA defects.
I have The Eternal and I think it included some concept of BOL.

I mean the next one.
I just want to be lazy a bit. :grin: Working on a project takes a lot of energy. It’s not easy.


The gold standard :grin:

but systematization of information is really energy-intensive :slight_smile:
It takes time to create a multi-level, high-quality project.
Considering I also have a personal life, a job, and lots of other responsibilities. :yum:

I am not an assembly line for the creation of projects.
The captain is not an assembly line for the creation of NFTs.
he also has his own plans for other products (audio, other bands, ect)

I’m on vacation, too :grin:

my chair broke down at home.
Further, it turned out that my desk itself does not meet all the principles of ergonomics

I ordered a new orthopedic table and chair and they will be delivered in 2 weeks.
without them - it is difficult for me even to sit at the computer at home (my back hurts)
(I have a more optimal situation at the workplace)

Writing this, I had a thought.
somewhere on the forum, I saw a message about some kind of “boosters”, field amplifiers (from other creators)
this topic was fashionable in the past as well :laughing:

i still don’t understand why we need to boost the captain’s fields if they are already optimized and enhanced

the booster itself is you/ me / we
For example - I have back pain.
I can use fields for my spine, for pain, etc.

but their effectiveness will not be perfect, because it turns out that my workplace is not optimal in terms of ergonomics

  • to create a booster, and take responsibility for optimizing the results: order orthopedic furniture, and do therapeutic exercises :grin:

That goes for any field, I think.

if you want a booster to enhance the effects of NFT for beauty - start taking care of your skin, drink more fluids, and eat right, ect

if you want a booster for athletic audio and nft? Join a gym, etc.
if you want to enhance your brain fields, start studying, etc.

(just sharing spontaneous thoughts that came up)


:relieved: really spontaneous

Trust me, even if it’s an expensive chair, it hurts after sit for a long time.

I know what it mean :handshake:

booster, it still works on people and not on other fields.


Yes, I know what you mean.

But it’s not just the chair.

I ordered a three-tiered desk.

It’s very important to all ergonomic concepts.
So, roughly, it looks like this.



There are many ways to play. I have tried using the computer standing up and watching a video. My knees and heels pain.

Instead of changing positions, take a break and go for a walk.

Two extreme examples :joy:


This is the basis for a healthy lifestyle, as I keep saying it - a lot depends on ourselves
Everything else is extra.

also, therapeutic gymnastics, and muscle warm-up, energetic influences (audio, NFT, etc.) are very important

a complete “package” and personal responsibility = result

ps. the second option, which I see in the picture - I had in the past at home
but it was not very good for me

I tested Sally’s chairs (in the above video) at my friend’s house - it really suited me
I mean, it’s a very deliberate choice, I’ve weighed different possibilities :grin:


That’s good. It’s fresher than traditional designs and worth a try.


Just came from vacation where I took a break from listening to fields and spent time in the sun (courtesy of Premium Serum), probably a bit longer than I should have.

My skin was dry and scaly but after a couple of loops, couple of times during the day it went back to normal. The tan stayed, the dryness was gone. Skin was moisturized without any extra care or even the use of a moisturizer.

Since I’m planning to resume listening to Premium Serum and other similar fields it will be harder to discern which one is doing what. Thats why I’m posting this now, after only a day of listening to The Embassy of Beauty.

This is, by all means, another excellent skin care addition. Thank you Dreamwaver and UgniS!


not only
in my understanding - this project is more global than just additional skin care
It’s about the beauty and health of the whole body - and skin is a reflection of health and inner purity :grin:

1.5 liters of pure water a day

preventive use of unrefined oils (for example, linseed oil) - has a very powerful effect on the skin and hair (plus good for the liver)
I heard this recommendation from a professional dietitian :crown:


Looking forward to discovering all the benefits of this amazing field :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: