The Emblem of Change NFT

I have purchased this NfT. Can I be added to the private group please?


I just got it (number 65), thank you @Desiree, Group and @Dreamweaver! :slight_smile:


Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age by Gustav Holst


My first Saturn return is in 6 months :eyes:


Saturn is the blessing or suffering of your life, the law and the key of karma. Your life will be successful if you receive the blessing of Saturn, even if other planets turn away from you



In the research phases of the project, a lot of the unity and role interplaying in the Solar System was behind the final result of the product

There had to be a solution to an inevitable fact; the continuous cycles of change and its underlying mechanisms.

Change can come with unpleasant times, the turbulence of the mind and the pathless directions. A structure that crushes instead of becoming the driving force of action.

We had to create a new beginning for that :)

The Golden Era that is lived and experienced in the daily life characterized by Saturn the Ruling King and his time of peaceful abundance and comfortable success. These energies are directly added to the user’s experience of Life.

The Age of Gold. In the time when Saturn was king in heaven, there was a golden race of mortals, who lived as though in a paradise, without toil, trouble or cares. All good things were theirs in abundance, and the fertile earth brought forth fruit of its own accord. They lived in peace and harmony, never grew old, and died as though overcome by sleep.

Saturn is examined as the Original Sun of the current solar system. There was a time where the sun we know today was not present in its current shape. Instead, the planetary configuration of Venus, Mars, and Earth found its orbit around Saturn.

An approach was formed to become The Emblem of Change, to make for a final product that targets change from all aspects. A few models were then incorporated into the project

To cater to the present moment, the influence of Venus as the transcendent form of Saturn, Jupiter as the movement of influence, and Mars as the force that propels the accelerated pace of crossing the Passage of Saturn is added in the layers of the project.

An alleviated structure of Career, wealth, success and reputation. A Passage of Successful Impact and Peaceful endeavors, a bliss of abundance and the heavenly riches


Using the outer space to create an effect on immediate reality, Saturn magnetosphere is used to create the positive attributes and personal qualities of Saturn. The gravitational force is capable of keeping the entire solar system in order! This creates an effect of pulling everything together in one’s life and an instant build of the new positive attributes. Aspects of Career, wealth, success, and finances are enhanced by the planetary correlations and the heavenly riches of the golden age. Multiple angles of Saturn provide him in a lesser orderly fashion and in a more liberated one. If one examines the ruling Saturn of Aquarius, one finds the humanitarian that is often successful in making creative and impactful changes on the society and himself.

Artistic Liberation

Touched by the Venusian attributes as the artistic form of the transcendent liberation, and the strengthening of identity in the positive attributes of Saturn-Jupiter-sun, the goal is actually to break free of the highly ordered but malefic attributes of satrun while approaching Saturn as whole, as a journey of self-consciousness and its fears, the bringer of the Light and the passage to the other side, where fairness to self through exploration brings out the highest order of ourselves. The Scythe cuts through the finally visible limitations as it journeys one into the archetype of the chain-free, the smart, intelligently powerful Devil.

Saturn has earned the savvyness of life, another Venus quality of the earlier known to Saturn as “wisdom”. It is putting the wisdom gained through previous experience and hardship into realized action, the pillars of the sky seen as Mars by the ancients is the only drive of action that can lead Saturn to the other side… Saturn, the ruling king, was said to be exiled and chained to the stars. And while later released, and further released on here, the energies of one being “exiled” in life is nullified easing the journey towards true kingship, of self and others. Success where the path of the energies is is based on the model of 8 types of success in a human life.

The Celestial Ball of Saturn is regarded as the bringer of Time, the dawn of the new astronomical pattern ruling out Saturn and rising of Jupiter as the new orbit of planets. Jupiter, among astronomers, is observed to have shifted the solar system into its current shape and therefore, it stands in its influence of the new order and the astrological harmony as Jupiter sextiles Saturn; bringing security, opportunities, and a boost to business and reputation; supplementing with the necessary structure and the positive expansion.


A celebratory aspect is added to the project; inspired by the ancient Romans and their celebrations of Saturnalia. Roman celebrations were described as the best of times. Social hierarchy melted between servants and masters, people changed into more colorful clothing, and the festivals were held in singing, dancing, playing music, and socializing. Exchanging gifts was the tradition on the last day of the festival; candles were lit in celebration of the return of the Light.

(held on the solar solstice, a clear solar connection is made from the romans on Saturn being the original sun. a considerable alleviation of Saturn as the state of ruling Sun exists throughout their history)

Classical Mythology often depicts Saturn with a Scythe in his hand. Symbolic of death, the energies are observed in the light of new beginnings here. Cutting through the earthly and worldly illusions. Opening up the paths of the true and unseen reality.

The Outer Space - Magnetosphere of Saturn and Keplerian Orbits:

Two conjoined concepts of the Outer Space are implemented into the project. The role of Saturn in the universal skies is often regarded as the preserver of Order and Protection. Alongside Saturn, Jupiter forms a protective belt with the Time planet; keeping the Solar System in its current development and guarding it from any further destructions.

The relationship between the two planets is highly influenced by the Solar Magnetic Cycle and its Keplerian Orbit. The impact is assertive of the role of the two planets where Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun have effectively created the planets.

Time and Substance accumulation

Findings refer to the Keplerian Orbit found closest to both Jupiter and Saturn where an accumulation of substance and creation of matter is most possible. Not only that, but all other orbits with a close periodic proximity to the solar cycle have the most unstable material accumulation.

The implication is a Triple Force of Creation that constantly deflects the formation of more planets within the proximity of the current solar system. At the same time, the planets that we know of today are created within the force of creation of the Solar Magnetic Cycle, and the Keplerian Orbit of Jupiter and Saturn.

It is compelling to examine how Time is the main factor of this solar magnetic cycle and its effect on the protoplanetary disks… the equation where the two relationships are measured is T = 1/2TM and T = 5/4TM for Saturn and Jupiter and T ∼ TM where material accumulation and substance replacement are almost impossible.

This recreates the effects of the magnetic field in bringing these forces to their powerful call to action and a creation effect. Usually bringing these 3 into their positive attributes can be tricky which is why the base is to use something that is already in their power. (of course, the magnificence of this relation is something else) . The propelling effect is used as the opposite polarity of this force. As the forces both create and propel the unwanted to keep the cycle of action, time, death, and rebirth.

The Magnetosphere of Saturn, capable to pull 53 Moons to its orbit is used as a powerful force of motion to call on the positive attributes of Saturn. Creating an instant pull for the changes and their path of Success in one’s personal life.

“In their exalted rapport, Saturn and the Sun are set across the horizon, “back” to face – as twilight to dawn; as fall to spring; as the unconscious shadow to the radiance of the Self; or as the enemy-friend guarding the next gate of the emerging Self.”


Got this because Saturn is my ruling planet. I believe this NFT is the integration of shadow itself into a wholeness. Saturn like the fallen star, once king, now exiled, having taken the sacrifice in order to serve a greater good, the growth of the human soul. Today my day feels like a release. Saturn rules the excretory system. If you do not let go of garbage, then the garbage will rule you. If you do not master the “Devil” by letting go of attachment, then the attachments will chain you.

I will paste here a blog post by a vedic astrologer Sam Geppi. I do not follow his school as I study tropical vedic, but I like his description of Saturn:>

Saturn comes after Venus. Whereas Venus brings us into the world of desires and happiness and pleasure and, most of all, people, Saturn senses the limitations of anything in the world and realizes it’s all going to end. Saturn is the part of us that realizes the enormity of time and the effects of time to obliterate all things of matter, including our bodies and people we love and the awareness that everything is going to end at some point.

This sounds very bleak, but it’s only bleak if we’re immature. This fear of death compels us to get to know our self on a deeper level, and, in fact, it’s only when we face the threat of losing something that we truly appreciate it. This is the greatness of Saturn. We see things taken from us that we love, that we care about, that we thought were going to be there. Once this happens, we must look much more deeply into the nature of it and of life itself and find an answer. The nature of Saturn, in this way, makes us grow up.

Saturn makes us mature about life and the way things are here. We try to run from these unpleasant truths, and we remain immature and childish. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with the way things are. Once we realize the nature of who we are as a spiritual being, then the truth of Saturn becomes a great power for us because we’ve made peace with our fears and no until we make peace with our fears will we be able to overcome them and relax into the fullness of truth and love in our hearts.

Saturn can be an energy that feels as if we’ve been cheated, as if things haven’t been fair, as if time has not been fair to us, so you’ll see many old people wind up feeling bitter and hanging onto the past because they’ve not grown and they’ve not matured. This is the problem of Saturn. We must realize the nature of life, learn to let go of things. Everything has its time, and then that time passes.
This is maturity, and this is the Saturn growth process. Once we’re able to do that, we’re able to live in solitude without clinging to others to make us feel happy, to make us feel safe.

Saturn comes after Venus because Venus is very related to other people and the world of happiness, and Saturn realizes that that, too, is limited. And that will change. That will end, and we must face this in truth. And, when we do, we wind up being able to create the greatest joy in life. And that is to be happy for no reason, to be present, and to be resting in our true nature.
Free Vedic Astrology Lesson – Planets - Saturn - Vedic Art and Science


I discovered that I have Saturn in Aquarius, and that since December 2020 it is in that sign, and it remains there until March 2023 … therefore, I bought the NFT … now I understand many things!


The intention was to include The Devil card from the audio

A Negentropic version of course

To suit the energies of the NFT, the Wisdom (or the final iteration of such) of the archetypal Devil is also added to the product.

If you have the Corpus Spiritus deck, a notable difference between the audio and the tarot card reveals itself. Being the final version of the mind of this savvy archetype.

Savvyness is considered as an art here, a skill that swoons through events instead of working through it in opposition. It rides through what life presents. There is a reason that the earthly riches are generally associated with planets like Pluto, Hades, and the Underworld in general. Saturn, being the ruler of the Golden Age is experiencing prosperity and wealth over an extended period of Time.

To create a full spectrum of change, a lot more planets and Saturn associations were added to the mix. Venus is also a planet of the riches, this peaceful energy of abundance is largely associated with it. Jupiter is also known as the luck and expansion planet that is used in growing the opportunities and adding a boost of his opening roads here.

The Devil is the spice of the breakthrough :D

I feel the same way! And it feels like a whole new side of a light and very laid back Saturn is showing up in its own right! The Venusian touch to the energies is adding a lot more smoothness. It feels very airy :relieved::yellow_heart:


Hi! So the final iteration of the Devil archetype is found within this project, the Emblem of Change, correct?


Yesssss! :D


So kind of the project members to open it up to everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have seen some of these energies and how they were life changing for me. As in, they brought life events that made my life take a huge turn and reach for something way better.

I have seen how Venus audio would put me into a flow of coherence and how Saturn audio would put my mind and body together into one good structure! :D we had an event where Saturn audio was the reason the project’s importance was realized. It created a new understanding and strengthened an existing one.

And well, everyone knows how this Devil Reversed audio is unbeatable when it comes to a grand breakthrough!

But what I haven’t seen before was how the combination of all the energies was one of these profound and extended energies that, one way or another, everyone would encounter in their own way. It is frequent in life to be constantly growing and changing.

So I truly don’t know how this would have shaped up without the person who made the realization possible :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So kind your words too! Thank you Cathroulette :yellow_heart:


As a Capricorn Sun, I already know the effects of Saturn are VERY powerful. It has a can have a very restrictive, oppressive energy, especially when you haven’t learned the life lessons that the universe is trying to make you aware of, as a big three Saturn or if you have a lot of Saturn in your natal chart, you’ll know what I mean. However at the same time when you actualise your path of self mastery in life, the planet allows many blessings to be showered upon your life, to the point it almost looks absurd to others around you. This obviously takes the most powerful, positive aspects of Saturn :ringer_planet: energy and allows it to permeate in your life alot easier than it normally would, Saturn is associated with things such as material success, wealth, power, success, hierarchy, prestige, grandeur, mastery of skills, family blood lines , maternal father figures, time, boundaries, karmic lessons, holding a high standing in society, social image, etc


Thank you :pray:


Where can we find the audio of Saturn


The Conjunction of Spheres album from Energetic Alchemy channel.


Yes, I recommend this for anyone preparing for saturn return or maturation (age 36) or feeling the impact of saturn transits on their life. Indeed, Saturn gives great returns as long as you accept the lessons he brings. He is the lord of the material world.


I will be honest :D There is some happier sense in experiencing a different side to the NFT, and finding a lot more people sharing the experience with you!

To me, this feels like a magnified effect of conceptual realizations! I don’t mean this was requested or anything-- but the effect of this energies is a lot more pushing in the direction of “Realization” … There is a huge guidance aspect and a turn around, a better line up of events. My guess is that this is supported by Jupiter-Saturn aspects as well. This realization does not feel like a “push” at all!

In fact, this feels like a very relaxed mental state, lightly golden in color, where the mind feels very abundant and prosperous, the states of bliss is very clear in the mind. Because of this free flowing space of an airy golden light, the mind is so much more relaxed in understanding what the perceived setbacks can be, what they are, and how to overcome them without feeling like any “strict” process is going on!!

The Passage of Saturn. :)


@Dreamweaver yo big boss what’s good my man.
Can’t decide. This or Tusoi crystal for myself fam :thinking::thinking:
That don’t have other iterations. Cuz
@Desiree b over here be pullin thru for us with facts :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t6:

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