The Emperor (1.0)

The Emperor Upright:
After the production of the Empress comes the construction of the emperor. A pioneer, leader, boss, architect, person with great authority. The traditional father figure. Masculinity. Extremely stable, familiar with power, draped with responsibility. Also represents driving ambition, mind-over-matter. Issues of law or can indicate an encounter with the law. Establishing foundations for now and future generations. A strong person who relies on their judgement. Not easily swayed or influenced. Creating and protecting a group, person or organization. Building, creating laws, rules, and healthy parameters for all to adhere to. Gravitas.

Best Course of Action: Lead with authority. Establish structures and processes in your life, the lives of others, or your organization. Commit to protecting others and yourself. Wear your armour and tap into your authority. Do not shy away from making the tough decision or assuming the chair of leadership. Implement your plan to scale your mountain or to lead others. Lay down the law with compassion.

see also:


LOVE IT, thanks Mr. Weaver of Dreams



I can hear part of the music you used in one of your other fields in this one. Love it, just bothering my brain that I can’t place which other track this is a variation of.

Could you help me out please?


Presque Vu song lethonomia?

deus ex machina manna from heaven! It’s redolent with the leitmotif of the Chi Elixir morphic field! :smirk:


Supreme power?

Count me in!!

:sunglasses: #autotheist**


is this true for all the archetypes? I mean can we invoke any card which is basically a part of our being?

Do you think people could be inclined towards only one archetype, or can we easily go trough several ones at different stages of our lives?

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That’s the point. Each one represents a precise stage of one’s life as well.

Like The Emperor = encounter with the father (in the narrow and broad senses).


Sounds very heroic. If you catch my drift. On one hand, I am eager to get your thoughts further, but on the other hand I am already satiated with the current level of strangeness I experienced in the past a few years. Perhaps I’ll ping you at a later time. That is assuming the first sentence of this text also resonates with you.

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The description sounds like it would help with getting rid of bad entities …


I randomly saw this post of yours now (I don’t get some of the notifications, is that “normal”?).

Being satiated on your own, when it comes to this kind of stuff: I prefer it too :)

Yes, it resonates so much :))) even if I try to take it down a notch, as I grow older. I’ve been quite a calamity in my younger days lol.

According to many psychos (err… therapists) and other “theoretizations”, the mother is the melody, whereas the father is the rhythm. But as you can imagine, this go beyonds the simple “gender roles”. Psychoanalysis and analytical psychology (Jung and friends) broadly debate about these.

So basically, the father also refers to authority, structure, setting limits/borders… BUT not necessarily only the daddy-father. It’s more about the internalized father within one’s own self, etc.



that’s the case for me on some threads too. I don’t know why.


I like this. Modern psychoanalysis seems too dry ever since mom woke up.


@FBI_cyber_division ;)

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Thanks a lot dear mod @gpo! :)

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The Emperor would go hand in hand with Mars from “Conjunction of Spheres”

“In the Major Arcana, Mars is primarily linked to the Tower, and because this planet rules Aries, it also has an influence on the Emperor…The Emperor can demonstrate a range of martian personality traits, from the aforementioned ambition (in terms of the urge to conquer) and leadership abilities right through to dictatorship and tyranny.

Other martian characteristics include competitiveness, hot-temper, anger, obsession and infatuation, over-controlling, jealousy, ruthlessness and aggression.”

The Sun would also be a great combo.

The Emperor


Awesome idea, nice!
Today i tried this one, but had a lot of work so i didn’t have time to notice anything.
Tomorrow will play it again and let’s see.


]pretty sure its luck and propability field

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No, what @Zen has posted in these Arcana Archetype threads are merely summaries of the archetypes from the internet.

They aren’t official descriptions from Sapien Medicine.

Sapien hasn’t yet provided official descriptions of these fields, though Captain_Nemo has posted a few details in these threads.

@Zen @anon64768676 It may be of help to others to more explicitly clarify the original posts in your threads about the Arcana Archetype album, to avoid confusion regarding whether these summaries are official descriptions. :slightly_smiling_face:


Only “official” description so far, if I’m correct :) Zen and Matt have added it to some threads already but it’s better to put it on the top of all of them, as you said ;)