Inner Strength (1.0)

Owning one’s strength. Taming the beast within. Living your life fully, especially during a time of challenge. Mastering your fear to accomplish something satisfying and life affirming. Passion, hope, eagerness, openness. Managing one’s anxieties and fears. Being an agent in freeing oneself from forces of oppression and fear. A lust for life. A desire for a passionate life. Creative approach to problem solving. Channeling forces into one powerful entity. Flow. Unity of body and mind. The eternal rhythm of balancing the physical and emotional. A satisfying physical encounter. Sexuality. Love for what you do. Great energy. An understanding of the challenge or adversary before you. Note that the Strength image is not a muscular man lighting a big weight but a woman taming a beast.

Best Course of Action: Engage passionately in life and creativity. Ask yourself what beast you are taming. Express yourself openly, without masks or defensiveness. Tame your fears and guide your passions. Don’t be scared. You can do this. Own your strength. Take power. Keep your eye on the goal. Be open about who you are, in that path lies your greatest strength.

see also:


The audiotape sounds at the beginning and the ending made me want to listen to mines (yes yes, I’m from the Precambrian).

Ah… “Where have all the good times gone…” :))


I feel like im in a club listening to this.





Moonlight is a whole RAVE track. Like I’m temporary inhabiting the IO set dimension ( Nadi (Balinese): To temporarily inhabit another dimension) @Captain_Nemo :smirk: #vicariousraving


Nice track I felt like a adventurer from the 80/90es :sunglasses:


Me : Builds my playlist with lots of care and time.

Dream : Releases some absolute new amazing audio.

My Playlist : Am I a joke to you?

Lol , honestly though with all these amazing releases I’m literally changing my playlist everyday , I really thought mind setting would be the last addition to my playlist this year…how wrong was I boy :joy:


Haha mirable dictu! vicissitudinary playlists !

@Captain_Nemo Gordon Bennett! tar baby hypobulia with chopping and changing my timeserver playlists!!.

VICISSITUDINARY a . Subject to constant change .

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I think Im at a point in my life where im floating around trying to embody these characteristics to the fullest, thanks for the posts team

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Wow , the description sounds awesome!

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why is this 1.0? Did Cap’n already create 2.0 and then come back in time to give us this


How do you deal with ever exponentially expanding playlists?

First time I see this.
Will this be on Patreon?

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I think Dream Seeds and Sapien Medicine tracks make it to YouTube but Energetic Alchemy does not. You can buy the album or track on Amazon and then download it.


This sounds soooo good.
The Mercury is retrograding, I thought I was gonna give the Mercury audio a shot but ended up listening to this. A beautiful way to start the day :heart_eyes:

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I think you meant to say “… to Patreon.”

Cap’n did mention (somewhere on this forum) that the distribution agreement for Energetic Alchemy usually prevents posting the Energetic Alchemy albums to Patreon. (Although there have been a rare posting of a single track release once or twice.)

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If anyone has been feeling some ascension symptoms from the recent Lions gate transmissions, I highly recommend listening to this awesome field.

It has given me the strength needed to work with the new energies. :lion::zap::sunny::dizzy::vulcan_salute: