I’ve been wanting to post my review on this field for some time, so here it goes:)
there are plenty of things I noticed but the one that stud out was how this made people who owed me in my business pay for the debt one after another, seriously amazing. For those who don’t know I own a small business, and like in many others of that kind one or two bills are sometimes left behind, because people tend to have all kinds of excuses to not have money with them after they had the service, of course I am flexible (to an extent) because it happens with old customers, people who are from nearby etc - known people.
But what is annoying is that I had two or three old bills not payed for very long, one even pre pandemic. What happened was that the people started appearing in the first month of this subscription… The person to who belonged the pre pandemic bill addressed me first thing when he entered and said, “may I sit? I have an old debt here, I want to apologize.”
Also people who have this kind of bad habit, i noticed it is the so called rich people (not all rich are like that of course) the most, which had always sparked an internal rage in me, they have an arrogant attitude that say: i am rich and famous - locally or so, but still- so I don’t need to pay. fuck them. They need to learn that they are not above anyone else. You had your service/good you pay for it. Period. It’s nerve racking so many people nowadays finding this attitude cool… They don’t see that when someone have something for free that there is always someone with prejudice on the other far end of the spectrum.
Like I was saying, people with this kind of bad habit now think twice before doing it in my business.
We are all equal, money is necessary to all. So I aim for a more fair world in the future.
And it starts in our minds.