The Flow (Patreon Release)

Thank you so much for this amazing gift, Captain! My workplace is about to become lovely and peaceful!
Very very grateful!!!
:pray: :pray: :pray:


Once more, Christmas already happening in May… :partying_face: :gift:


Well done, Dream


It’s different or better than the previous “Atmospheric Vibration Riser” ?


They are similar to the ones before but, made for ambient easy and repetitive listening.

The way I interpret it is - music is different, and the field is more or less the same (with perhaps some added “better infusion” aspect).

That said, Dream always adds some secret sauce to all his new creations, so perhaps there are hidden goodies that we will uncover with usage.




very grateful for this…

coincidentally, i created a stack recently of jing, chi, shen and other similar fields to repeat all day…i ended it with the grounding audio…i felt overwhelmed, so i put like 5 more grounding tracks in between the stack and i did feel it became more balanced, but still felt slightly overcharged…

then this synchronistically came out! lol…been playing it for a few hours…i played the saturation tracks on my phone’s speaker, and the infusion tracks on my earbuds from another device at the same time…i feel connected to a higher power with this, but i don’t feel overwhelmed at all…it seems like a phone charger with overcharge protection lol like it must be combined with the schumann resonance…

its improving my focus in chess and less attached to a victory…i was playing online speed chess tournaments while listening to this and i feel less pissed when i lose loll…

i love that its in the same key so all the tracks flow with each other…makes it perfect to repeat

thanks so much for this!


an update to repeating this all day…

i stopped playing the infusion tracks on the earbuds and kept playing the saturation tracks all day on my phone later in the day…i feel the infusion tracks are perfect for repeating while exercising…

but in the evening, while winding down, i’m still repeating the saturation tracks on my phone’s speaker at low volume…and i found that while listening to shen or the 3rd eye and crown chakra audio at the same time on my earbuds, that makes it better for chess…its like the saturation tracks makes for a good foundation for the shen and crown chakra audios…the only thing is that i can’t repeat it.

after i finished listening to the shen and crown chakra audios while writing this, i feel energetically full now so i had to stop repeating everything…

i’m craving the shen saturation and shen infusion lol…


This is the most exciting release in awhile for me and it’s free. So much gratitude for this


Came across something interesting


This is such an incredibly beautiful album! I meditated to it this morning before work and again this evening when I got home from work. I just can’t seem to get enough of listening to them. I only play each track twice in each session, really wish I had more time to listen to them longer. The environment ones are played as part of my night stack and they are also part of my work stack (need to spread some love around my school too) It’s just the tracks made for us that I meditate too. I love how these fields make me feel. I particularly love how my body is receiving the fields. I feel as if my entire body is greedily drawing in every energetic droplet of pure gold. Such an incredible feeling. The feeling of being deeply loved and hugely blessed is very evident! So beautiful!! Thank you Dream!

:100: this and much more too! We have been given an incredible gift :boom: :gift: :gift_heart:


I’m currently listening to this whole album and just love the music on every track. The violins are so beautiful and mesmerizing. I feel light and loved. My place feels like I’m in a cocoon.

Current mood:


This is an amazing release, thank you Dream :pray:It is very appreciated and useful for me.

Well now I understand the purpose of each field except for the one of Pure Lands Bleesing , does anyone know a little more about what it is about? What are the pure lands and what can I expect? My first idea is that it should serve for good luck but I don’t really know the concept. Or maybe just for feel peace in your house

thanks again :)


Its about this:

Pure land - Wikipedia.

So like getting blessing coming from there, pure lands is not one specific place per se (only) also like “places” = “levels”


If only people at my workplace would know how i troll them . Lol


Im in love with ouw Vibrational Riser sounds. Can’t stop listening to it

Is that really trolling though? or the opposite :stuck_out_tongue:


Jing love and chi infused pure trolling.


Is there a correlation between this and The Flow NFT? :slightly_smiling_face:

(^ Flow NFT)


Since this album is about Jing, Chi etc. and has a Yin-Yang symbol in its cover art, there is an open question of mine here – if anyone knows the answer I would appreciate a reply, thank you very much in advance:


The unconditional love infusion is next level. It makes me feel full of self love. Adding this to my journey of self love.