The Goddess Sekhmet Community-NFT

The Goddess Sekhmet
Goddess of Ten Thousand Names, the Eye of Ra

I Am Yesterday. I Am the Seer of Millions of Years. I Am the Power of the Divine Judge. I Am the Lady of Eternity, The Unveiled One. My Name is Created To Defy All Evil. I Am The Flame That Shineth in The Sanctuary. I Am Sekhmet.

Mine is a heart of carnelian, crimson as murder on a holy day.
Mine is a heart of corneal, the gnarled roots of a dogwood and the bursting of flowers.
I am the broken wax seal on my lover’s letters.
I am the phoenix, the fiery sun, consuming and resuming myself.
I pace the halls of the Duat
I knock on the doors of death.
I wander into the fields to stare at the sun and lie in the grass, ripe as a fig.
The souls of the gods are with me.
They hum like flies in my ears.
I will what I will.
Mine is a heart of carnelian, blood red as the crest of a phoenix

  • The Book of Coming Forth By Day, Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Lion-Headed Goddes of War Sekhmet, (Pronounced Sek-Met), is one of the most notable and revered Egyptian Dieties. Sekhmet is a Solar Goddess, as She is the Daughter of the Sun God Ra. She is depicted wearing a Sun Disk encircled by a Uraeus Cobra as Her Crown. She was the Fierce Protector of the Pharohs and led them in wartimes to victory, destroying the enemy without regret. Legends have it that “From the Breath of the Goddess Sekhmet, The Great Desert was Born”.

Kharal teaches that Sekhmet, “Is that Part of You That Will Not Tolerate You Playing Small or Dimming Your Light, to let others shine! She is The Fire of Your Unbridled Rage required to Release and Transform That Which Holds You Back! She is that Part of You That Will Take a Ferocious Stand Against Every Way That You Have Compromised Yourself!”

It is also written that Sekhmet was a Great Healer with “Incantations and Magic Spells” she could cure the Ill. She was the Patron Goddess of Physicians, Magicians, and Healers lending her Energy to their endeavors. Her High Priests and Priestesses were the Doctors and Magicians of the Royal Families of Egypt. As a result, this Fearsome Deity sometimes called the “Lady of Terror”, was also known as the “Lady of Life”, and held in very high regard within the hearts of the Egyptian Peoples.

Her name was derived from the Egyptian word for Power, Sekhem, reflected in the Mantra of Sekhmet, which translates as:

Sa Sekhem Sahu:

  • Sa represents the Breath of Life, the Life-Force.
  • Sekhem represents the Power, and is strongly connected with Kundalini.
  • Sahu represents the Spiritual Body, and the Awakening of the Five Bodies.

Also, the word ‘Ha’ is of Sekhmet’s Dominion, a representation of her Transformation Out Breath of Fire, The Breath that Created The Great Desert.

Sekhmet is often seen holding the Ankh which is the Egyptian symbol of Life, and the Wadj Scepter, the symbol of Power and Royalty. She is the Ultimate Warrior Goddess and quintessential Healer Goddess of Ancient Egypt.

Sekhmet is “One Who Lights Up The Path” of Her beloved Ma’at’s unifying Path of Divine Truth. Upon Death of the Pharoah, She continued to Protect and Guide them to the Afterlife.

Sekhmet Removed All Threats, All Disease, and Possessed The Antidote for every illness and plague with Her Powers of Resolution, Transmutation, and Alchemy, transforming any problem or situation that befalls One to that which is most favorable. Hers is the Prowess of Turning Base Metals To Gold.

The Goddess Sekhmet has Two Distinct Faces. Two Versions of Herself Equally as Powerful and Valuable! Sekhmet is also known as the Goddess Bastet, her Resting State. She is the Divine Goddess of Protection, Fertility, and Family Hearth. She is the More Sensual, Playful Version of the Goddess at Rest & Relaxation after battle. The coming home to lick one’s wounds and snuggle around the fire with a Loved One. Bastet or Bast, expresses Herself through Self-Love, Dance, Music, Sensuality, Celebrations, and Jubilations! Bastet, “The Mighty Lady of The East” and “Goddess of the Sun and the Moon” balances Sekhmet’s more Flaming Transformations & Passions! Bastet with her Cat-Like Gracefulness, and Sublime Sensitivity puts weary Souls At Ease. Bastet, “The Living Soul of Isis”, Blesses and Nurtures as “The Rising of The Morning Sun”.

The Temple of Ptah in Luxor houses Sekhmet’s Statue in it’s Temple for Her. Through Sekhmet’s Powerful NFT, allow Sekhmet Herself a comfortable space within Your Heart where She may reside breathing Her Fire to Transmute All That No Longer Serves You. Transforming you to the More Divine, Golden Aspect of Yourself and Your Potential. Sekhmet is the “Roamer of The Deserts” and “Lady of Flowers”, uniting the lands of two into One. She is The Ultimate Healer’s Healer.

Those of Us who gathered in this Community Project for our Goddess Sekhmet came with pure mind and heart. We shared our idealised vision of a Pure Connection with the Goddess Sekhmet. It is important to note that per our Captain, Sekhmet is Not a Servitor, but the Being Herself. This Powerful Connection to Sekhmet gives rise to the Infinite Possibilities She Offers in terms of Healing, Abundance, Growth, Direction, Protection, Refined Combat Skills, Personal Power, Personal Satisfaction, Meditation, Journeying, Access to Her Temples, Access to Her Mentors, Access to Her Records, the Possibilities are Endless and are Only Limited by One’s Understanding of What One Can or Cannot Have!

Enter Here, All Those Who Come With Clear Mind, and Open Heart. Here Begins the Journey of The Self. The Mastery of Your Own Lives. Here is the Goddess Sekhmet.

Behold the Goddess of “Ten Thousand Names”, which of 3,000 are found. Many of her qualities can be found therein the Names themselves. The Following are 101 of Her many Names. Allow these sacred Names to guide you within the full spectrum of Sekhmet’s abilities and attributes. It is written that if “One were to Speak Her Name Aloud, that One could invoke The Goddess Sekhmet, Herself!” Let the Magick Begin!

*101 Names of Sekhmet

Sekhmet, Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
Sekhmet, Great One of Magic
Mother of the Gods
Lady of the House of Books
She Who Walks On Forests of Rose Petals
One Who Was Before The Gods Were
Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time
Lady of Radiance
Revealer of the Ancient Paths
At Whose Wish The Arts Were Born
Beautiful Eye Which Giveth Life To The 2 Lands
Flaming One
Finder of Ways
Protectress of the Gods
Lady of the Scarlet-Colored Garment
Pure One
She of Great Beauty and Hope
Keeper of the Light
Lady of Strong Love
Pre-eminent One in the Boat of the Millions of Years
Roamer of Deserts
Wanderer in the Wastes
Self Contained
Only One
Lady of Enchantments
Opener of Ways
Lady of Transformations
Lady of the Many Faces
Enrapturing One
Giver of Ecstasies
Satisfier of Desires
Inspirer of Human Kind
Victorious One in Battles
Overcomer of All Enemies
Ruler of the Desert
Ruler of Serpents and of Dragons
Ruler of Lions
Complete One
Sublime One
Sparkling One
Great One of Hekau
Lady of the Magic Lamp
Mother of the Dead
She Who Perserveres in Times of Struggles
Lady of the Sacred Flame
Great One of Healing
Destroyer by Fire
Lady of the Waters of Life
Great One in the Places of Judgment and
Guide and Protectress From the Perils of the Underworld
Great One of the Place of Appearances in Silence
Lady of the Way of the Five Bodies
Unrivaled and Invincible One
Ruler of the Chamber of Flames
The Source
She Whose Opportunity Escapeth Her Not
Winged One
Powerful of Heart
The Aware
The Gleaming One
Sekhmet, Who Reduceth to Silence
Sekhmet, Who Rouseth the People
Lady of Jubilation
Adorable One
Shining of Countenance
Mother of Images
Incomparable One
Lady of Intoxications
Mightier Than The Gods
Most Beautiful
Most Strong
Great One of Laws
Protectress of the Divine Order
The One Who Holds Back Darkness
The Beautiful Light
Goddess of Peace
Goddess of Love
Great One in Heaven
Great One of the Incense of the Ennead
Great Lady of the House of Life
Queen of the Venerable Ones
Devouring One
Sekhmet of the Knives
Burner of Evil Doers
One Before Whom Evil Trembles
Terrible One
Lady of All Powers
Eternal One
Lady of the Manifold Adornments
Bountiful One
Sekhmet, Who Gives Joys
Unwavering Loyal One
Drier of Tears
Lady of the Flowers
Guardian of the Gates
Beloved Teacher
Beloved Sekhmet

***From our Community Project Circle for Sekhmet
*Boardroom Archives: Distilled and Refined. Our Thoghts & Musings as to what these Blessings of Sekhmet might mean to us in our Everyday Lives :sparkling_heart:


I am Sekhmet and the flames of all those who praise her. I am the hand of the powerful goddess, wearer of the solar disc. I am the twice beautiful one, more splendid than yesterday. My hair is the hair of Sekhmet, The Golden One!

Sekhmet is described as a ‘golden woman’ in glowing red armor. Her skin glowed like liquid gold, her chest plate and skirt looked as if they were made from molten lava.*

  • She possesses the golden abilities of:
  • ‘Sekhmet’s Infinite Field’: An interactive field created by Herself
  • Absorbing, integrating and generating the energies of the many symbols associated with Sekhmet and Bastet. For example; Eye of Ra, wadj scepter, ankh, sistrum, uraeus, etc…
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Electrokinesis
  • Biokinesis
  • Vitakinesis
  • Embodying the advantages of two images, as a united whole; balance of Sekhmet-Bast
  • Physical mastery and coherence, physics of the leonine warrior
  • Feline/leonine agility
  • Boosted digestion
  • ‘Smart astral trainer’
  • ‘Psychic combat trainer’ (drawing from the systems of ancient Egypt)
  • ‘The Healing Gaze’ smart field
  • ‘Sekhem (Kundalini)’ smart field
  • Connection to the uab and it’s uses in healing.
  • Targeted healing
  • A cat’s (lion’s) healing purr
  • Crystal magician: crystal work and infusion, incorporated from The Magician.
  • Blood of life-infusion: negentropic blood-revitalizer (water charger)
  • Harnessed solar power (water charger)
  • Solar consciousness (sun disk)
  • Integrating the Sun’s energies and it’s Golden connection.
  • A golden vibration that attracts gold and it’s symbolic aspects effortlessly.
  • ‘The Golden Alchemy’, turning one’s life and everything one touches, to gold.
  • Love and allowance towards gold and money in abundance
  • Dissolving limiting beliefs towards gold and money in abundance
  • Sekhmet’s guidance to wealth (prey-hunt dominion applied to money)
  • Connection with the feline/lion-beings
  • Connection to the Lion’s Gate-Portal
  • Connection to the lotus flower’s wisdom
  • Flames of transgression: destroying negativity about self and nurture in self-love
  • Alligning desire with purpose, purpose with desire
  • Conceptualize innate knowledge and wisdom from ancient Egypt, and other pantheons.
  • Encryption of hieroglyphs and hieroscripts, and ‘symbolic language’ in general.
  • Portals of Sekhmet: explorations and travels
  • Trustful surrendering
  • Assist in our sleep (dream-guidance)
  • Connecting Sekhmet with Greek and other pantheons.
  • Connections to Sekhmet, outside of the ancient egyptian Pantheonn.
  • Be brave and speak up
  • Environmental justice




What a beautiful creation! Bravo!! :sparkles:


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: my Feline soul is salivating at this haha


I always have Bastet facing my Place’s main door and my Rooms door

She’ll come home to me one day :star_struck:
Or more like ill go to her home one day


Goddess SEKHMET.

Ever since I was blessed to have the divine access to Her I haven’t stopped working on myself, on my own power and my own personal will.

There were nights were streams of tears were rolling down my cheeks asking her to bring Her fire inside of me… To take away all what does not serve me… To fill me in with her fire… To breathe her Life force into me…

And this is just what I have to say about THIS part only…

Every night I have been asking Her and Thoth to balance my heart, mind, body, soul and Spirit to the laws of Maat, to bring me the feather light heart… To take away any injustice I may have caused any person… To relieve me from any acts of unjust I went through…

She never failed me. She never fails anyone. She is truly something else.

During this creation, so many things happened inside our circle, so many ups and down of huge releases… Huge shifts… Blazing fire that fueled this creation… And a sweeping balance of nurture from Bastet…

We truly believe the Goddess herself created this. Inspired every one of us to celebrate her dances of joy, her divine mastery of the physical body, even her embodiment of Bastet to be present in our field.

On one of the days, the leader of this project told me: You have an expanded heart… A new process powered by the Goddess herself

She didn’t know for the last few days I had been in Her presence…

But she knew :) Goddess made it clear for her :slight_smile:

She guided us to every part of this field

This is not just Her fire… This is her everything… Her full embodiment…, her full radiance… Her full balance. Her full glare at anything that is standing in your way!!

Let us celebrate the dance of Sekhmet!!!

@sensin-sensei special thanks to you for your amazing work and your amazing write up!! And to the leader who shared all her progressions and transformations with us, even through just a few impressions or just a full on on them!! :heart::heart::heart:



The goddess has been with us for some time and it is possible to identify some pronounced advantages that work very well for me. In general, the group used different practices based on what a particular person was inspired by.
I really liked one prayer and it became one of the starting points.
I am the hand of a powerful goddess, the owner of the solar disk. I am twice as beautiful, more beautiful than yesterday.

I am the one who goes forward with Ra. I’m her.

My hair is Sekhmet’s hair, golden. My eyes are the eyes of a lioness.

My ears are the ears of a goddess.

My nose is the nose of someone who can sniff out all evil.

My teeth are fangs that can devour the darkness

My neck is the neck of a divine goddess.

My hands are hands with long claws.

My forearms are the forearms of the mighty.

My spine is golden and shines with splendor

My breast is the breast of a mighty terror.

My stomach and back are Sekhmet’s stomach and back.

My buttocks are as firm as a goddess’s.

My hips and legs are the hips and legs of a goddess

My feet are the clawed paws of the lioness goddess.

There is nothing in me that does not belong to the goddess.

I am Sekhmet, coming at dawn.

I am the power of Ra by day.

I will not be dragged back by my hands, and no one will take violent hands on me so that I do not completely destroy them.

Neither man, nor God, nor any living thing will harm me,

And the holy dead will not detain me.

And the demons will not destroy me in battle, for I am Sekhmet

And I will eat from their faces.

I’m the one who comes forward.

I am yesterday, and I see millions of years.

I am the power of the divine judge.

I live in the east.

I am the mistress of eternity, open.

My name was created to challenge all evil.

I am the flame shining in the sanctuary.

I am Sekhmet.

When I read these lines, fire and pride are raging inside me.
Feline grace is very easily activated, strength is very easily given. At one point, the turn of your head becomes absolutely smooth and at the same time with the dignity of a queen.
I asked you to bless my evening and believe me, a couple’s relationship gets incredible.


We invoke her also as Pratyangira in Hindu Tantric Tradition. She is one of the most ferocious, “difficult to handle” and volatile forces around. She is invoked in times of dire emergencies, pandemics, plagues, wars, etc.

Vishnu appeared in his Man-Lion form Narasimha to destroy a demon. When he could not dissipate his overwhelming energy, Shiva took the form of a Man-bird Sharabha, and absorbed his energy. When that got overwhelming for those around, the Goddess appeared as Pratyangira and absorbed the energy from both of them, with a mere laughter, and calmed the energies down. Having worked with many forms of energies, nothing is as ferocious and overwhelming as this form of the Goddess. But when it comes to protection and destroying the demonic, she is unbeatable, although evoking her is not for the faint hearted haha. Did it once, and hope never need to do that again! :crossed_fingers:


She is called asaṅkhyakālikātulyā - comparable to the energy of countless Kālī-s put together… One can only imagine that :smiley: Kinda like a nuclear bomb haha

There is an interesting anecdote about her that my teacher narrated. In the 90s, my teacher and his family lived in Kashmir, which has constantly suffered from Terrorism. This was the time when the Hindu Kashmiri Pandit Genocide occurred and Hindus were thrown out of their homes by Islamist Terrorists. Neighbors turned on their Hindu neighbors and started marking homes of Hindus for the Islamist mobs to attack, rape, plunder and kill. Loudspeakers from mosques began to announce: 'Asi gachi kasheer. Batav ross, batnyev saan". It literally means, “We want Kashmir. Without Hindu men, but with Hindu women.” Girls as young as five were raped and killed before the eyes of their parents. There were all kinds of horror where a Hindu man was killed and the radicals forced his wife to eat rice soaked in her husband’s blood.

When all this was going on, my teacher who was a student of the enlightened Kashmir Shaivite teacher Lakshman Joo began to invoke Pratyangira and miraculously, his entire block was saved and they were able to escape from Kashmir. He later narrated to me that he could literally feel her energy pushing away, immobilizing and confusing the mob which was banging on their doors and trying to break in. He also confided that he could have saved a larger group of people if he had more time to evoke a greater field of Her energy. He passed a few years ago and his granddaughter told me that before he passed, he said, “Look, Pratyangira stands there to take me to my next abode”… She could see a flash of red light for a bit and he passed. Pratyangira (Sekhmet) is hence also the guide to the next world/dimension/transition.


That is a fascinating story, Maoshan. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


lol there is so much goddess energy in this thread
nice place here


Hotchicku :rofl:


@Maoshan_Wanderer I was waitinnnng!! :)))

I haven’t printed out the images yet, I sleep with my phone turned on and her image on display, all night

So on the second night, pretty sure she was like ah yeah you can’t handle me yet :joy::joy: and led me to sleep to Shatachandi playing all night :'D

It’s been a smooth ride since haha :D



Ahhh i love this. Thanks for sharing!!


We had an amazing group and some amazing flows of inspiration that came about and even tho we had different ideas of what would be described we all had a trove of wonderful insights and joy bringing her about.

I wanted to include some further clarifications on some of the offerings:


The Sekhmet-Bastet Interplay
Embody a balance of Her two images, as a united living whole; Sekhmet-Bastet

Sekhmet’s Infinite Field
This infinite field is created by Sekhmet herself, to balance and interact with all fields.

The Symbols of Sekhmet
Absorb, integrate and generate the energies of Sekhmet-Bastet’s many symbols

Ancient Egyptian symbol of life: the breath of life. Associated with Sekhmet.

Ancient Egyptian instrument, a bell-like rattle used in healing to lift and shift in harmony.

Wadj Scepter
The staff of Sekhmet, a flowering papyrus stem associated with vigor and eternal youth.

Wadj Amulet
An amulet of the wadj symbol. Wadj, meaning ‘green’, is a symbol for eternal youth.

Clergy of Sekhmet; clearing, healing, expanding and interacting from heart-space.

The Healing Gaze Smart Field
Receive and transmit healing through Sekhmet’s gazing channel, scanning and resolving.

Pyrokinesis performed by Sekhmet, in and through oneself.

Sekhmet’s lightning powers, through the practice of electrokinesis.

Ability to, through Sekhmet, manipulate one’s anatomy and biological structure.

Full health-restoration, Sekhmet’s vibrations of optimal state for our organs and body to be at its best in alignment with our own well being.

Bast’s Cat’s Purr
Roaring new “Negentropic Full Body Yawning & Purring”-field, covered by Bastet.

The Sekhmet-bond
A growing bond with Sekhmet, illuminating the separation of two into a transparent One.

The Trustful Surrenderer
To surrender, in full trust, into Sekhmet’s love and harmonious powers.

The Lotus Flower’s Transmutation
Brought up from one’s core, digested by Sekhmet; a blossoming lotus flower.

Flame of Transgression:
Negative thoughts in Sekhmet’s flames. Bastet nurture and seeds the positive.
Reduction of Punishing/negative self talk
Negative motivators -even tho some people use this to motivate themselves it tends to reduce self worth.
This in turn will lead to the following:
-Increased self worth
-Reduced of eliminated self abuse
-Cleansing away of genetic lineage punishment imprints
-Cleansing away of soul lineage punishment imprints
-Cleansing away of imprints which provoke new punishments to be received.
-Acceptance of your divinity
-Acceptance of your right to be whole.

The Sekhem (Kundalini) Smart Field
The gentle and powerful Sekhmet, awaken, raises and strengthen one’s sekhem.

Blood of Life
A charging DNA-instructive blood-replenisher and -fortifier, infuse Sekhmet’s ideals.
Bringing forth DNA instructions that will be beneficial to your current physical form. (Ranging from various skills and attributes that are of physical dexterity or like a previous incarnation genetic strength)
-cleansing out impurities as well, like parental and maternal genetic weaknesses. Or an overall addressing of genetic concerns this lifetime.

The Crystal Magician
The Magician’s abilities in crystal-crafts, and to infuse Sekhmet’s healing powers.

Alligning Desire With Purpose
And purpose with desires. Burning motivation in Sekhmet’s Field of Flowers.

Physical Mastery
Extremely coordinated and coherent, translatable to all bodily tasks and crafts.

Feline Agility
The flexibility of a feline, and Her stretches from cat to lion.

Sekhmet’s Digestion
Sekhmet’s flames and leonine digestive systems, applied and integrated.

Smart Astral Trainer
Sekhmet passively trains all of the astral senses in her interactive ways.

Psychic Combat Trainer
Drawing in psychic protection from the ancient Egyptian systems.

The Portals of Sekhmet
Exploration of the portals of Sekhmet, traveling companion in the infinite.

The Rosetta Encryption
Encryption of hieroglyphs and hieroscripts, and ‘symbolic language’ in general.

Connections to Sekhmet in the Greek (and other) Pantheon
Connect with Sekhmet’s influences in other pantheons, legends, myths, etc…

Connection and Exploration with the Lion Beings

Connection with Sirius and Lion Gate’s Portal

Solar Power (Water Charger)
The solar-power of Sekhmet harnessed. Charge and drink Sekhmet’s liquid fire.

Integrating The Sun’s Energies and Golden Vibration.
Match and connect to Golden Sekhmet, The Winged One.

Solar Consciousness
Transmitting and receiving, as the Sun’s feminine side Herself’s breathing.

The Golden Alchemy
Golden alchemies applied to one’s life; everything one touches, be gold.

Sekhmet’s Guidance to Wealth
Sekhmet’s guides us to wealth, like guiding her cubs to prey.

I Love Gold!
Love and allowance to gold and money in general. Dissolving limiting beliefs.

The Brave Environment: Guide of Justice
Sekhmet influences, in consent, the environment to align with brave and just acts.

Much appreciation to the amazing teamwork that transpired to all involved. :heart::fire:


Looks like the Goddess is finally in our wallets :relieved::relieved::partying_face::partying_face:


Congratulations. Many beautiful NFTs have been produced so far, but this is the fourth NFT that I really fell in love with. :clap: :clap: :clap:


First time when I came across devi pratyangira is when I was given an yantra of the devi, energised and did pooja for 3 mandalas by a yogi.

I would be happy If anyone has a copy of this, in exchange to guide of breath. Thanks u

Edit: recieved my goddess, thanks to buddy for the trade.