The Goddess Sekhmet Community-NFT

Im just their version like when you order on Wish



Just call me Bastet, lol.


Who would think that behind the adorable face lies….MURDER MITTENS!!! (Dun! Dun! Duuuunnnnn!)


Incidentally that’s one of my favorite gifs EVER! So adorable!! :sparkles:


Beautiful powerful Goddess i love her.


I asked her to charge the bottle of water/glass of someone that is far away from Me.

And of one of my sisters and She did!! It tasted different! And the energy and mood uplifiting was felt.

(I asked her to charge it with the one of the Sun)

Can you imagine all the help we could deliver around the world where the water is awful and dirty and contaminated? But also to energize and uplift people’s mood?

And then she also charges water with this one!!!

This makes me so happy!!!


‘Sba’: The Door to the Teachings of the Stars


In ancient Egypt, a name could have many meanings. Take example the word ‘sba’, and let it introduce our journey. ‘Sba’, a commonly used word in the Temples, is the word for door, or, to enter. Another meaning of the word, is star. And then there is a third meaning of the word, which then interprets ‘teacher’ or ‘teachings’, and it all makes sense in the triad.

Let it inspire One to open the door to the teachings of the stars. One word, many meanings. The heart is your discern.

Sekhmet-Bast’s Tinctures of Time-Space-Infused Spagyric Alchemy


The word Spagyrics comes from ancient Greece and can be divided into two parts. “Spao” = to separate and “Agerio” = to recombine. Spagyric tinctures have its origin in ancient alchemy and have been used since the time of ancient Egyptians. Its purpose is to separate the three basic and fundamental principles of a herb, mineral or metal, then reunite them to transmute it into a more potent form than before. Within alchemy, this was considered a more spiritual and holistic way of creating herbal medicines. As the spagyric method brings together and reunites the three basic principles of a plant.

The three alchemical principles

  • Sulpur = The soul = Essential oils*
  • Mercury = The mind = Alcohol*
  • Salt = The Body = Mineral salts*

Spagyric methods are often performed and perserved during astrological events, to infuse the different steps/cycles of separating and uniting with cosmic energies of choice, a very precise and dedicated work for the master alchemist, but not so for The Eternal One, Sekhmet. A spagyric blend can be perfected during a very long period of time. But in the world of Dream, time is a possibility rather than a limitation. Sekhmet-Bast help us spagyricly reach the times of Kemet, ancient Egypt.

Let Her do her magical works with the tinctures, let her both absorb and generate astrological harmonies of bliss, into the most potent drip of liquid essence. Let Her drip a potent drop of Her most suitable tincture, from her infinite library in the infinite Now. Let the drop sit on the tongue, magnifying it to the palate, raising the Cobra. The power from below is rising to the above to lick the Palace’s nectar, while taking in the Mother-Vulture, Nekhbet in her crafts.
The Great One of Magic and of Healing.

Sekhmet In Her Chapel, The Portal


“Speak my name and I will live”, She say…
…eyes speak too, She knows.

Her gaze is inviting, so is her stance. Persuasive and alluring, yet impactful like trembling ground. Stable in ground She maintain as black granite, at seven feet, She stand tall. No other gaze can match Her power. With ankh in hand. Wadj in the other, so on ground. She really is The Complete One.

We are in Sekhmet’s chapel, Temple of Ptah. Where the only living statue of Sekhmet is remained. A statue holding space for Her essence. Harnessed as that portal, for you to be her eyes, to gaze into Her essence, and self-realise.

In full know, She’ll decide where to go.
Like times where healing is sensed for, and spaces where limits hold no power.

The Sekhmet-Seshat Protocol: A Blueprint of Health


Working with, and for the divine truth of Ma’at, that of the light and it’s One core essence. Sekhmet imprints the ideals of Ma’at on our holistic being, by the blueprints of Seshat, daughter of Ma’at and Goddess of Mathematics and Scripting. Together they lay quintessential guiding foundations of one’s inter-dimensional operating systems. Commanding the commandments of Her Beloved, She puts light in vibratory manner of flawless sorts, anchored to our command center while spread all-through our bodies. Just as the Lotus’ wisdom, birthing her Son. To let it uphold the Divine, and envision the path She makes seen. To be rightteous warriors of peace, love and harmony, a task of unimaginable measures, trembling the whole with it’s rioples. Yet so simple, when walking Her path. Holistic balance in levels beyond comprehension, is of dignified importance for her cubs, whom She makes sure are always nurtured by the Gods, the neteru of Aaru. Sekhmet, The Keeper of the Light in Her negentropic presence, sets ground to to rise, and let in the puryfying imprints of golden shine. Let it be integrated throughout all bodies. Gold, in Kemet seen as the flesh of the Gods, becomes the new attracting ideal, as in attracting force. Inscripting it’s glyphs on inner walls, infusing it’s teachings to your Dynasty of dynamic expression in balanced act. Stacking blueprints with protocols, in divine truth, the All is considered.

She Who Walks On Forests of Rose Petals


Stroll like Sekhmet and see beauty in it all, with Her omniscient omnipotent omnipresence, taking in the beauty from all the vast layers. The Unveiled One, with Her every step transforming the deserted fields of Set, into blossoming grounds of Geb by the cobra-raised solar-envisioned projection of Osiris’ land for the Gods, Aaru. Turning mold to rose petals and pollution to new air. The space of flooding Nile rivers by the singing spring, with thunderous freshness She draws in. The process is according to thus, that transforms gold from rust. She gracefully acts, in harmony with the laws of her environment. Such precision and delicate elegance, yet Powerful as none but Herself. The transforming Sekhmet,
Mightier Than The Gods


So good!!

Im definitely going to experiment with lots of things.

She is so amazing.

Thank-you for compiling/highlighting those abilities


Thank you too Luna for your amazing testimonials! Sekhmet surely made room for some spring to arrive with it’s blossoming. The soil is prepared for her bursting tree of clovers :lion:



Bastet and the Moon


As Goddess of the Moon, the sensual Bastet is in sense with the motion, in all sense emotive liquified. Just as magnetic with her vibration, as Sekhmet be electric in Her flames. Mighty Bast’ attracts the shimmering reflections, the inverted shine of Sekhmet’s bright light. Output and input, gifts and giftings. Here on the receiving end, with a most-giving outlook. A golden aura, attracting the glimmering silvery Moon. Prominently confident and clear in Her vision, elegant and light, even in the dark. She be force of flow in abundance, descriprion applied as receiver so too. Persuasive and magnetic, harvesting as the Full Moon,
for the rays gon’ shine bright tonight,
Vibrant Light


Ptah’s Creator Word, Speckled in Gold


green sekhmet
Nefertum, Sekhmet and Ptah
Ptah, consort of Sekhmet and a cycliclal creation-aspect of prime creator Atum, is the God of the Creator Word. The supreme manifestor, that turns Sekhmet’s alchemised Gold into reality through thought. He is the original logos, whose magical utterance, the Ur Hekau, created the world, and all of it’s creations. That means, all animals, plants, human beings, it all, was created from the thought of Ptah.

Ptah, with his very prominent blue skullcap, is always connected to the Heaven, just as the lapis lazuli of His. This while mummy-cloths is binding his feet, a significant symbolic expression One’s further reach into the underworld so as the inner worlds.

With Sekhmet’s deliverance of alchemised gold in it’s crystalline form, Ptah make use of the word, to bring food from thought, and pay thought for food. So paint in colors, and dust it with the gold of the stars. The world is yours to portray. Here sets root an alchemical composition of the Sacred Loving Sun and the Heavenly Voiced Word. The ingredients creating Nefertum,
The One Who Is Beautiful
Nefertum, Born out of a Lotus

“May the goddess Sekhmet raise me, and lift me up. Let me ascend into heaven, let that which I command be performed in Het-ka-Ptah”.
Giving a Heart to Osiris, The Book of Coming Forth By Day (Book of the Dead))
*Het-ka-Ptah, House of Ptah. The house of the divine word, Temple of Ptah.

The Lotus Flower


Just like her Son, Nefertum, Born Out of a Lotus Flower, one am throughout Sekhmet’s presence. The Lotus Flower, with roots in the mud of ponds and lakes, that too the dominion of Sekhmet. The flower opens in rise above the surface of enfolding water, letting it’s leaves lay out in rest. Although still on water, the leaves will always remain dry. A symbol for Nefertum, son of Sekhmet and Ptah.

This connects you to Sekhmet’s beloved Lotus and it’s teachings from within one’s own sub-surface mud. The blossoming wisdom, in greetings to your explorations of self, applying it’s wisdom through your continuing travels within. Comforted on surface, anchored below, while taking in Her golden radiance and flawless vibrance. Let the Lotus speak with one’s beauty.

The Arts of Nefertum


Both The Beautiful One Who Closes, and The Beautiful One Who Opens. Sealed deals and opened doors. God of Art, he is too. A talent most appreciated, applicable to all crafts. When being spoken, word’s deliberated towards Truth. He shares the love for it’s symmetrical beauty, it’s singing harmonies and living fractions, so variations. Transformation and observation. All the laws making the beauty we perceive, He holds dearly. His craft is of mediating ease, the stars be His word. Rays be his colors. Birds sing along, with the song from within. Born Out of a Lotus, with leaves’ never soaked. Water-lilies hold His lightweight. The fate of a petal bed, rose-golden medals. Taking in the white light, His mind breaks the color to pick, following His heart wish. Oceans He provokes, by art He evokes creation. The Lotus transmutes, from mud into flowers. The motions of the oceans find still, be the tranquilities hours. Unballing fists in the beauty of his pieces, can not be dismissed. Impossible to lie, son of an all-seeing Eye. Let life flow with, as One flows with life. Inspiration and creation, fulfilling times duration. A coherent song, between perceive and project. Thought’s of protect He not needed. Born out of pure, He rests assured. The beauty in His creations, Sekhmet dearly adore. It’s healing is Her core. Painting worlds on His canvas, the canvas be His wrorld. The black lands translated, to empty space celebrated. With delicate precision, persuasive bursts of thoughts. The moments of creation, are forever in His luck. Breathes art to Earth’s heart’s appreciation. A fiery heart and mind-divination. While anchored as the Lotus. Spreading his creation in inter-dimensional blossoming. His crafts speaks for Oneself. The One be the All.


Ptah, Sekhmet’s husband yassss


She’s the Warrior that tells you to go and keep fighting for your inner power

The worse the fight the more fun it all is :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hellouu what is this?

I cant find info about it



Maybe this?

The clergy of Sekhmet, the “Uab,” were famed as healers and surgeons. One of the few surviving Ancient Egyptian medical books, the Papyrus Ebers, contains many spells written expressly for the use of the clergy of Sekhmet. A comprehensive knowledge of the heart and circulation was attributed to the Uab. The heart reflected the solar attributes of regeneration. Heart scarabs, placed on the chest of the deceased, manifested the revitalizing powers of the sun, aiding the transformation of the deceased. Some heart scarabs were made of carnelian; this passage from The Egyptian Book of the Dead, beautifully translated by Normandi Ellis, refers to the stone’s regenerative and solar qualities: “Mine is a heart of carnelian…I am the phoenix, the fiery sun, consuming and resuming myself.”


Ahh Scarbs :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thank you so much!!

Haha ah Sekhmet. Now i understand why shes pushing me to check that :heart::heart::heart:


Lol finished reading that turned to my left my coffee table:

Aye! I have scarbs everywhere i think ive said that somewhere.

This is one of the Pixies created with the home heater.


Gold like the sun
Red stones like carnelian (they arent carnelian but red)



Its actually Wab. The Wab Priests. Or maybe its more common used Wab than Uab.

This is pretty cool! So the Papyrus found with supposedly magical incantations, healing spells and what no, its not what it has.

It actually has rational explanations of the human and animal body, like it explains how and where to position fingers etc to reactivate important functions.

Or to quickly find out by “feeling” (which is how She… Sekhmet passes on her magic) what is wrong with the ill person, animal.

So basically no one had to be a Doctor. It could be just any one, but not just any one could have access to that magic she brings. Only the ones with PURE heart.

Wab = Pure.

And if someone had access to the Papyrus but didnt have a pure heart, could not, would not understand what was written or what needed to be done with the patient.


Edit: i was just talking to someone about Sekhmet, so i better clarify what i said in case someone was thinking the same as my friend… haha

The opportunity we have to connect to the Clergy of Sekhmet is clearly a big gift for us, to be able to take advantage of it, since in real life, the ones that could were exclusively selected by Sekhmet. And we have it here, food for thought tho, that im sure the purer our heart the more assistance and magic we get to feel from this.

I am in no way a chosen one etc. Lol!

I just learned about this Wad thing today and the coincidence with the scarb is because theres so much to explore with this NFT i was called to continue doing it and the scarb was a sign of confirmation that we should keep working with it, thats all :woman_facepalming:t2:


:raised_hands: 🪲 :raised_hands:

As inscribed on the chest of Bastet

The Khepri-Inscription of Bastet


The Rising Sun, He is. Khepera, golden dawn of father Ra, wishes one to apply his wisdom to one’s new beginnings. God of Becoming and God of Development. Khepera, be an excellent example of the levels of observation the sages of Egypt possessed. The scarab, one of the two main symbols of Khepri, the other being the blue lotus, represents this becoming, of being born out of nothing, and coming into being. Khepri, moved the ball of dung acroos the dunes, just as the Sun get’s carried by Ra’s barque on his, once again, rebirthed journey up the morning skies. The ball of dung, rolled towards the burrow, be filled with the eggs of the female scarab. When being rolled into the burrow, the eggs feed of the dung, and when they’re ready, they emerge like out of nothing from the ground. A birth out of “dead matter” (a phrase that really can’t be fully applied, since the ancients believed that nothing could die, but transform), a transformational self-creation. Just as the Sun that Sekhmet reflects. An example of wisdom, of observation, and limits of the mind seeing two, illumined in the all-knowing Heart of the Sun.

Khepera, seen from above (the scarab’s back), be also the illustration of said reunification. Portraying the two halves of the brain, with antennas towards the rolling, feasting Sun; carrying the new. A Sun that unifies the two halves, by the transmission through the antennas. The dung must always keep on rolling, so that it continues one’s feast.

This inscription of Khepera, worn on the lower chest of Bastet to symbolise the new beginnings She represents. The beginnings of self-emerge, nurturing the nothingness created by Sekhmet’s digest. Just as on Bastet, the symbol is inscribed over One’s solar-heart. Seshat be the scribe, as She is the One Who Inscribes Hymn and Prayers into one’s heart. Now, The Sun is always Rising in a heart-space reality.

:sun_with_face: and while we’re at it…

The Eye of Ra-Amulet of Bastet


The Eye of Ra, cast upon Earth by Ra himself to transform the ignorance of the people towards the Laws of Ma’at. The Powerful One and Most Strong, Sekhmet, here centering, between love and light, sided by her patron-companions Wadjet and Nekhbet as the Eye herself, the feminine side of Ra.

Wadjet, The Serpent Goddess, Protector of Children and Protector of Kings. She be the patron protector of Lower Egypt, residing by the delta, protecting the areas of Sekhmets and Bast’s initiations. Known for her primordial rising, piercing through until she watches from the Eye, connected to the sky, to spit flames on her enemies, before they appear.

Nekhbet, The Mother-Vulture, the Protector of Upper Egypt in the south. She comes from above and eats her way down to the primordial, feasting on what’s dead to come alive as a vulture, the illusions of Ket that she meets in her dive.

Sekhmet, centered in her yellow-green lands of Ra’s light and Hathor’s love. Sided by each patronized land, and merging them as One. Now Nebty is their name, ’The Two Ladies of The Two Lands’; siding the Daughter of the Sun. Through Her, Her parents, dances as One. The uniter of the two, the collapser of polarities. The Eye of Ra, watchfully purifies all dreams and realities.

Here, as in the upper chest of Bastet; an amulet of it’s symbol. Two eyes each siding the One eye, a Thrice in Whole, behold.



Haha Sensin!!

I remembered today :slight_smile:



🐈‍⬛ (Be the Bastet Moon Safari) 🐈‍⬛



What a weird tune. I like it