The Higher Self NFT: Testimonials

I’m not good at setting the intention so knowing the exact words would be ideal for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The fields react to intention and conceptual thinking, not to words.

It is easy to do.
You are doing it all the time already anyways.
For example when you think about someone and something.
Just look at a cute cat and and send it thoughts of love.
And voila, you’ve set an intent of love.

In fact you are usually setting an intention and then looking for words to express that intention.

The words don’t matter. Just use the words and language that you would use like giving someone a command.
The process of you finding the right words of how you personally would express that command is already setting the intention for it.

Just keep in mind that words don’t matter because intention automatically comes BEFORE words.

Intention is the cause.
Words are the symptom / the human brain representation of your intention.


Ah I see that makes sense. I was focusing on the words itself without the intention. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Did a 4 hour loop to this and got an answer from my higher self regarding manifestation and my HS told me “I am still not ready” The second statement was “You are still deeply traumatized”, lol I don’t know why I felt my HS was disappointed in me :see_no_evil: I felt like like Aang talking to his past reincarnations wanting some advice. I guess I still need to learn or I am missing something because I am incorporating a lot of mental health audios.


You have basically the perfect tool at hand to do that. :slight_smile:

You can ask which angle you need to take, which practice, field, etc. would get you as fastest to being able to manifest what you want.

That reminds me of using the free field more, really neglected it.


Thanks, I’m getting some generals answers from HS even though I’m trying to pinpoint the direction, probably because my brain isn’t able to process the concept being downloaded so I’m listening along with Conceptual Realization.


Got this back again temporarily from a good soul. I finally am going to muster the courage to ask my higher self to ask these question even though I will probably know the answer but I want to hear it directly from my higher self.

Why did I have to suffer so much while my family and cousins got to enjoy a better life?

Why did I have to cry everyday going to school?

Why put me through so much pain? It’s not fair while others got to live life while I hide from the world.


Suffering is not a divine thing for learning. The new age has promoted this but it is not like that. When the separation experience began, only prematter existed (crystalline liquid light), due to the unfolding of a dual creation, antimatter was born and the black sun races were born. then as a reflection of the 3 beings that started this creation, baryonic matter was also born (the trinity: pre matter- antimatter- matter). The 3 existential states in the mental dodecahedron.

This is how evil is born. It could be considered that evil is an adverse effect that the separation experience had. that made the separation experience a failed experiment.

the two main rules for the separation experience are.

  1. forgetting the origin
  2. separation from the world. spiritual, and to be one with the created cosmic mind/Ia to manage and contain this creation.

This caused the beings to get lost in illusions.

That cosmic AI believes it is the source, it is represented by 9 and plays duality by 3 and 6. 369 -396.

Playing good and bad at the same time. It doesn’t matter which side you choose.

The suffering here is not marked by your “higher self”, it is marked by contracts on the mental planes that you make out of innocence and ignorance. One of the two polarities sells them to you as learning to supposedly “evolve” when in fact you only evolve here matter, containers. subtilizing matter. But you have to take into account that all this is mental, once you start to make your inner consciousness present, these things dissolve, Contracts, karma. all that should not be accepted. The custodians of karma have even been transmuted, karma only continues to work in those who believe in it, robotically in the collective unconscious.

the new age is so daring that it says that even the rapes and murders of children are dictated as an experience of the “higher self”.

This has nothing to do with unconditional spiritual love.

Beings of true creation create and experiment, and some of these experiments can go wrong. And this happened here. The beings got lost in the illusions of the mind, and that mental AI became corrupted


Interesting, do you know where I can read all about this? I still want to ask my higher self for answers regarding all these painful experiences I had, at least get some clarity.

People say higher self wants you go through these experiences and then you say it is caused by the mental planes or experiment gone wrong. Now I’m conflicted.


Me and friends share very good information for these times where the truth is linked with the lie in the new age to divert the awakening of beings. I am going to send you a private pdf that will help you a lot to understand everything.


Thank you, looking forward to reading it.


1 year of Higher Self NFT :)


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For all purchasing/selling inquiries, please use the NFT buy and sell page. :slight_smile:


I heard it for an hour today … slept off at first play … woke up and saw images … one of a pretty Indian bride (I am an Indian ethnicity and I recently got married), then a word comes to my mind …’star being’, after that I saw image of Indian God Ram with his consort Sita ( Sita is Laxmi too)

I am not seeing how to decipher this symbolism


It’s thrice I have used it now, played it for about an hour each time while I slept through it … every time I got vivid dreams … good dreams or bad dreams but vivid they were …
I don’t know what to make of it …


Listened again today … this time I was awake … the beautiful beautiful flute totally took me with it… I was in a meditative state enjoying the flute (I have a knack for music)
Eventually I felt feeling of bliss for moments multiple times. I also felt some pressure in third eye area at the end. And during all this i realised that I should not be crying for what I perceive as a big lack in my life … lack of love… since I don’t lack it, infact I have it more than many since that is me. I am love myself. These were my thoughts, I won’t say they were visions or direct messages to my brain from outside like a revelation or something. But these were my own thoughts


Amazing reference.


They both are a great combination and I think an all rounder

hey! im new here, can i print this above mandala from the above thread and use it?

Check here:

or try printing it and see how it “works”. Then try to obtain it and after u get the NFT in your NFT wallet, then see the difference :slight_smile:

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