The Holy Grail (European Group - Community Project)

Symbol of immortality, spiritual purity, wholeness. Transformed and adapted within the framework of Christian culture, the Celtic legends of the Grail were spread in various European countries.

According to one legend, during Lucifer’s rebellion, the Archangel Michael knocked an emerald out of his crown, from which the angels made the Grail cup. Hence its magical and mystical properties.

According to the most widely accepted version of this global legend, the Holy Grail is the cup from which Jesus Christ drank at his last meal on earth (the Last Supper) and into which his blood was collected after his crucifixion on the cross (after which the cup acquired miraculous properties that granted immortality). Joseph of Arimathea brought the cup to the place of the crucifixion and collected into it the blood from the wounds of the dying Jesus. The moon sickle, part of the symbolism of the cross, has often been interpreted as the Grail cup. The Grail also symbolized the moon and the feminine nature of creation.

For centuries, people have been trying to find this relic. Most were convinced that the possessor of the cup would receive immortality, absolution of all sins, and prosperity in earthly life. According to some reports, the magical properties of the Holy Grail would be maximized if combined with the Spear of Destiny - the tip of the spear that pierced the body of the crucified Christ.

The legend of the Holy Grail is the most mysterious and beautiful legend, which since the Middle Ages until today has not ceased to excite the minds and souls of people with its mystery and enigma. This cup, based on myths and legends, has the divine property to heal people and bring them eternal youth and immortality. That’s why people have been searching for this priceless vessel for two millennia.

The group’s general interpretation
Having the energetic Grail is:

  • the discovery of inner beauty, peace, harmony
  • additional energy resource/recharge to the system, body, brain
  • healing / regeneration / rejuvenation of the body
  • vector to perfect health = immortality
  • state of bliss and contentment
  • blessing and protection, divine support
  • abundance
  • glory, awe
  • very refined faith and holiness

(Credits to @Ugninis)

This NFT will come in as an Audio and a Mandala which will work independetly one from another so the users will be able to choose their favourite way of working with it.
The Mandala can be used to passively infuse you with the energy of the Holy Grail and the Audio can be used for enhancement.


Drink it all up guys!! Congratulations :clap:



great subject, happy for you, @Ignis well done


Thank you, but it’s a credit to the whole group.


it goes without saying, but there is always someone who can pepper the dish


Omg congratulations!! Awesome work you have done!


Congratulations :tada: and thank you for the lovely gift. I was fortunate enough to have a trade set up for this priceless gem before hand. Although I did not purchase it (still have to wait for the Venly transfer) my subconscious knows and I can already feel the revitalization effects of The Grail working heavily through the passive image on my phone.

The past three mornings, I’ve woke up feeling very tired. A lot of heavy energy work + lack of sleep from a climbing trip over the weekend. This morning I woke up, saw The Grail, stared at it for a bit before putting it as my phone wallpaper, then fell back asleep.

I woke up feeling AMAZING. Could feel the pulses of energy flowing through my body. It felt like every cell in my being was recharged.

Can’t wait to experience more, as well as the audio.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


Ah this was one that we were looking at in one group and was told that another group was working on it. Fabulous. Hope luck finds me one day and I am able to acquire this.




It’s on venly.


Really more energy, more calm, I just walked around and wondered why I felt so good. At the moment, the most important progress for me, I have not used nootropics from the Captain and other brain fields for more than a week. And I feel good. Also, I don’t use vitamins. I don’t make mistakes at work. Before that, brain stacks were just a salvation for me. Also, I hope it doesn’t seem to me, but my capillaries are brightening on my face. There is a feeling that blood circulation is improving. At the moment, this is the most suitable NFT for me to work with health. And one of the main points for me is that he works by himself, without my direction.


Luck did in fact find me…


How’s that? What happened? :grinning:


I had three different trades offered to me…which is three more than I actually thought I would get. This is a wonderful addition to my main stack of Ambrosia, mBoP, and Exalted States.


A Dear Friend of mine on this forum made a trade with me for The Holy Grail five days ago. I will forever be grateful :gift_heart:

The moment Holy Grail dropped in my wallet my head began to spin and my third eye opened to the point that I felt blinded with Light.

The Master Jesus came forward and enveloped me. Then, reducing the intensity of his entrance, gave me a Big Hug. Tears begin to flow and before I knew it, I was drinking?! My mouth was full of sweet nectar. Lots of it! His Blood? I was in disbelief and awe and crying because of the immense Beauty.

Each day for five days my results of listening to the audio and gazing at the mandala are the same. His Presence is so tangible. My mouth filling with sweet nectar, though not as Intensly as the first time that he presented through his NFT.

I didn’t know that I Needed Him So Much. I am Grateful beyond any words that I could possibly muster. :rose:



When I listen to the melody, I have a question. Surely it was not chosen by chance. And there is not only a great teacher in this melody. There are a lot of interesting things there. It’s like adventure and treasure, knights and beautiful ladies. It’s very similar to an interesting life)))
I always have a smile on my lips when listening))
It’s really very multifaceted.
I am very happy for you))


Nice to see some more reviews on this treasure :slight_smile:

My new morning stack has been

The new pranayama video + Holy Grail + Ambrosia + Tonic 31

Occasionally adding MBOP or Exalted when needed

I’m feeling calm and robust… ready to take on the days adventure!


Ambrosia and the Holy Grail))) You are definitely ready for a very long adventure))
What role do you give the Tonic in this stack?


Just another anti aging longevity tonic that I find complements the others well, for even more of a boost! :) some additional concepts like autophagy and NAD+

