The Immortal Caladrius (Perfect Health and Immortality Group) - NFT

And a few chicks to boot :grin:


Wow spectacular job to everyone on this project, truly reaching the beyond and beyond already and community fields were only started like last year, honestly awe-inspiringly mind-boggling

Hopefully I’ll be able to buy my own copy soon :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::pray:


i look thank

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I don’t say much, but I am a creator myself, and have a fairly high opinion of my own power and tools, so for me to purchase something from someone else speaks volumes.


Caladrius, for me, was about 20% for my own health, 40% for raising my own healing power, and 40% for using in the healing side of my business.

Of course, all those things are directly linked.


By the way, I have some of your physical products :grin:


What an awesome project! Is there a script to bond with the servitor?

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I think most of the necessary processes will be done naturally, which is his essence.
I personally don’t think of him as a mechanical creature who works by scripts.

in this - opinions are divided.
if you’re more comfortable working in the form of certain commands (let’s say) - i’m sure you’ll be consulted by SorcerySupreme

if you have any specific health problems my only advice is to consciously direct your attention to a specific area of the body when in contact with caladrius


So, you state that there are huge differences between Caladrius and Eternal, and explained some,
It sounds to me Caladrius has more healing potential and more useful feature the owner can use…
Am I right?

Also, will this be ever on sale on the store? (like Sapien store or market place), or will it be only traded / purchased thru the forum thread?
I don’t even see the price…

Thanks and have a great weekend to everyone!

Caladrius as they explained is a servitor diety type where you interact or it intercede on your behalf and repairs any issues.
Eternal is well Eternal, you don’t have to do anything. just wear it cause its a smart field.
Tbh both are very very similar and easy to use. We can’t say if 1 is better than the other cause ultimately both were created by the captain. But since I’m biased, I’ll say Eternal is the way cause in terms of feasibility (Caladrius is in too much demand and it isn’t even completely minted) and function it pretty much already covers everything.


Not to discourage but since Caladrius is less in number of copies, rates are higher than Eternal currently. So it’s upto you. If you feel Caladrius works for you better, why not?


I like how you describe. :blush: Thank you
It’s true we can’t say which is better.
But I’m fascinated with Captain’s woven world concepts (I have a few item with woven world elements in and I like it), I’m curious how it works for human health.
Will it be ever minted and for sale somewhere?
Or will it be only available on trading / selling thread?


I am not in the group project but it’ll be traded and not openly sold on the website mostly


Another advantage of eternal is that it’s automatic. You just wear it. Can’t mess it it up.


People from this project who have extra copies to sell or trade please message me.


Ditto :smiley:^^

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Ditto twice :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unfortunately I’m not selling or trading my copies as this field is so amazing that i want to keep these for my family. I could rent the ones I’m currently not using, but that’s a big risk as the renter may not return it

Soooo I’m offering a daily healing service. I will ask Caladrius to go to you for 3 hours a day for however long you need (day, week or month). Since Caladrius will only take commands from me, you’d need to let me know what you want it to do and I’ll send him to do that job.

I have 2 extras so i could take on 6 members at a time (3 for each servitor up to 3 hours a day each). My intention is rather than having these sit and do nothing until my family is ready to use them, they can be used to help others get better.

If interested, please send me a PM to discuss


Awesome idea, SC! :partying_face:


SC - Today I was thinking of the same thing!!
But slightly different timing.

I will offer to send out my extra Caladrius for FREE, but in 4 hour intervals, starting at 12 Midnight Eastern Standard time (N.Y. time).

So the time slots would be:
12 midnight-4 am
4am-8 am
8 am-12 pm

This can be done one time only, or up to a week.

U will have to contact me to tell me your health issues that u want Caladrius to focus on. This will be kept confidential.
If u want it for less than 4 hrs. just let know, but the time slot will remain as it is.

Remember this is Eastern Standard Time, current N.Y. time, so plan accordingly.

(This service is NOT a prelude to selling this NFT. This extra Caladrius is for my 73 yr. old sister.)

**As of 7/26 I am no longer taking on any other clients for this free service.