The Immortal Caladrius (Perfect Health and Immortality Group) - NFT

You guys have beautiful spirits and you’re the embodiment of what sapien medicine is all about. You know that not everybody will be able to get a copy of this field so you’re sharing it. I love you guys.




Regarding healing other people with the Caladrius…

Can I get the Caladrius to heal mulitple people simultaneously?
Or can I only send the Caladrius to heal one person at any given time?

And if I can only get the Caladrius to heal one person at a time,
does that mean when I send the Caladrius out to heal someone, it would not be healing me or balancing my body while it is healing the person?



I think so.

I’m not sure. I know a few people are actively working on healing others maybe they could give a better answer.


I was suggested to check with this thread.
Could I get help?
I don’t know if healing works for accute medical issue though…
Thank you


candy- I see on your original posting UgniS contacted u or asked u to contact him. I assume this is in regards to using the Caladrius on you.

If this isnt the case , then PM me.


in the European methodology there are rules and principles of treatment of such infections
Unfortunately, it turned out that the treatment was given in a strange way, using only antibiotics. Also, there was no medical research

I advised to contact another specialized clinic, and provide some information, which was saved after analyzing another project

Captain’s fields in this process are mandatory

we also talked about this

SilverZuzu you personally have started to accumulate a unique base, when using Caladrius, you willingly share about it in a closed group.

I’m sure your skills will also be able to help


I have shared in the Caladrius group the info I have gleaned so far.
Again, these have been my experiences so far and those of my (free) clients, so it isnt “written in stone”

I PM candy


This is a very interesting NFT. I wasn’t quite certain what to expect, as most of the ones I purchased earlier were not Servitor/Deity related. This was my first step into the Servitor/Deity NFTs.

There was some interesting resonance where it seemed like I was feeling effects from it even before finalizing the transaction.

I think one of the most distinct changes was in my own headspace. It’s like there was a different, more clear density or energy installed to enable communication with the Caladrius. It’s difficult to describe. For example, when using a radio, I get a sense of a change in the electromagnetic fields when a coherent station is tuned into. That’s sort of the sense I was getting when having the mental connection to the Caladrius.

This one is immense—well, all the NFTs are immense. But this one has a lot in it. I think I might need a bit more discipline with my mind, though. Or maybe not. I had a dream where my mind was following some sort of Aerial path and then I got a view of my cat and had some intent to heal him (even though I don’t know of anything wrong with him at this time). He’s been more playful lately. That’s definitely a good thing, but it seems a bit weird to me that these things are going on when I’m only semi-conscious :laughing:.

This is cool. The Caladrius will be a lifelong companion for me :pray:


Curious to see who has extra copies of this project

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Any idea if this can help or even cure structural deformities like flat foot and bunions?


I think it’s more than capable to cure this with time


I would also suggest:
*The Symmetrical Body and maybe
*Automated Calves and Feet



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That is amazing and pretty surreal that we are blessed with a servitor-deity in our lives who has the ability to heal people and pets. I feel blessed. :heart: :pray:


Does this mean that the caladrius is not suitable to cure dental infections for whatever reason?

Also can anyone let me know if the caladrius has helped to heal scars and improve eyesight? Thanks

maybe over time. This is not a button, it takes time for the results. I often read reviews that the inflammation passed quickly or the pain decreased. But otherwise, regeneration takes time. And so it is with any product. There is no need to count the nft or fields as just a button with an instant action.


Right. Just realised it’s been less than a month since it’s release


This means that when there is a progressive problem, it is better to urgently use the services of traditional medicine /in this case, a specialized clinic/ to quickly solve the situation, and use the energy tools in parallel, as an auxiliary tool

Besides, the person who asked the question does not have Caladrius