The Inverse Gateway (Mission Control)

Amazing and thank you @DR_MANHATTAN. I am still waiting for your article though on previous fields.

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Brain Topiary for a better mind. This can lift people out of mental poverty just in terms of freed resources and time.


This is it. There is the Rolodex and Blueprint if Genius, the infographics on every fields since November 2022.

Although I still have lot to make and release


Such a cool image too, probably stuff like that out there in some planets lol

With out a single clue

My friend, you’d love this field

Would go great with your new Project Mental Health NFT!

And all the other fields you just purchased :slight_smile:

Bye bye OCD



so is this the one? i’m actually asking this for my mom her life is intolerable with severe OCD(washing hands and bathroom for hours also repacking anything that we bought from stores in new cleanliness verified packages,…)


This is Easily one of the Best fields Ever released!

TYSM, Captain and Dr Manhattan! :pray:

These are Such Enlightened Times which we’re living (in) right now, it’s A Whole New Age, Filled with Opportunities for Improving One’s Life!




yeah I’ve been thinking about this field a lot. each of the 5 pathways are interconnected in many ways, feeding back into each other and strengthening each other. There are 5 targeted pathways and the phobia pathway will have a very large impact on most people, although it is subjective. If you look at the energy work community, they often promote the development of psychopathy so that we can benefit from the fearlessness. But do we really want absolute fearlessness, or do we want irrational-fearlessness?

This phobia pathway alone could be worth 360US because when i think back to childhood, i first began to feel irrational fear when I was 11 or 12. Which means i have barely known a life that isn’t influenced strongly by irrational fear, especially when it comes to approaching new experiences.
This is probably true for a lot of you as well, maybe.

As for the perversions, growing up without a father figure who teaches you the right values or morals may lead to a vacuum that a perversion can emerge and grow within, since we continue to act on it without correction. Then as an adult we become conscious of the perversion but struggle to manage it since the circuitry is already deeply solidified. Some don’t accept themselves and may shame themselves for something that is hard to manage by nature.

i haven’t even considered the addiction aspect yet :woozy_face:

I think for most people, this will be one of the most transformative experiences of our lives.

and theres more to come…
@DR_MANHATTAN @Dreamweaver i pledge my allegience


Does this help to remove all kinds of fears from the mind?


thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Since this is an unwiring field, no need to worry about overgrowth if I loop this 24/7?

Also would it benefit from Artemis boosters or nah?


It’s not to fix overgrowth and it won’t cause overgrowth. You can use it 24/7 for sure.


So when it comes to removing perversions would this mean intrusive thoughts and thoughts/ behaviors that become addictive through the shock value and novelty that they provide? Also would this help to untangle the false value that your mind tries to give to these phobias and perversions? Lastly I wonder if this field would go down to a physical body level instead of just mental, meaning the bodies memory/associations?


I’d imagine it even means sexual fetishes developed from porn. This may be one of the most important fields in a long time for me to help me both get off Suboxone and overcome sexual addictions. Just from looping yesterday I feel so much consciousness freed up.


Wish you full recover with this🙏🏽


Nice, this is precisely what I was thinking when I wrote my comment.

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@Gnosticmedic27 , I’m especially curious about your journey man. Best luck!


Does anyone have some early experiences to share? :slight_smile:

literally listening for the first time right now. i’ll check back in, in a few days :slight_smile: