The Legendary Hair Serum

this field is very expensive but the results are not visible yet

Do you listen this with BOL?

I listen to this only. I feel the field by itself should be sufficient, if you keep listening to it.

I donā€™t listen overnight all the time. Only sometimes.

If itā€™s not MPB, I think it should be easier to reverse the hairloss. Whatā€™s the cause?

for 2 months listening i didnā€™t see any new hair on my head,all i see is my hair is getting faster and healthier,but for new hair still not,I will listen this until december I hope I will see new hair :pleading_face:

My hair is thinning because of colouring :cry::sob::sob::sob:

I donā€™t think hair dyeing would cause balding and drastic hairloss. Shouldnā€™t it be temporary?

lol actually my hair is falling out because of coloring and now iā€™m being ridiculed by everyone because my hair is thinningā€‹:cry::sob:

Hi Shanty !

Seeing your message with the hundred sad smileys I told myself that you must be a very stressed person :neutral_face:.

For information :

Stress-related reactive hair loss

Stress, severe fatigue, emotional shock can lead to chain reactions in the body, including stress-related hair loss. They have an impact at the cellular level and on the hair follicles.

Relax !!! I advise you to listen to the audio for anxiety :pray:


I thought it would be helpful for some, so Iā€™m gonna post before and after pictures here



I was taking these pictures by myself so sorry for the difference in angle and image quality :joy: Only lately I figured out the way to take better pictures.

Btw, though the bald spot is not fully covered yet and I have double crown hair, the hair recovery part is visible for me now than before. Iā€™m gonna keep this in my daily stack, in the long run I hope the bald will be compeletely gone.

Thanks @Captain_Nemo, I really cant even think of any other way to achieve this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
P/s: Itā€™s been around 1 month since I got the field.


Wow very nice progress!
I know it is very hard to take pictures of your own hair :joy:

It looks like overall more hair and also like a nicer texture.
Although I know it may just be the picture, or when you washed hair and with what product etc.


Wow amazing congrat,


how long after?

Thatā€™s really nice results! Happy for you!


I can see the difference ! Great results :ok_hand:ā€¦:slightly_smiling_face: !!


Way thicker hair nice!


That great improvement mate , makes me want to buy this field. ( I have MPB -early level)
Few questionsā€¦

  1. How many times a day do you listen ? pls answer as : x loops / y times a day.
  2. Did you listen to any other hair related fields or took hair related medication alongside this field?
  3. Did you see any improvement in temple areas?
  4. Did you notice any reduction in hair falling?

Thanks in advance.

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  1. From 3 -4 times a day: 1 in the morning, 1 before going to bed, and 2 while sleeping. Some days I got caught up in other things and only listened 1-2 times.
  2. Iā€™m using HAAR-ACTIV medicine, but I bought this before I bought the field and there was nothing significant back then so I donā€™t think the medicineā€™s contributing much to the result. I can see the difference just after 1-2 days using the field. Will stop using the medicine when run out of it.

Besides this field, Iā€™m also using other fields, some of them have effects on the hair as stated in the descriptions (but Iā€™m not sure to what extent, and I listen to them for different goals than the hair) and some of them donā€™t but these help me to stay healthy mentally so I think itā€™s nice to have them in the stack as mental health is related to hair health. But if you donā€™t have time, or donā€™t have these fields yet, or also want to focus on other things then I think just the serum will do 90% - 95% of the job (just an estimation based on my own experience).

  • Blue print of Life: as LunaMoon suggested, Iā€™m listening to this right before the serum (not all the time) and I think it helps fasten the result.
  • Plasma 3
  • Caboxy therapy
  • Micro current facial: as it also stimulates the head skin
  • Plasma Glass Skin. The description says it affects the head skin as well
  • Smart Stem Cell and Ojas Marrowed as the bone marrow also produces stem cells
  • Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup: antioxidant
    and some other fields. Sorry but I listen to a lot of fields :sweat_smile:

Honorable mention: I highly recommend using the Sound Bowl Healing once in a while or when youā€™re stressed as stress can cause hair fall. This audio has done wonders for me, really effective to calm the mind, the body and release stress.

  1. Yes, significantly. More hairline, hair is more filled and stronger on the temple area. I would say this field affects all hair on the head and the changes are noticeable after just a few days. Itā€™s just the bald spot is pretty stubborn due to the genetic thing, thatā€™s where the changes showing last and thatā€™s why Iā€™m focusing on the changes in this area.

  2. Yes. But do expect the hair falling to increase or keep happening a while after using the field as Captain said in the Plasma Protocol thread: New Release - Plasma Protocol - #528 by Captain_Nemo
    My hair still falls for now but less than before, still in the shedding phase I think.

Hope this comment can help you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Look at that texture! And growth!!! Congratulations!!!