The Lions Mane (Private Group)

wow bro awesome all thanks to sapien. Thanks for responding brother

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This should motivate others and me as well to continue listening as the hair audios do take a long time to give noticeable results but it does stop balding which is the first results you’ll have.

You also should look at the main source of hair loss, for example, stress. I fixed that issue myself. Also getting the essential nutrients for the building blocks of hair growth.

are you genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness?

How much you listen a day?
Thats nice!

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Did you stack? Plasma flaunt, with lions mane and plasma platelet?

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These are the best results ive seen on the forum. Any updates would be appreciated brother


In the same playlist

Thank you! In that time I listened 6 times lions mane and 30 minutes platelet rich. Actually I’m not listening to hair fields as I feel my hair condition is good and it stabilized. (Less hair fall and nice thickness)


Thanks! I feel my hair grows faster and in way better quality, but as I said in the last comment, I’m actually not using actively the hair fields as I’m satisfied with the results for now


Would you be opening up to sell it?

Don’t think so… I want to keep it just in case my hair needs it again


Good idea @yisus2302

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I don’t think it’s safe to drop hair fields… lots of variability that can happen in your life which can affect your hair and sticking with hair fields is necessary maintenance. That’s just my personal experience.



Thanks for your suggestion!

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In your case hair loss v3 is suppose to be a permanent fix especially since you’ve listen for such long time. Changing the hair follicles to be resistant to DHT the main cause of genetic hair loss. Just in case i’d listen to it another year or so, i wonder if it actually makes permanent results

I doubt it makes it permanent, you need to factor in various variables such as lifestyle, diets, stress, etc. If it were to be permanent I would have stopped listening to it along time lol.

I mean that’s what it’s suppose to do make it permanent. I see why you wouldn’t take that risk though.

Still the best hair field for me released by Cap

Super effective and fast working for me, had a small thin spot near my crown, repeated usage of this, and it’s covering up super fast, it’s almost as if I don’t even have a crown anymore

No dandruff as well

Facial Hair of course thicker than ever, growing faster than ever