The Manifested (formerly called Lawyer of Attraction) - Testimonials

Any update on turning this creation into a public NFT? @SirChiropractixalot

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Nothing has changed since my last post:


If this doesnt look like its going to go to public release, is the cone of power a decent alternative?
I just get the gut feeling this one would be/is a lot more powerful?

The only reason i am going on about this, is im extremely concerned about the whole.metaverse thing and everything that is goingon with the world econimic forum, id love a tool like this to counter any plans they have, to live at ease, away from their darkness and power craziness!

Sorry, thatā€™s a bit deep, but thats where im at, wanting to protect my family:)

With love



Oh yeah for sure
or even Woven Worlds Contenment which is a more powerful version of COP basically

I think with Solidifier and Woven World Contentment you will be set


I wasnā€™t aware of this. How so? I have both, but I never thought WW Contentment was a manifesting field for individual specific things. I thought it was more automated and not really programmable.

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You are correct, it cant be used to manifest specific things

Cone of Power or the Solidifier are made for that purpose


Maybe, cone of power came through pretty well for me today I was in target and I was looking for an iPad stand and they told me they didnā€™t have them so I played cone of power and just kind of casually told it I would like something to hold the iPad up and I did end up finding something in a really weird but delightful way

Thatā€™s a small example but Iā€™m going to practice talking to it like itā€™s a person more often


Maybe thatā€™s an important key for working on NTFs, audios and mandalas?


Yeah maybe, maybe itā€™s more about being you with the mandala but I donā€™t really know

Iā€™m just somebody who experiments with different things


I would highly advise against reading what this pffers again, just to pass timeā€¦ as this leaves you very restless and wanting it.

Be warned everyone, i may well use the solidifer to make this a piblic project after reading this thread again haha

You will all fall to the power of the black holes pull!

with mischief



Do you know any field or technique that can reproduce this?
Even ā€˜on-demandā€™ (as in, not necessarily scanning).
This is golden.

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I have solidifier but still want to try this one to manifest dream job if thereā€™s opportunityā€¦testimonials in this thread are really interesting


Welcome ReachDream!!

The solidifier is just great! It worked extremely well for me :boom:

Enjoy :sparkles:


Hi, ReachDream!
Welc to group B

Noā€¦ it sounds beyond epic, hence why, until it is or isnt made public, i advised against reading its qualities, as its just the ultimate tease!


Thatā€™s why I read about it! Iā€™ve been looking for exactly that (subconscious replacer) :D

Most definitely. Smart Mental (Conscious and Subconscious) Limits Remover and Replacer has to be mentioned in the The Requests and Fields, it can have a profound effect on all.

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@Rosechalice Thank you, this is the warmest forum. Iā€™m trying to meditate with my solidifier and using cone of power to make same goal, hope to get great result too!


Any update?:eyes: