The Manly Man by Manhattan

I’ve always had a low voice, but in the last couple of days it’s gotten low and more defined and assertive.
There is definitely one change that was impossible not to notice.


I agree :100:%, only for me the voice was not low.


I got the same problem as you . I think I had been listen to this for about two weeks . Plus other fields . And , I think something in this field make me feel calm, and that sensantion help me to keep pushing without anxiety , helping me to be more optimist . (I am not obsessive with this field , just listen 4 times day due that some people said is strong in the comments ) . In conclusion the most beneficial during this week is that feeling of careless, and willing to be strong .


Thank you for the input I haven’t purchased this but Silent Mind is doing a perfect job 🫡

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Which field is It?

Masculine energy


Haven’t heard about that field, It isn’t available anymore, right?

I think it was just a rebranding of Male Enhacement so that it wouldn’t get flagged, you can find the download link in an old Patreon post.

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Ohhh, now I know. Never my mind, thanks for the reply.

Share feedback and experience please

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Currently I’m balancing my muscle growth and bone growth, and Joint strength.
With the above stack, Joint pains (knee) reduced 95%, and bone knuckles are stronger too when I fold and see myself it’s shocking. Probably bcz of Xian + others above.
But not spamming muscle roar like before. Muscle roar turns me seriously into a beast mode, it’s crazy results in bulking. I can’t even scratch my back now …lol compared to myself how I was able to touch my both hands backside

So, my current focus is bone and Joint strengthening , it’s like building strong pillars first.

I’m still using hardcore + muscle group ones(arms, chest/back etc.) instead of muscle roar to maintain the physique. I’m not doing any exercises as such hence this routine.
I will add automated cycling + strength and endurance + warrior athlete to it going forward.
I’m alternating muscle stack one day and bone/joints the following day.


It was a field only uploaded to sapien medicine youtube channel paid membership. It can not be found anywhere else and the membership is no longer available. All it did was spike masculine hormones (test, hgh, dht, etc) and added life force. It didn’t do anything more that this field doesn’t already do, maybe besides add life force but I digress

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That life force bro, when you have too much (enough) life. People are attracted to you for beneficial and malicious reasons. The beneficial ones want to share energies with you, the malicious ones want to take it from you. Simple covalent and ionic bonds in human form. Ever felt drained from being around someone, you probably got life force taken from you


That makes perfect sense. I always wonder why it felt my I had my energy stolen while around certain individuals.

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So much quicker gym gains lmao. I look more shredded than I did when I was in boxing. Weightlifting is easier and I’m improving every week. What’s a plateau? Never heard of that.


You’re gonna end up like One punch man and Kang the Conqueror with all these muscle and brain fields :rofl::rofl:.


I’m gonna buy this soon, but more so to maintain extremely high T levels throughout my life than anything else. We are bombarded with all sorts of carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals in day to day life, we need some kind of protection.


Any more reviews and testimonies on this one?

If you like the concept buy immediately.
Tangible results immediately, plus it’s the strongest physical field now available… impossible not to feel the effects👌


I’m just waiting for the next sale man. I think 4th of July?

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