The Manly Man by Manhattan

Strengthens muscles, adjusts the tone of voice, pushes masculinity to the top, a real physical booster, masculinity and whatnot.


With Manly Man + Muscles Beyond Limits + Hardcore my muscles are growing without me lifting a single finger, while also burning body fat… Highly recommended combo. I use this combo for around 30-60 minutes daily in total.

Just watch out to find the right balance of food type and eating amount. Because your body will crave a lot of food for muscle growth, but if you eat the wrong stuff, you might gain the fat faster than you burn it lol.


In the gym, I am him.

Off 2 hours of sleep but I’m finna go crazy.


My gym Playlist-

These are played before I get there and on the way to the gym.
3x Ojas
3x Jing Infusion
1x Alchemical Jing Charged Blood
1x Flow of Jing

This is in the gym.
1x Enhanced blood Circulation
10x Manly Man (just an estimation sometimes I’ve looped longer sometimes less.)




How long did it take you for such results to come?

Would it be safe to use this after 3x Anti Aging and 1x HGH 2.0?

I don’t see the problem with anti-aging as for HGH, the HGH from manly man will be more potent


It started right away for hours after listening though now it has subsided.

I think it stopped once I got serious with Muscle roar, must be giving me an outlet for the extra energy.

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A little more feedback on this field for any fellas who might still be on the fence about this one…

I’m not much of a weight lifter – my exercise of choice is trail running. Well, I call it ‘trail running’ but calling it running would have been very charitable. I’ve been slowing down gradually for years.

After a week or two of listening to Manly Man (approximately 3x a day, maybe a few days of longer looping), I got out into my forest and completed my 3.5 hour loop in 2.5 hours, easy. My smaller, shorter training run went from 40 minutes to 20 minutes. No joke. This is very, very near peak performance for me. I’ve run faster a few times in my life… Nearly 20 years ago.

The coolest part is that I felt like I was expending the same amount of effort as I was prior to listening to this field. I’d finish my long run and say, “Okay, where are the rest of the miles?” Still plenty of gas left in the tank after bouncing up rocky switchbacks like a mountain goat and long jumping over muddy stretches of trail like a deer.

I’ve never really thought of myself as an athlete, but this last month or so I’m starting to believe I could be mistaken for one!

My knees, however, started complaining pretty badly after these new record setting runs. Thinking maybe it was just age and intensity related, I shrugged it off, but when I went for a ride with a friend they said, “… Did you get heavier?! Not fatter. Just… heavier. The car is literally dragging.”

Unsurprisingly, this is what my knees were trying to tell me too. I’m just more solid than I was. Don’t worry – I’ve already tacked on supporting fields for my Joints!

The mind-body connection is also massively improved with this field. Moving and using my body is just more fun with this field. Where before maybe I’d avoid getting sweaty if I could, now I don’t hesitate to just get in there and get my hands dirty. Run a half-marathon through the forest and then go home and dead-lift a riding lawn mower that got stuck and chop down some trees? Eh, why not?

Like others, I’ve noticed that cold showers stopped being some of kind torture device and just became enjoyable. It wasn’t gradual – that was on Day 2. There was just no problem standing under the cold water. I can’t even use it for ‘building willpower’ anymore! Same for spicy food, saunas, standing all day instead of sitting, etc. If I used to do something ‘physical’ to build resilience, it’s just no problem now and I feel vaguely silly for ever thinking it was a big deal.

My listening time is more modest than some – 3x - 9x a day, leaning towards the 3x. I’ve been at it for almost 2 months and my performance has continued to improve and the other benefits are slowly piling on. I’ve found that playing it while exercising definitely seems to amp up that athletic performance. Plus the music is perfect for a high intensity workout.

If you’re a man with a body and you like to move that body sometimes, this field is calling you. In this incarnation, you only get the one body (usually!), so you might as well reclaim your physicality!



How many times each??

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Manly Man 10-15x
Muscles Beyond Limits 5-10x
Hardcore 5-10x


Did it work for you in general on the whole body or in some specific areas such as legs-arms-abdomen and so on?

Whole body


Has anyone had the opportunity to explore the potential combination of the Manhattan field with skyscrapers? I have this intriguing intuition that merging the nurturing guidance of Manhattan field for body masculinization with the body-optimizing growth effects of skyscrapers could lead to fascinating outcomes :upside_down_face:


I think there was a comment on it further up in this thread. But I’m pretty sure it’s a way now with manly man being available to us. I already have a stack in mind once I get this.

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I’ve also noticed something similar for a few weeks now, but it’s more like putting up with hot water less than opting for a cold shower as a goal. We keep in mind that on cold water, Dream has built a special field, so it must have some benefit.
I have also noticed a loss of weight, and more strength when I go pedaling, but I look forward to seeing it again on my next bike rides.



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