The Manly Man by Manhattan

Well, i don’t know if it heals nerves because my problem was psychologically related
Healed my mentality and made my testicles bigger (Reapiring and creating new Leydig cells)


How much are people playing this daily ?

I’ve found 30-45 mins gives amazing effects sports wise…



I don’t use the potential of the manly man properly. I need to go to the gym again then it would be a greeeaaat booster


Lol… you threatened to kill your boss because he yelled at you?

That doesn’t sound very stable my friend. You okay?


I’m great haha

Very first you need to understand where i’m coming from
Assassinations happening in front of my eyes everyday + I work as member of special forces
I need to be crazy


Sounds pretty intense.

Where are you from?

Wrong post :sob:

I checked the internet on how some of my former male work colleagues from many years ago are doing and…
…oh shit, they desperately need this field asap!
Like really really ASAP ASAP ASAP, even better by Yesterday!

90+ percent of them are overweight, soy and low energy.
Probably also still eating the same unhealthy food that the average person eats.
They look like they will go out of breath the moment they have to walk up 2 stairs.
It is really pathetic, especially because they have accepted their fate without questioning it and are fine with their decline and decay.
How can people let themselves go so much?
I know these guys also simp for their overweight wives at home.
A clear case of low self esteem and fitting in with the NPC masses.

Anyways, for this not to happen and for the sake of health, every male on the planet above 30 should go on some type of testosterone boost. Luckily for us, we have this field without any side effects and risks.

I personally, have increased my daily dose of Manly Man to up to 30-60 minutes per day. Combined with workout fields, a few symbolic gym visits here and there a few times per month, and extra vegan protein powder added to my food – and the muscle gains are up, while at the same time I’ve lost additional body fat.

Also for guys who want to try this out:

60 min Manly Man + 3x Blessing of St Biceps + 20 min of MBL + 20 min of Hardcore + a real workout at a gym = sore muscles everywhere for at least 5-7 days lol


My current Male Hormones Stack (not semen retention safe):

  • 1x Endocriner NFT audio
  • 1x DHEA Boost
  • 1x Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • 2x HGH 2.0
  • 2x Induced Kisspeptin
  • 1x DHT
  • 30-60 minutes Manly Man
  • 5-10x your favorite Androstenol field

You think (feel) these 3 add more benefits if you already listen Manly Man?

Yes, it speeds things up.

1x Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
2x HGH 2.0
→ these fields trigger the actual production of these hormones. While Manly Man only enhances the respective receptors for these. At least how I understood.

1x DHT
→ speeds things up a little bit


I’m not sure about this, that’s the reason I ask your experience, and I have read this 1 year ago:

Separately adding DHEA, HGH, and Kisspeptin to the stack has definitely made a difference and enhanced all my results from Manly Man and the workout fields. This is not just theory but my personal real life experience.

I am not sure about the DHT and the “Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone” additions. Manly Man seems to produce DHT by itself according to the field description.
“Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone” seems not to be in Manly Man either, only the receptor boost, so adding this to my stack also made sense to me.

The description of Manly Man does not say that it produces HGH, only that it enhances the HGH receptors. Same for DHEA, Kisspeptin and “Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone”.

@Dr_Manhattan would need to enlighten us here please.


Add acupressure or [(Acupuncture)

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I don’t find it in Patreon, how do u manage this one ?

You can on Odysee.


I have often used 12x but several times also 16x helped me to have good results in 2 months with Leg Shredder in conjunction with The Integration Tool.

Probably by inserting Robust Organs For Sure into the stack, interesting results can be obtained.


This + quick and easy muscle cheat is also a good combination


Does this have any effect on SHGB levels? As far as i know to really utilize testosterone we also need low SHGB, no?

So i have all my life thought that i am just a sensitive guy. And sometimes have anxiety and whatever. Problems with my amygdala even tho i have never really been traumatized. Using captains testosterone and dht booster i of course always felt better, even great afterwards. So i have now tested my testosterone levels and i am at 591 ng/dl (5,9 ng/ml) which is supposed to be “healthy”. But to be honest, i think my hormone levels are responsible for the fact that i have to hard bulk to build muscle, and hard cut to lose fat. Its not a steady flowing process and i often hit Plateaus regarding Performance and strength. It also explains the anxiety and all that mental garbage in my opinion since the “average” is 600 ng/dl.
I have read on reddit and on the Internet in General that people have gotten on trt and all that mental negativity went away, along with a wayy better body composition with the same effort so to say.

So how can we truly, truly use this field for the most benefits and use its maximum potency? I cleaned up my Diet, im still exercising regularly, sleeping well, drinking lots and lots of water. Vitamin, Minerals, and so on…