The Manly Man by Manhattan

Not Sure what you mean by wiring, but yes, it has the same effects on me. Its because of the receptors

I’m going to state the obvious.


Whenever I need Insight, Direction, or Inspiration, this Thread continues to deliver in Spades.

This field has been so life-changing it is absolutely ridiculous.

The ways that Manly Man has continued to positively myself and countless other men with their relationships, fitness, sexuality, voice, masculinity, confidence, strength, and countless other factors continues to be the most empowering field I have incorporated into my life since joining and becoming active in the Sapien Medicine community a full 3 years ago.

Onward and Upward, My Manly Men!!!


Got this during the sale with quintessence of hyper masculinity and the synergy between them is outta this world. First off Manly Man has been exceeding my expectations since day one and I can confidently say this field has changed how I look and walk more than any other field I have tried. I have been feeling so alive in myself it just feels really good and my muscles feel like they have grown and it’s only been a few days lol. I also feel very calm with this and my voice is scary deep thought someone installed subwoofers in my throat lol. tested this out while working out the other day and man it felt like doing weights was super easy I was benching close to my max which is 165 like it was nothing and didn’t really feel sore after either. I noticed If i loop this too much my body gets really hot and I feel like I need to move my body but on the flip side I have also noticed my beard and hair growing very thick and fast at the roots. This field is taking away my man boobs very quickly more than the gyno field and even noticed my pecs started to look more defined aswell as my biceps, triceps, delts, basically all of the upper body and even lower. This might also be accelerating my fat loss I have been using what the fat non-stop but when I added this it’s like it boosted it like crazy and now I am getting double the fat loss which feels really good. This field+ hypermasculinity are really helping me to feel what it’s like to be man I grew up without a father so I was around a lot of feminine energy as a kid and feel this will resolve the missing masculine energy I never had as a kid. I am loving these manhattan releases I plan to get the brain ones next one day as I am currently in college. I also think dream has gotten stronger or something cause these new fields are working way more effectively & quicker on me lol.


Since working with Manly Man for sometime now, now I understand better what Luna(I don’t know her current username) wrote in the Mandelbrot thread about the relationship between the reproductive system and expression. Manly man has basically given me my voice back it’s hard to explain but I can see profound transformation in how I carry and express myself to my full potential. It is basically working in the sacral and throat chakra. Now along Manly Man I’ll focus on those chakra audios to further my development I’m excited




Still using this one. Still keeping me strong and sharp


Hey everybody, so given the hgh aspect of this one, would it aid in the effectiveness of height/grow taller field/nft use/effectiveness?

Definitely, brother! :muscle:

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Coolio, thanks

Maybe @Dr_Manhattan could answer me this and i think also some people need to hear this response

I’ve started my testosterone 12 week cycle so what would happen if we use this, like, few times per day just to keep testicles working or after cycle as PCT since this audio works on Leydig and Sertoli cells repair

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