The Muscle Roar

I just got excited for a second :hamburger: :sweat_smile:


True indeed for all physically altering fields (besides the weight loss ones lol)

Caloric surplus from good source with plenty of nutrients of course


Hi @DR_MANHATTAN ,Iā€™ve gotten both of your recent fields in the Masculine series :sunglasses::+1:t5:.
Need your opinion on this , for optimal results this or Manly Man first on stack ? Thanks man


Today I bought this, I hope that finally increases my muscles ā€¦ because so far I have had very few results

The muscle roar is not specifically for men, woman can use it. However, yeah, men will probably be the ones using it.

Iā€™d go with manly man first


Are you in a caloric surplus daily ?

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letā€™s say I eat enough

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Lets say i can fly ???

I canā€™t and if one isnā€™t in a caloric surplus one canā€™t build muscles as well i rest my case.

If you do and donā€™t gain weight then you may have a digestive problem or sth else we are not so simple afterall.

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yes yes I do, and NO, I havenā€™t nothin digestive problem

Phew, I always imagined Josh something like this haha

And he turned out to be this!




so does it? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

So what is the preferred schedule? 4 x a day? Like 2 times in the morning, 2 in the evening? Or 4x per use? For example 3 times a day, each listening 4 times?

Does it make sense to add Muscles Hungry For Fat before for enhanced effect? Muscle Recovery v2 after?

Will using it together with the original Super Metabolism diminish the effect?

Does this help the lower body as well? better results from squats etc? The avatar screams big upper body and chicken legs lol

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It helps muscle growth, legs includedā€¦ whatever you are working on.

He just said there is no cardio is all.

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Hello, I have purchased this and I have two questions.

  1. May I listen to this 4 times in a row or should I separate my listenings throughout the day? Considering the fact that this has an automated workout system, I thought that the 4 listenings should be done all at once.

  2. Should I listen to automated upper & lower body workouts in addition or are the effects from this one enough? I want to gain size as fast as possible.

You can, but you may feel exhausted too


But you can find complementary fields beside automated workout

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Thank you for your very fast response. I am new to this concept of morphogenetic fields and I also use other creations from Sapien Medicine which resulted in gaining about 6 kilograms in 1 month and a bit, most of that weight is visible muscle, my legs donā€™t fit in my jeans anymore which was my first guess that I had gained. I am sitting at 6ā€™7 and 250 lbs right now and I am aiming to reach 330lbs, I will let you know the effects I experienced from this after about 30 days or so.



One more question, If I workout casually (weight lifting) along with using this, will it also be too much for gaining size or will it boost my results?

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