The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)

@Dr_Manhattan Heya, i know you’ve been preaching plasma brain here and there - would it be reasonable to loop this (plus brain regen) overnight for some time if you know you have several receptors that are majorly fucked due to various reasons? (gaba/dopamine)

It might be heavy for you (or not)
I don’t see a reason not too.


Current overnight stack is
Soul restoration
The face sculptur (i know, vanity, but still its for teeth also)
Plasma brain
Brain regen
Overcome any addiction dopamine receptor healing
Pure magnetic heart coh

1 hour total, thinking 5 loops then 2-3 hours of sleep with nothing. See anything that looks off or should i just try that for brain heal? I know you have a crazy good understanding of the brain fields so if there’s anything you feel is mandatory there let me know, like ENPP6 etc, most of the damage is from years of previous drug/porn abuse (I’m fairly fine now but definitely not restored)

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@Dr_Manhattan I would’ve never known Plasma brain had grounding in it unless you told me. Now I feel the grounding in it or rather notice it more. It’s insane how good this audio is literally several audios in one for such a good price.


Could this potentially cause a temporary reduction or diminishment of neurological functioning, particularly in regards to neurotransmitters?

I often get in an apathic state after using this field and in a sort of mental discomfort from the things going on in the brain–like a depression, lack of pleasure from activities, lack of enjoyment in things.

It usually fades quickly, 2-3 days of not using it and I’m back to normal.

Also the feeling that I do not get oxygen in my brain

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Is there something in the description that you quoted that leads you to your reduction or diminishment conclusion?

If it’s causes the brain to heal it could be theorised that in the interim of that healing process certain parts of brain would not function at it’s normal capacity.

Antioxidants etc all these things you understand this my friend

My understanding or definition of “healing” doesn’t lead me to such a theory so I can’t help you my friend.

ETA: In my world, “healing” is an improvement of function. So, if function is being diminished, then I can’t call it “healing.”


Nice to hear. Grats on fixing your eyesight.



After all the conversations we’ve had :pensive:
You should be the one answering people


U said that in the autism eye sight thread.

But i had to double check.

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Has anyone used this for an extended period of time?

is it safe to loop this for 1 hour or more?




Aho @Dr_Manhattan, what have your findings been and how long have you used it?

I have bought this field two days ago, and I feel some anxiety after looping, but I think this may be part of detox


Similar experience here took a break now back at it again–immediately I felt anxiety in my stomach and generally more sensitive about things around me.

But that quickly faded.

Oops (this was for plasma flaunt my bad)


I had headache today from over doing energy work yesterday. Ran 1 1/2 loop of plasma brain and felt almost completely better.


Wish Plasma brain of Youth sold separately half of price. As most of us already bought Plasma Flaunt. @Dreamweaver @SammyG

This field still includes as a bonus, The Plasma Brain of Youth?