The Plasma Flaunt

@WellBeing, yes more so a brain imbalance, some chemical and hormonal problems. Also it appears various dormant parts of the brain are become active and being aroused by a Spiritual practise that I’m devoted too.

So it’s hard to say — my brain functions well, have great memory, it seems to increase daily. I had problems chemical and electrical imbalances which may have been or are caused by this process I’m going through because I get all kinds of strange sensations such as tingeling, some parts become enlightened others feeling dark as if there is no electricity present in them which may indirectly correlate to the chemical issues, pressures in the third eye and pineal / pituitary glands, other areas of the brain (pressures), etc

So it’s not necessarily a health issue it’s more of a transformation.

Doctors don’t understand it so there is the problem I’m alone trying to figure out this process.

@WellBeing I’ve been using Plasma Flaunt and Brain of Youth in the past is there any other field you see fit according to the context I have just shared?


!!! Take a day off to read this, very long !!! :zipper_mouth_face:

I really think mental health fields are underrated, I was recently diagnosed with severe chronic depression, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD and OCD. I was completely unaware of this maybe because I don’t even remember an another state, acting happy (to even believing it) with extreme control of myself for a too long time outside my room to seem totally normal from the eyes of other people.

Also, failed previous experiences with psys that disgusted me in believing in them again but I stepped the door with bravery, after trying everything to heal on my own it was obvious I needed external help and can’t keep like this. The psy that received me understood me for the first time, it was like a redemption, finally someone understood, someone didn’t judge and believed me.

It’s the first time since I don’t remember… being this relieved and it was triggered by only someone’s acceptance for my suffering and not denying it, it was so weird feeling like this after being unable to express emotions after all this years (except anger, it wouldn’t be funny otherwise :joy:) and feeling in danger every time not being able to trust a human.

He gave me some medication and luckily there is no side effects, while listening in addition to Depression Begone, Amygdala (+fear) and love become whole audios.

What the point with this threat you may wonder. Anxiety was the main problem behind my hair loss, it was a chronic telogen effluvium case casted by generalized anxiety disorder. I was already happy with hair results and honestly thought it was my natural hairline that was back. Since I’m on medication and listen to above audios, more hair are suddenly growing, faster and thicker generally, even more on the edges.

It’s not an attempt to inspire pity, it’s a reminder that mental health conditions break your body without any obvious trace, it’s a long term battle, you might don’t even know you have a mental condition. If you tried really everything to regrow hair or a skin, auto immune, or thyroid condition that doesn’t go away even if you you use the specific fields, you see no changes because the problem is not THEM to begin with.

It may was the problem with people from hair loss version 3, I used this field too and lost brutally a lot of hair that came back gradually but not the edges. I was never sensible to DHT but the field got rid of the broken hair follicles and put hair on telogen phase since then, because hairs were really in a bad state, my body and Plasma Flaunt (now) were waiting for the main issue to be solved to let the hair goes on anagen phase again, that’s my theory about people that lost hair after listening to hair loss version 3.

For some it might be obvious if you are happy but for those who have severe depression and/or anxiety denying is very common, seek for help, not necessarily a psy and take medication, there are other options indeed. Mental health and body influence each other, a weakened spirit weaken your body but even how bad your body is your spirit can be the hottest possible.

The first thing the body get rid in a situation of starving or intense stress is HAIR !


Just bought it. I am also looping it in during night for a few hours and during the day a few times. Already felt it working in my right leg. (In the past I’ve hurt my right hip and in general seems my right part of the body is more sensitive…)

Playing it in combination with PU Arcturian Negentrophy Chamber. Wondering what will happen overtime :wink:


Nice! I’m happy for you! Hope you get all the healing you need. Update us on your progress whenever you can. Happy new year!


Are you saying you use this field before all of your physical fields?

As you stated that you play it several times per day before (physical) fields, doesn’t the description say that it wipes out the fields that came before it? I would certainly like to achieve better physical field results as well.


Hey there, I believe he is referring to this field:

Best of luck to you :+1:


This is why personally, I play it 1-2 times on a Sunday morning with auric repair 4-5 after. It provides a really solid cleanse of all the dense energy, including the energy load from fields :relaxed:

Ego dissolution is one to play a couple of times a day, usually before an important stack


I just purchased this today and it’s amazing. Instantly worked on all places where I have problems, including the brain. And you can really feel this heal, not just tingle. Two plays were all that I could handle, it’s freakin strong.
I am new to Sapienmed and only own a handful of fields so far, this one has been absolutely the best.

Also my first post, hello people :)


Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for sharing your experience with this field with us.


I finally have this, it’s time for the healing to begin


I have noticed that after lunch, my energy level keeps status quo or even better whereas in the past I did get a dip in energy. I am using the field less than a week, but more than 3 times a day.

I think this field has to do with it.

Currently playing arcturian healing chamber (PU) and Higher self healing (PU). They have a different kind of healing.


im definitely saving up for this field next

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Used this continually for a little less than two weeks, thrice a day and the results were incredibly profound, with each day the fields grew in strength and started to affect my body in miraculous ways.

One downside however is that it began depleting my life force, so I sought ways to draw and recreate this life force but then in the end still sleep was a necessity.

So what I now do is I run it for streaks of a 9 days listening just one a day, letting it build exponentially in power then allowing for a three day release. In these three days what tends to happen is the momentum discontinues and the body gains more life force / resources whereby the results start to become even more apparent as the intentions and it’s respective bodily processes are fulfilled and executed.


Man, as a guy who has a lot of health issues in 2022, starting 2023 with this audio was incredible! Today after having my typical lunch (a subway sub) and chose to listen to this Plasma Flaunt once after I ate. And instead of feeling tingly and groggily I felt energized like crazy! Spent 3 hours dancing in my car, music blasting as I sped down freeways in the gorgeous Florida sun! :sunny: I was also super happy and friendly to my customers at work! I literally felt like a million dollars and just having all the energy cycle through me today was really pleasing! Really feel like something in me is healing and I’m giving all credit to this audio!

(Note: I do loop it overnight along with another one of my subliminals. I know at some point it might make me need more sleep or some unpleasant symptoms down the line, but my god, the highs of today were exactly what I needed lol.)


Hi everyone, I recently found Sapien med and really enjoy reading the forum. I purchased the Plasma Flaunt and the course. Could I be doing the course audios and Plasma Flaunt at the same time? So far I listened to Plasma Flaunt once and feel very present and focused. Thanks


Welcome to the forum!

Re-read your course instructions (because the following is me, working off my memory, so you’ll want to verify this) but I believe the course instructions ask you to use only the course audios, certainly for the first part of the course, perhaps for the entire first run of your course. (Some people like to repeat the course after their first run through.)

This is so you don’t overtax your energy systems (but you already knew that).

It’s also because you want to develop your skills in working with and understanding your energy systems. That’s one of the intentions of the course. And it makes that learning harder to accomplish when you have the “background noise” of other fields. It’s a much tougher task to discern which field is producing what effect in your perception, you see?


Hi WellBeing,

Thanks for your answer. That is what I thought too. I think I’ll play with this field for a week or two then restart the course when I am doing nothing else. I feel really amazing right now after just 1 listen of PF, focused, motivated, happy, confident, energized… wow.

If you have today’s zoom link, could you PM me?



Sounds like a plan! Glad you’re enjoying PF.

Sorry, I don’t. I have other stuff I need to do at that time, so never signed up for it. Is there no information to get the link on the On the Horizon 2023: Public Zoom Chat thread? Or at least, sign up instructions to get the link? (Honest questions because, as I’ve said, I haven’t focused too much on it.)


All good. I PM’ed Sammy for link. Thanks.

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Clarification question: does PF work on clearing and growing the chakras? I saw there are 4 or 5 chakra clearing and growing fields. Would be cool if they are all in here. If not it would be great for Dream to make an updated plasma chakra field. Thanks