The Plasma Flower

Beautiful review @soulsmile :blush::partying_face:

Ill start the new job on the 10th i cant wait to play it there, my job’s field is like stock market kind of stress jealousy heavy energy :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth: and im pretty sure I accepted It because i knew ill have all these tools to succeed at it :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

I shall come back to report :yum::sunglasses:


I think more so… its life giving you more life.

Drop millionaire mindset on that, and be sure to let me know, cause i will invest in you ;)

btw… post up your menus!


So the node connector is the updated version or in addition to? I mean do we alternate audios or just need to listen to the latest, its shorter so I wasn’t sure…


This one.
But other one is still powerful and serves it purposes, it’s just not getting you to the “node” of everyone else listening to it.

See the the range after a few days of the original one here.


Perfect thanks!

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Was playing the node one while doing a global blessing meditation with my good friend and family (conducted by a qigong master and tibetan monks). Maybe you guys felt it as a node? It was a cleansing and loving energy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Get a few of them to add the Mass Meditation Video at low volume to their meds to really boost the results!


So one doesn’t have to hear this field at all for it to work, right?

Also, what is the region it affects(whole house, one room etc)?

Thank you so much.


sst … don’t say it too much or those who want the matcmaker tag back, take this by storm. :smile:

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Just did another session with it!


hmm well now that you mention it! i feel like this morphic field along with reach for the stars (enhanced glory) could work even better than the matchmaker that is no longer sold!

i’d definitely be all in on an enhanced plasma matchmaker & glory tag!


I just mentioned your comment, this one below

Been looping this audio on my computer for the last few days, feeling good in the house.

First day at the gym starts today! @GoddessesAndGod will be listening to this one to see anything.


Just got these audios today and will report my results later. I have a very negative family so this will be interesting to see over the next few days how it changes them.

On that note, my sister is pregnant, so can i play this audio whenever visiting her? I’ve been avoiding playing fields around her but wasn’t sure if Flower field can be used


yes you can play it for her


No, one doesn’t. That’s correct.

From this thread:

From this thread:


More and more people come up to me while my dog and i walk our neighbourhood!

Usually it’s their dogs who want to get to know my dog.

I have only played plasma flower about 3-4 days during these walks.


Thank you very much!


I’ve had an interesting experience with having this for a bit over 24 hours.

Yesterday I only played it for 3 hours. I was alone in my room for most of it. Right from the beginning I felt a huge rush of energy and felt happy, but after about 20 minutes I just felt calm.

Today I played it around 8 hours. The volume is so low that you really have to focus to hear it

I felt happy all day, like really happy. I felt like laughing for no reason and a few times I let out a random little laugh and my sister thought I was weird lol

I have a guy that comes to help me out (PSW) and he’s usually not in a good mood in the mornings. Usually doesn’t talk unless he has to. I had the audio playing very low and he was smiling at some points but not talking. But then about 30 minutes or so later, he started talking to me and joking around.

Went to my sisters place and played the audio and it was such a peaceful atmosphere. Usually there’s a buy of arguing between her and her husband but none tonight!!

Here’s the most interesting though. My dad is very angry person, many times I feel as if he’s got entity attachment because he get very angry for such small things. The entire time I played the audio at home, he would avoid going into the room where it was playing. It’s strange that he would jyst stay away from the room. Then when we were going to sisters house for dinner, my dad didn’t want to come. He doesn’t know about any of this stuff. I just found it strange that he is avoiding the audio.


i feel like this is one of the beauties of The Plasma Flower!

min level is enough for the effects to work.

i have been looping this on blast when i drive around. literally feels like being inside a waterfall and there are so many exquisite notes you don’t catch at 1% volume.

definitely becoming more obvious who is playing which ‘game’. these audios help me figure out in subtle ways where people are at in their journey. (just an example and my personal experience!)