The Plasma Flower

hehe, you haven’t felt peaceful til you play this… it’s a whole other level!

Always great for workplace. Almost necessary.



@_OM I had a dream a while ago that I was turning a never ending corner and I could never see the end. That was the only way I could describe it until I saw that Gif. When I saw the image of the vortex I had a mini flashback of the dream. The vortex gif describes my dream better then my never ending corner analogy. I wanted to ask if you knew what it was or why I had the dream but then I got a little nervous and decided not to ask instead.


spiraling implosive waves are the basic blueprint of all live, so if you’ve been listening to any of Dream’s newer fields, you were getting that message in some way.


This dream I had like 2-3 years ago. I just recently started listening to morphic fields about a year ago so I don’t think it’s that. I suppose the dream was trying to tell my subconscious what you are now telling me now. I just don’t know why. I’m probably just thinking to deep into it tbh.

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Sounds right! :+1: I’ve had ‘visions’ and ‘dreams’ about torsion waves well before I had the slightest clue what they were as well.


Play all three at one time. One device or three. Instruct a servitor to assist you with processing and separating the fields. Focus on each, bring them through you in a torus field, and propagate them out into your local environment. Just be, while gently directing the energy flow through observation of the path you desire it t take.

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Woah, increasing the volume sharply increases the intensity of the ‘initial radius’. The density of the energy seems to be stronger.


Sounds a little advanced for me. I’ll have to give it a try and see. Thank you!


I’ve been looping this on my phone literally 24/7 on low volume since it came out. I don’t think I’m gonna stop, too peaceful :).




A post was merged into an existing topic: Angelic intercession Question

Everything’s too advanced for you until you’ve done it.


Thanks @_OM !

Does it mean we can play Essence of Mantras all day on low volume, while we play other fields on other devices, same as Plasma Flower?

They work on you like the other fields, so it is probably not officially recommended.

However, Essence of Mantras won’t conflict with anything else, so I’d be all about it.

I literally have a script that plays 16 youtube videos at one time. I am sure you will be fine with this and one other. See how it works and report back!


Thank you so much @SorcerySupreme! I will report back!

did this yesterday at work on low volume for 3 hours (i do kitchen work at a bar) and we reached a record of most sold meals…
my intention with the field was to nail work and be better at my job cause i’m still newish , guess plasma took that too srsly lmaoo
in a situation like this i would stress out and not feel grounded, but i had some grip and my co worker was surisingly calm. i could see the look on her face and she seemed grounded even though i kept messing up everything lol


oh and also i was cutting open a lemon that day and there was a lil seed mid growth and it looked exactly like a flower
was wondering if plasma was telling me the classic quote ’ when life gives u lemons … ’
cause work has been driving me crazy, negative and just soul deprived recently cause ive have to do a few 12 and a half hours shifts with one day off during the week (many other problems too)

was thinking that maybe its a sign trying to tell me that ican either be in a bad mood and neglect sleep and feel shitty at work or just get into it and change my mindset ect.


Will Plasma Flower make my old car brand new?


Well looks like you’re the first 100,000 pts winner!