Have you been plagued by inaction and procrastination? I surely did. So with the kind help of Captain, this NFT designed to facilitate taking action and end procrastination is created.
The basic assumption behind this is that most of the times, we just need to start doing something small but not dreading on our seemingly unreachable goals. It’s the inner resistance that prevents us from doing the right thing at the right time. Once we start to do just the tiniest bit of things, gradually it will gain momentum and we would look back and realize there had been no need to procrastinate. It’s the first step to just do something that takes the most of the activation energy.
Willpower surely brings a person to achieving his or her goals, but not all people have the iron will. We may feel daunted just knowing there is so much to do, and then the lazy boy/girl in us just, ehh, and backed out. It’s the mental friction force that prevents us from taking the first step of of actions.
This NFT is designed to reduce the mental friction force that keeps you from doing the first tiny thing to zero or near zero, and with a little bit of push from the external world to guide you into taking actions and hence eliminate procrastination and inaction.
No willpower is needed to overcome procrastination by design of this NFT. Of course, the conventional way of overcoming procrastination and inaction by willpower is still legit. This NFT just provides an alternative approach that does not require mental grit.
The original concept of it was a magical mental and environment catalyst. But it eventually grew to become a process that uses similes of the physics behind chemical reactions. Efficiency and effectiveness of your actions are also emphasized for being a good Re-Actioner.
Enjoy the art created by Captain. 10 copies in total was made for this project.