The Re-Actioner (Testimony)

Have you been plagued by inaction and procrastination? I surely did. So with the kind help of Captain, this NFT designed to facilitate taking action and end procrastination is created.

The basic assumption behind this is that most of the times, we just need to start doing something small but not dreading on our seemingly unreachable goals. It’s the inner resistance that prevents us from doing the right thing at the right time. Once we start to do just the tiniest bit of things, gradually it will gain momentum and we would look back and realize there had been no need to procrastinate. It’s the first step to just do something that takes the most of the activation energy.

Willpower surely brings a person to achieving his or her goals, but not all people have the iron will. We may feel daunted just knowing there is so much to do, and then the lazy boy/girl in us just, ehh, and backed out. It’s the mental friction force that prevents us from taking the first step of of actions.

This NFT is designed to reduce the mental friction force that keeps you from doing the first tiny thing to zero or near zero, and with a little bit of push from the external world to guide you into taking actions and hence eliminate procrastination and inaction.

No willpower is needed to overcome procrastination by design of this NFT. Of course, the conventional way of overcoming procrastination and inaction by willpower is still legit. This NFT just provides an alternative approach that does not require mental grit.

The original concept of it was a magical mental and environment catalyst. But it eventually grew to become a process that uses similes of the physics behind chemical reactions. Efficiency and effectiveness of your actions are also emphasized for being a good Re-Actioner.

Enjoy the art created by Captain. 10 copies in total was made for this project.


Update: I don’t feel resistance when it comes to do the chores, also I did attend a life changing seminar on Sunday and without this NFT I would have easily skipped it due to procrastination.


Some people see results immediately. :partying_face:

Personally I am not that sensitive to see immediate results. I am planning to use this NFT with The Unbreakable. Another resonable combination would be this NFT plus Unstoppable Willpower, I think.

Let’s go, brrrrr. :bullettrain_side:


maybe try using crystalify


whats crystalify?

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part of the energy course


Seems like this is one that would have large utility and benefit to the public at large. Wishing this was a public NFT.


You can always make a better or more viable alternative bro.

Up to you of course.


Actually I had a difficult to gather enough people to make this project… So I don’t know whether is it going to sell if this was a public NFT.


I managed to get a copy. Made it into a dog tag. Day 1 was immediate effect in getting me to power through work. Almost manic. Day 2 I was experiencing some reconciliation and couldn’t get myself to do much of anything. Day 3 I was back to power through things. I feel off this morning, like reconciliation again but I also felt like I overdid it on fields yesterday including listening to Panchanga fields a couple times through.


I think do everything in moderation is the best… :grinning:

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I need a full time moderator in my life.


Hi everyone,

I’ve noticed a trend recently that overall less reviews and testimonials are written publicly :cry:. So I wanna re-enable the habit do so again. I thought why not start with this gem…

Please note that I have numerous NFTs, tags and fields playing in a day. Thus it is not a given that a particular result was merely caused by one specific NFT.

The Re-Actioner
I have received this NFT about a month and a half ago.
At first, I noticed absolutely nothing lol. Which was discouraging, to say the least.
Not only did I notice no difference at all, I would even go ahead and say I was even less motivated to work on stuff than before acquiring the NFT. Talk about a first impression… :no_mouth:

So what did I do?
I borrowed it away haha.

Side note:
I sincerely recommend lending out NFTs that you aren’t actively using to other users whom you consider might benefit from said NFT. They will likely offer you one in return. Because its this day and age of 50+ NFTs in a single wallet, and it is without a doubt you aren’t using all at once.

My life went on as usual without The Re-Actioner.
Then things began to shift…

I picked up a previous habit again and worked at it. It was effortless. Not only that but I went into it with an attitude of curiosity rather than a need to achieve some specific goal.

Well, alright, I thought. That might be a total coincidence.
At this point I asked for the return of The Re-Actioner. I had also printed it out and keep it in my pocket for an extended period of time during the day.

The picking up of the old habit acted like a catalyst. I added a second habit on top of it, just to see how it would go. And again, a seamless integration. I began looking forward to my daily habits.

Well, thats pretty interesting so far, I thought. I knew that in the past I would 100% procrastinate on habits, especially multiple in a day.

So what did I do?

Bingo, I added even more.
At this point, I have up to five habits added, all very smooth, and to all of them I am looking forward on a daily basis. There is excitement enabled to what the future holds with such productivity.

I have even noticed on days where I am tired, I still do the stuff, and it does not feel like willpower. The achievement feeling is a tad addictive and overall a very nice feeling to have.

On top of that, I don’t feel burnt out at all, I am merely excited for more.

It was fascinating for me to witness how re-starting with the previous habit created almost a springboard - more and more pathways to do more. That and it feels as if everything becomes EASIER.

Another thing I have noticed is: this made me more organized and I am more prone to cut down a bigger project into doable and achievable tasks and work at them on a day to day basis.

If you read the description for The Re-Actioner again…

…you will notice that this perfectly alligns with my experience and that’s despite the fact I thought it wasn’t working when I first received it!! Isn’t that something? (Think about all the NFTs where you thought they aren’t working, but clearly they are doing sth with you, you are simply not aware of what is happening yet)

Add to all of that, my mind keeps coming up with ideas about more habits to try out. :rocket:

And you know what is even more funny?
I feel like the results are permanent! I have already borrowed it away again and I still work at my habits day after day…

Thanks for reading.
I hope to write more reviews in the near future.
Have a nice day!


Congratulations. You got quintessence for this NFT. After all, the ver. 0.1 draft of this project was “The Catalyst” and has only this concept and nothing else.

Althoght it’s not spcefied as a new habit cultivator prject, but the first step of getting out of a rut and starting a new habit is the same: just do something small to activate and gain momentum until it does not tax on your willpower, which is a much more limited resources.

And to think of what is a habit? It’s a thing you do and do again without thinking or arduously will yourself to do. It’s a “repeated act.” This project is Re-Actioner. Connected the dots? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad that this helps you in real life.


I got an inquiry about the use of Re-Actioner for people with ADHD. My suggestion is to be cautious with this NFT if you have ADHD.

This was not designed to handle ADHD, because it is non-selective in what action to take. The scenario I had in mind when submitting this project was, a person who have not been doing things for too long and lacks the courage/energy/willpower to start doing “something” to kickstart the process of doing things.

So, for example, if you have ADHD and struggled to make progress in your life because you are hopping around different things and not making any progress in any of them, then this NFT may actually accelerate your hopping rate. Hopping between tasks is also a kind of action, and in certain scenarios, perhaps this is a good skill.

A “smart path designer” was included in the draft, but I’m not sure the exact implementation of it from Dream. I think it would not worsen ADHD, since there is an energy conserving aspect in its design. But if your main difficulties are not lacking momentum, but having a momentum too divergent, this will probably make you the best task hoppers.

The main concern of this project is to start, accelerate and keep the momentum of doing the right things. This was how I viewed why people procrastinate at the time. Procrastination may have many causes, and my solution to it may not be the most suitable in cases of ADHD.


To make things easier to understand. It’s all about your energy state. Mental energy, physical energy or whatever energy relevant. This NFT is made to help you complete tasks and works even when you have very little energy in stock.

  • Your procrastination is because of low energy → This is for you.

  • Your procrastination is because of other reasons → This may or may not be for you, depending on your issue.

  • Your procrastination comes with high energy or agitation or hyperactivity → Use this with caution, or to be on the safer side, avoid.