The Requests and Fields

@Ugninis, dear friend thank you for your elaborate response. Yes, I am familiar with the concept of Soul Fragmentation.

The Soul Series is not directly aimed at retrieving those Fragments, at least as far as the description is concerned. Therefore, I have suggested for Sapien to create such a field as it is highly valuable for those of us who have done intense shadow work, have been traumatized, feel incomplete, and want to regain their sense of childlike wonder and wholeness.

Fragmentation usually happens when a person discards a piece of its self-identity, resulting in a dissonance between that part of oneself – now the Soul can not be harmed or damaged, but it does incarnate in the body, and in doing so gets flushed through a Mental clockwork (self-identity) if you will stop pieces will feel blocked like a dam of water, because of this dissonance. With Soul Retrieval, a Spiritual Healer will attempt to journey into that person’s subconscious and negotiate those parts of the being to return home.

Some of these fields banish negativity in the Aura, when looking at our energetic system, it is paramount to remove the underlying causes of this negativity. Aura clearing is successful and useful only when the negativity was infested from external sources. Sure, when it is projected from internally, it might clear temporarily but inevitably this energy will return back into that person’s Aura.

By doing inner-work and becoming whole, having self-love and appreciation, being fulfilled and at peace will give us a vibrant Aura, almost akin to a Son which negativity cannot penetrate because the darkness is merely an absence of Light.

That being said, the Soul Series will surely heal a Fragmented Soul, overtime, but I believe a field entirely focused upon retrieving Soul Fragments would be absolutely worthy of creation.

Would you mind elaborating on what Elemental Alchemical Ability is supposed to do and how it would aid Soul Fragmentation?

My blessings,

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