The Requests and Fields

The Book of Servitors - A physical or pdf book that has many different servitors that one can make :slight_smile:


A field to increase the immunoreactivity and expression of androgen receptors in specific areas of the brain, to effectively simulate ‘The Winner Effect’ and improve mood, confidence and sociability. ( In the limbic system, dorsal medial amygdala (dMeA), bed nucleus of stria terminalis, and nucleus accumbens, medial preoptic area (MPOA))

Socially ‘dominant’ rats showed increases in brain androgen receptor immunoreactivity in the dorsal medial amygdala (dMeA) and ventral lateral septum (vLS).

A similar effect is seen in AR gene expression in fish after ‘winning’

The winner effect specifically in humans, mediated by androgens, so this field will not be effective for females.

The winner effect is an increase in specific areas of the brain to androgen sensitivity. There is also an interplay between dopamine and other chemicals, as the brain is extremely complex, but androgen receptors are the primary components. In Animals, this effect is purely seen in direct physical confrontation, and as a result the winner effect self prorogates an increase in aggression in dominant animals and a propensity for physical confrontation.

However, humans are much more complex animals and reaching the top of a social hierarchy is rarely if ever determined through physical confrontation, particularly in developed societies. As a result this field would not result in aggressive tendencies but actually a confidence and mood elevation that comes form ‘soical dominance’ or ‘winning’. In animals increases in testosterone mediate aggression, however in humans it actually facilities sociability and other ways of gaining status.

Now why would the effects of this field not be covered by androgen fields? well androgen receptors are much more important in mediating androgens effect in the body then androgens themselves. The majority of people do not lack adequate levels of testosterone. Instead it is a lack of androgen receptors. A 100% increase in testosterones will have significantly less effects on someone experiencing the behavioral effects of androgens than someone with a 10% in androgen receptor immunoreactivity or gene expression in the limbic system and other regions of the brain. (As you can see the amygdala is one of the regions involved in this. Your ‘New Perspectives’ and ‘PTSD’ fields are amazing and increasing ARs here will actually assist and complement these fields)

Of course, simulating this winning is of course ‘cheating’; but in my opinion will only result in positive outcomes. It will elevate mood and confidence and also help alleviate a lot of sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and libido.

An example of these benefits in humans

Tribulus increases brain androgen receptor immunoreactivity through DHEA-mimetic Protodioscin.

Tribulus is prescribed in TCM and Ayurverdic medicine for libido, sexual weakness, mood and athletic performance.

However Tribulus does not perfectly mirror the ‘Winner effect’, as it only increases AR in some areas. Of course increasing AR in specific brain areas will further enhance these positive effects and biologically instill a confidence and assertiveness. There is a lot of fields by Captain for mental health, social anxiety and general confidence, and a lot of fields which people use indirectly for these concerns. By simulating social dominance these concerns will be naturally remedied.

Of course by avoiding other parts of the body, body hair growth and oilyness and other such andorgen mediated effects will be avoided.

Hope you give this a consideration Captain. Cheers!


I was wondering if there could be an audio for YouTube success. An audio to help with getting in the mentality or the vibration of getting more views, likes, comment, and subscribers. If this post is out of place or is a bad idea, I apologize in advance.

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An environmental divine love bomb which illumintaes all the illusions. Which reminds the human species of their true origin.

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have you considered the glory tag? Designed to take you to the top in your goal

Really? I didn’t know that. Thank you.

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A cone of power version to use in group like the plasma flower connector but this connect people who integrate a specific group.
You could use to achieve group goals such as finish a project in time, win a sport match/event, reach expected sales in a business, etc.
Every member should know the goal and each one play the field ( they don’t need to be preset at the same physical place).


Yes! I have this enhanced glory. And it is supposedly making any of your goals with success. Whatever you are trying to do. It also has glamour linked to it so that whoever sees your presence. You are very glamorous. To them. Therefore people will like to interact with you more

Thanks man, will look into it. Its just a bit disheartening that noone suffering from this on this forum has been able to defeat it yet, as far as I can tell. :roll_eyes:

I found this :slight_smile:
also try to find the root cause of your dandruff

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Hey dream, could you make a skin de-tanner please? It’s quite a big issue, those with yellow brown skin look dark with years of sun tan. Please please please please…

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You meaaaaaan



and it has tons of bennefits

oooooooohhh ? its this avalaible , yes it is!!!


It’s temporary…I was asking something that could do away with the dead skin+ melanin levels for a more permanent effect.

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Go for DNA REPAIR instead!

Skin has the more damage

You can fix it!!!

This is more directly to your issue , i re readed it!!

Even the Danchou Mentioned the specific Skin stuff

You can try it with high win ratio!


There was a hidden stash some time ago. That included skin whitening and darkening (permanent) . Not sure if it’s still available.

It is no longer available.


Any field please… With an interpretation of the music played in the town in Diablo 1… That music haunts me to this day honestly

Might seem like an odd request, but I’m sure many will find it to be helpful - immunity to psychological warfare of any type, manipulation, guilt tripping and gaslighting.
Strengthening your mental and psychological defenses, staying true to your boundaries and being assertive.

A lot of people have a lot of mechanisms in place, that make them compliant and lack in boundaries/autonomy/sense of self/assertiveness.
The less people we have who can stand up for themselves, the less we have that can stand up for others.

not to mention, psychological warfare comes in many different modalities (projected doomsday scenarios, advertising, beauty standards, coercion) and so on.

Thank you in advance, hopefully this can be considered.


Sakwala Chakraya portal

Increase Fat in Face
Increase Fat of the:

  • Central forehead
  • Middle forehead
  • Infraorbital compartment
  • Medial cheek compartment
  • Nasiolabial compartment
  • Middle cheek compartment
  • Lateral orbital compartment
  • Creating High malar fat pad
  • Superior jowl
  • Inferior jowl

The Face Lift field addresses the ligaments that stretch which is great, but does not increase fat pads.

These are sites are where HA Filler is used in beauty/cosmetic industry, but injected HA is ultimately toxic.

Another industry you can put out of business…