The Requests and Fields

Don’t know if it can be done but I’m feeling creative today

Simulate a cycle break

If you’re taking SARMS or other help in performance, sometimes they tell you you need to cycle off for a period of time before you can cycle back on

Perhaps a field to simulate a PCT and cycle break so that can be much shorter like a week rather than a month or two

So you don’t lose any gains etc.


The Blueprint of Dreams (shattered dreams restore)

A complex of fields and subfields that include Point of No Return, Childlike Wonder, Childhood Trauma, and others similar to take back the dreams and the life you wanted when you were a child or when you were young.
In short, a Blueprint focused on the job and career you would have lived before traumas and events appeared in your life.
Also useful for finding work or a new job.


A field to encapsulate the heart-based energy of the Sufi-s and the Whirling Dervishes will be amazing!


An updated version of the Slow Down the Perception of Time Audio please.


Gut Microbiota Rejuvenation, young to old FMTs, Skin microbiota pathways to tackle skin aging

  1. Fecal transplants reverse hallmarks of aging -- ScienceDaily
  2. Hair regrowth following fecal microbiota transplantation in an elderly patient with alopecia areata: A case report and review of the literature - PMC
  4. The Skin Interactome: A Holistic “Genome-Microbiome-Exposome” Approach to Understand and Modulate Skin Health and Aging - PMC
  5. Skin aging: The skin’s microbiome may play a key role
  6. Ageing and rejuvenation models reveal changes in key microbial communities associated with healthy ageing | Microbiome | Full Text
  7. Transplant of microbiota from long-living people to mice reduces aging-related indices and transfers beneficial bacteria - PMC
  8. Fecal microbiota transfer between young and aged mice reverses hallmarks of the aging gut, eye, and brain | Microbiome | Full Text
  9. Fecal transplant may have anti-aging benefits, study finds – UF Health Podcasts

Few things i was trying to compose in my private messages. These were public proposal projects. These concepts can seem childish but i will post it anyway. I don’t care.

Hair NFT

  1. Hair Expert: A divine being/servitor to have the perfect locks of thick, dense (5000 thick hair strands per square inch) , non greyed, immortal hair. This ethereal being is our hair expert who has extensive knowledge of hair care regimen , hair regrowth techniques from scientific discoveries and also keeps updating its knowledge base to include treatments , regimens specific to hair care and growth of beautiful luscious locks of hair. This being draws all its energy from the moon and the sun and stays in an eternal perfect balance of heat and cold. This being also knows all about hardware and manual techniques to promote hair growth and applies it to however he/she deems fit.
    a) Scalp massage with oils blessed with spells, for hair follicle renewal and hair growth. Also adds an optimal layer of fat over our scalp for laying out the optimal growth of hair
    b) This being also does energetic hair transplants from its own scalp (which is automatically regenerated in its own scalp) to our scalp wherever needed actively. It is always on the lookout for the utmost beautification of our scalp and applies whatever techniques he/she deems fit to apply it on our scalp.
    c) It effectively does energetic fecal microbiota transplants from its own self to our microbiota and effectively maintains an environment in the intestines to have this perfect state for the regrowth of hair in even such a being who has lost every single strand of hair. It has the capability to do such energetic FMT transplants by finding such teenage young hair models who have the most densest , thickest , non greyed locks of hair
    . Maintain that optimal state of microbiota in our gut indefinitely.

  2. Supplements and Serums:
    a) Topical application of a synergetic mix of polyphenols all three procyanidin oligomers- B-2, B-3 and C1 from apples, Cu peptide solution, Bio Cell Hair Serum and rt1640 (both mentioned down below in some stuff)
    b) micronized levigated pearl calcium from the south sea pearls (Pinctada maxima oyster), KSM 66 Aswagandha, Extract Of Brown Algae (Fucoidan), Procyanidin B2 extract from apples, Energetic B complex

  3. Revision of hair growth: The divine being finds a perfect hair model who has a thick crop of low hairlined hair and copies the exact growing conditions and effectively replicates and installs it in our scalp and hair like an energetic helmet . It does this procedure every single day starting from the age of 6 to current day to continue to nourish our hair
    a) Epigenetic bubble: An idealized advanced village of ethereal men and women who never succumbs to any hair problems whatsoever . Has the most densest , thickest, nongreyed and immortal hair. This idealized scenario is applied since our birth to current day (24/7) as a protective bubble for the growth and maintenance of hair.
    b) Correction of every bad habits in the past which led to the downfall of hair be it excessive discharge of body fluids or pulling of hair etc.
    c) Keeping the endocrine and hormonal system in perfect balance and also regenerating the thyroid in addition to keeping prolactin levels low/optimal all throughout life. Reduce inflammation in body.

The divine being constantly monitors our body parameters and actively carries out the following tasks:
a) Constantly filling our own reserves of antioxidant enzyme trio of glutathione, catalase and SOD dismutase and maintain it at an above average level.
b) Filling up of preheaven jing and chi to the fullest level to supercharge our energy reserves constantly .
c) Cooling the scalp , taking away excessive heat, pitta from liver , whole body and even the intestines. By using the cool energy of the moon.

The idea of the 24/7 epigenetic bubble is to constantly encircle and protect and direct in growing the best hair possible. The same way a soothing song via an earphone calms someone down in a chaotic room/environment, by triggering happy hormones or whatever. The same way, this bubble maintains or provides the best environment for the hair. Energetic shield to all factors which tries to cause disharmony in hair growth, cycles etc

Some stuff
Hair regrowth following fecal microbiota transplantation in an elderly patient with alopecia areata: A case report and review of the literature - PMC
Hair growth-promoting effects of Sargassum glaucescens oligosaccharides extracts - ScienceDirect.
THERADERM (Bio Cell Hair Serum)
RiverTown RT1640 Hair Loss Cure |


The 3 negentropic treasures into one audio similar to how the plasma audios are combined into plasma flaunt.


it feels amazing


Hope this is an NFT that everyone can buy

Thank you for making this request☺️



yes. But the Captain will first have to consider it. He can make it into a mandala+auddio in gumroad so that people can wear it and get benefits 24/7 or just a NFT


More than NFT, audio field would be good as this is a forever useful thing, no one would want to sell (I guess).


Upgraded version(s) of Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss + Glycolysis + Induced MOTS-c + AMPK + Enhanced Fat Metabolism all packed into one field if possible.


Afield with the energies or armonization protocol of PsicoPhysic. Its a therapy that armonizes, protect and heal. Its pretty usefull now to energetic cleaning and protection. The basic energies are Dar 4, Crystal energy, Esmerald energy, Essential Gold energy and Dar 5. There are more in te protoco like UV and A0 for cleansing emotions, etc… If you are interested I could give a record of a workshop.


:red_circle:Anti Bacteria targeted to Animals Specially Birds And Chicken

:red_circle:Fields to heal Respiratory System Of
Animals Speically Birds And Chicken

:red_circle:More Fields Targeted To Animals :yellow_heart:

Sadly the ones that already exist dont work for birds and chicken :disappointed: but they do work very well for animals like cats and dogs also rabbits.

I am ready to pay for them and make them public @Dreamweaver @SammyG :pray::bird:


An audio that specifically heals, repairs, etc all the neurotransmitters in the brain for mood health


One with the essence of the Lord’s prayer (our father in heaven)


A recording of Guided Journey Live: Energy Clearing & Expansion like the guided meditations . Free or paid . That was good and fun

May I possibly suggest a male/female duo album (2 individual tracks)… It might seem very detailed but in the long run I think these two can help pretty much everyone on the forum

One focused on Male Reproductive Health

  • Penile/Testicle Regeneration (healthy sperm/semen volume)
  • Removal of Varicose Veins down there or anything obstructing blood flow
  • Erectile Dysfunction reversal
  • Complete sensitization of Penile shaft/glans (emphasis on this)

One focused on Female Reproductive Health

  • Healthy ovaries
  • Healthy Uterus
  • Healthy hormonal levels for healthy period
  • Sensitization of whole vagina/clitoris (emphasis on this) for enhanced pleasure

U should add
*Healthy uterus

*Sensitization of whole vagina and clitoris
U should add and clitoris


and… done! Hopefully this is one request everyone here can agree on as it would benefit everyone!

Many men and woman have sexual dysfunction in one way or another, especially guys with ED or guys that are desensitized down there

Woman with unhealthy ovaries/uterus and are somewhat “Open” or desensitized down there as well

Obviously me requesting it over and over again will not work but if anything if maybe everyone agrees there could be a possibility of this being made, and could benefit really everyone here on this forum