The Requests and Fields


To help minimise or restore side effects from years of smoking weed and hash



:red_circle: Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field) - YouTube

:red_circle: Cellular Regeneration - Opera Hymn 118 Hz DESNA (Feat Sapien Medicine) - YouTube

:red_circle: Lung Antioxidant Field (Inflammation Help) - YouTube

:red_circle: Caryophyllene and Clove - YouTube

:red_circle: Lavender - YouTube



:red_circle: Throat and Chords - YouTube

:red_circle: Vocal Strengthening and Range Increaser (Energetically Programmed Audio) - YouTube


:red_circle: The Teeth Whitener Field - YouTube

:red_circle: Gum Regeneration (Energetically Programmed Audio) - YouTube

:red_circle: Gum and Lips Patreon



:red_circle: Brain Regeneration (Morphic and Energetic Programming) Experimental - YouTube

:red_circle: Overcome Any Addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing (sound therapy) - YouTube

:red_circle: Nerve Growth factor (targeted to brain and entire nervous system) - YouTube

:red_circle: Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex (Inflammation Help) - YouTube


Already Done :heart:

The Heart Healer


:red_circle: Dream Alchemy


Please bring back the old DMT field that used to be there on YouTube, I miss it.

A better alternative

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b12 field


The old experimental kidney stone treatment -

Can it be put on gumroad for sale?

I quite like it



Captain, a hack to accelerate metabolism if you are planning for this combo.


This article seems like a very good base for health and anti aging field. :)

The Genome Of The Immortal Jellyfish


Whole-body vibration stimation therapy


Free self-esteem audio. I think we only have 2, extreme self confidence/self esteem(old) and Self Respect (paid)


Permanent darker skin morphic field

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Tried several times but only once was a monetary gift; when you play with this do you do it once
or in a loop? Thank you.


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*Bone Shaker
not the same, but helps me.

CAR-T cell therapy

After CAR-T cells are cultured to a certain number, they are then infused back into the bloodstream of cancer patients, where they return to the body to perform the work of eliminating cancer cells. (Picture 1)

It is conceivable that every step of the preparation process of CAR-T cells needs to rely on small molecules on the cell surface to screen and monitor the cell status. It is often used in the development of therapeutics to screen and isolate T cells from complex blood samples. The specific antibody with fluorescence is used to bind to the antigen of the relevant T CELL, and then the fluorescence signal is interpreted by FC to show the information of the ratio of different immune cell types. CD33, CD64, etc. (indicator expression in B-ALL patients: CD3-CD14-CD64-CD33loCD19+), T CELL includes CD3, CD4, CD8, etc. In addition, after the CAR-T is reinfused into the human body, the proportion of immune cell subsets also needs to be detected to evaluate the therapeutic effect. For example, by FC analysis of the distribution of immune cell subsets in B-ALL patients before and after CAR-T treatment, it can be seen that the amount of CD3-CD19+ B cells will increase significantly, indicating that CAR-T immunotherapy has a certain effect. Proteintech has a complete FC antibody product for T cell surface antigens, 100% FC-validated, providing the most efficient T cell sorting solution!

When T cells are successfully isolated, the next step is to stimulate activation and expansion of T cells. Common tools for in vitro activation of T cells include anti-CD3, CD28 antibodies, cytokines IL-2, IL-7, IL-23, IL-15, IL-21, etc. According to Gargett et al., the co-culture of CD3/CD28 with cytokines IL-4 and IL-15 helps to obtain CAR-T cells with better expansion and durability. The Humankine series of proteins developed by Proteintech’s exclusive technology have a variety of essential cytokines for Car-T cell culture. According to GMP production specifications, they are the best choice for clinical use!

When the CAR-T cell is successfully constructed and reinfused into the living body, it is necessary to arrange experimental animals to evaluate the titer of the CAR-T cell, including the detection of inflammatory factors and target cell subsets. Cytokine concentrations in the serum of transfused patients were monitored to prevent the occurrence of cytokine storms. Among them, inflammation-related cytokines and chemokines such as IL-2, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, sIL-2Ra, etc. A reported subject of surveillance (Xu and Tang, 2014). Proteintech provides a variety of highly sensitive ELISA kits developed with Humankine, which is the closest to the real human target protein, as the antigen, which truly reflects the status of CAR-T cells:


How about Calea zacatechichi aka dream herb?

From wiki:
In Mexico the plant is used as an herbal remedy for dysentery and fever.[3] The Zoque Popoluca people call the plant tam huñi (“bitter gum”) and use it to treat diarrhea and asthma, and the Mixe people know it as poop taam ujts (“white bitter herb”) and use it for stomachache and fever.[4]
The Chontal people of Oaxaca reportedly use the plant, known locally as thle-pela-kano, during divination. Isolated reports describe rituals that involve smoking a plant believed to be this species, drinking it as a tea, and placing it under a pillow to induce divinatory or lucid dreams due to its properties as an oneirogen.[5] Zacatechichi, the former species name, is a Hispanicized form of the Nahuatl word “zacatl chichic” meaning “bitter grass”.[6] Users take the plant to help them remember their dreams;[2] known side effects include nausea and vomiting related to the taste and mild-to-severe allergic reaction.
While quite bitter if brewed in hot water, the bitterness can be considerably masked by brewing with Osmanthus flowers, which have a compatible scent profile.


I was wondering what happened to the Capital Gouvernance? Is it discontinued? Will something similar be created?
Thanks a lot!

I would really love a field for sinus congestion, infection and healing of this area.
I know there are rife frequencies for this but I believe that sapien fields (morphic and energetic) can be more in tune with the body’s whole (don’t really know how to explain it).
The throat file helps a bit but does not quite do the trick.

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Angel soul, following the concept of the Fae soul

I know I’ve already asked. Please Captain make a field or fields to heal all breathing related problems. Specifically to me, I cannot breathe fully through my nose (maybe 40%). I dont know why this is, I used to be fine untill around four years ago when suddenly I couldnt breathe properly (could possibly be psychological; this was after experiencing multiple losses in a short period of time). I’ve had blood tests and nothing. I’ve seen a doctor and they provided nasal spray which didn’t help. I"ve seen a consultant who operated: no change. The consultant said it could be inflammation but why I don’t know. Anyway thankyou.


Looks like a shock or trauma to the body, you can try trauma related fields and emotional release and see how it is improving.

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